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45 Cards in this Set

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periodical essay

Addison & Steele / Spectator & Tattler

short, affordable, frequently published, accessible, easy language, entertainment, ease of style

urban pastoral

representing rurality, rural activities, recreational

rural idleness

urban georgic

treats of countryside as place of labor/production

rural labor

town eclogue

apply to various kinds of short writings

pastoral/rural poetry


imitate/use elements of something for purpose of style



sub-type of parody

using conventions of a certain genre to mock society/people involved/represented

can take high style to low subjects, or vice versa

epic simile

extended simile of several lines, linking by 'so' or 'as'

mock epic

realistic/gritty content

satirizes epic; applies lofty language to low subject

closed couplet

2 lines of verse, sense of closure/containment, syntax comes to conclusion, strong pause


stopped at the end of the second line with punctuation

heroic couplet

rhymed pair of iambic pentameter lines

iambic pentameter

5 iambs of unstressed/stressed


pouring over of one line of poetry to the next


type of lyric poem that is mourning someone who's lost

more generally a poem of mourning/loss


to show a process of perceptions/feelings

single speaker taking you through thoughts/feelings

emotional process/thought


14 lines

petrarchan/italian = 8 lines, turn, 6 lines

shakespearean/english = 3 quatrains, turn, couplet


human capacity for sensory perception and emotions


type of poetry that mainly exists to tell a story


tragic incident

popular ballad

sub-category of narrative

told with dialogue

oral poetry, bare essentials, no extra, tight, refrain from editorializing, reader inferring

dramatic lyric

sub-category of lyric

"Tintern Abbey"

lyric that has another person present in poem


dramatic work written in lines of verse

blank verse

unrhymed iambic pentameter

byronic hero

introspective, moody, broods a lot, isolated, passionate nature, want to be in charge of their fate/independent, strange secret about them, super-intelligent, reject/defiant to authority, tortured figure, noble class/pedigree

closet drama

drama not intended for the stage or for being performed, just read


flawed, lacking in traditional qualities associated with heroes (power, strength, greatness, nobility, etc.)

elicit sympathy from reader

frame tale/narrative

story within a story/tale within a tale

objective correlative

external equivalent for internal state of mind


John Dryden


heroic couplet, conversational and clear prose, diverse ability

"Annus Mirabilis"

Anne Finch


high family born

retired into natural surroundings

"The Introduction"

"A Nocturnal Reverie"

Jonathan Swift



poetry never without a moral view

"A Description of a City Shower"

"A Description of the Morning"

Alexander Pope


unique: wit, satire, style, voice

large scope of issues being addressed

not afraid to take on large entities


"An Essay on Man"

"Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot"

"The Dunciad- The Triumph of Dulness"

"Essay on Criticism"

Samuel Johnson


critical voice, prose voice

truth and realism



concern for imagination

realities of human life and Johnson's work as a writer

novelty of change to solitude is at first good but becomes tedious

fancy/imagination very powerful

attempting to control nature/ascendancy

not to strive after any one thing

Thomas Gray


scholar, classicist, poet

surge of interest in lower class/rural folk

"Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard"

Charlotte Smith


mourning in poems comes from tough life

elegaic sonnets, popular, important to sonnet

nature in a diff. vein/ human concerns

"Written at the Close of Spring"

"Written in the Churchyard at Middleton in Sussex"

"On Being Cautioned Against Walking on an Headland Overlooking the Sea, Because It Was Frequented by a Lunatic"

William Blake


questioning authority, steeped in Bible

"Songs of Innocence"

"Songs of Innocence and Experience"

contrariness produces progression

William Wordsworth


"Simon Lee"

"We Are Seven"

"Tintern Abbey"

"Preface to Lyrical Ballads"

"The Prelude"

Lord Byron


known for being wild

fought for working class


Percy Bysshe Shelley



passionate, bucked pedigree

wanted to have a large audience/impact

"England in 1819"

"Ode to the West Wind"

"To A Sky Lark"

"A Defence of Poetry"

"England of 1819"

kings and princes

French Revolution 1815 Napoleon defeated at Waterloo

economic depression

peaceful demonstration led to Peterloo Massacre

"Defence of Poetry"

poets as legislators and prophets

unacknowledged legislators

that which is true, good, beautiful

as well as eternal, infinite, one

poets make laws (right laws) but are unacknowledged

Mary Shelley




frame tale

objective correlative

Frankenstein and Creature as Byronic Hero?

Anti hero?

Themes: education, domestic, sympathy

tragic hero

character neither thoroughly good or bad, evokes both pity and terror

tragic effect stronger if hero is "better" than reader is

suffers from some change in fortune - brought from happiness to misery

big change could be from a mistake in choice in action or could be a tragic flaw (i.e. too much pride)

misfortune seems to be too much, undeserved

terza rima

verse form, rhymed tercets linked by rhyme

aba bcb cdc ded etc

(i.e. "Ode to the West Wind")