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20 Cards in this Set

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Define BSE
Evaluation of the potential ability of a male to impregnate a given number of females within a defined breeding period and gives a rate for the male's ability at that point in time
What are the advantages of using 'superior rams'?
Increased lambing crop (more fertile and will service more ewes and more multiple births)
Which reproductive indices are positively correlated with scrotal circumference?
Increased size is indicative of increased efficiency including: increased sperm output, decreased age of female offspring at puberty, increased ovulation rate (multiple births), increased muscle to fat ratio
What is orf?
Infectious disease of sheep causing papular stomatitis around the mouth and teats
How long does spermatogenesis take in rams?
49 days (+10-14 days in the epididymis)
What are some things that reduce motility of ram or buck semen?
Urine contamination and cold shock
When evaluating semen morphology what is the minimum number of cells to be counted?
100 cells
How many ewes can an exceptional ram be expected to serve during a 17 day breeding period?
100+ ewes
True or False:
B. ovis serology should be a routine part of the ram BSE
True or false:
The ram BSE form is applicable to the buck.
False, there are no established guidlines in the buck
Scrotal circumference in rams and bucks is:
A. Larger during the fall than the spring
B. Correlated with daily sperm output
C. Correlated with multiple births in female offspring
D. Correlated with age at puberty of female offspring
E. All of the above
E. All of the above
Regarding the penis of rams and bucks, the squiggly structure at the tip of the penis is called:
A. Squiggly thing
B. Worm
C. Urethral process
D. Glans penis
E. Tickler
C. Urethral process
Which statement(s) is/are true?
A. Cryptorchidism is the failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum
B. Cryptorchids are undesirable breeding animals. If both testicles are affected, the ram is infertile.
C. If only on testicle is affected, the ram may be fertile, but he will pass the trait on to his offspring
D. A 'short scrotum' ram is a ram whose testicles have been elevated to the body cavity using a rubber ring
E. Short scrotum rams have performance advantages over wether lambs and are easier to handle than intact ram lambs.
All of the above.
How is libido of rams and bucks usually evaluated?
Based on observation
What is the usual cause of epididymitis of mature rams?
Brucella ovis
What typically causes epididymitis in young rams?
A. Histophilus or Actinobacillus
B. Eperythrozoon ovis
C. Brucella ovis
D. Brucella melitensis
Histophilus or Actinobacillus
What is hypospadias?
Abnormal opening of the urethra on the penis
What causes pizzle rot? How is it treated?
Corynebacterium renale, which hydrolyzes urea to ammonia which is irritating, remove animal from high protein diet.
Should cryptorchids be kept for breeding?
How would you make a teaser ram or buck?
Vasectomy or epididectomy