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268 Cards in this Set

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With active mental concentration, what type of brain waves do you see?
beta waves >12 Hz
What type of brain waves do you see with closed eyes and you become drowsy?
alpha waves (between 8-12 Hz)
Stage I sleep EEG is characterized by ___ activity
Which stage of sleep is characterized by theta waves that also includes sleep spindles and high amplitude groups of waves called K-complexes?
Stage 2
Which stage of sleep makes up most of sleep time in young adults?
Stage 2
What stage of sleep is associated with bruxism/teeth grinding?
Stage 2
In what stage of sleep are you more likely to see sleepwalking?
Stage 3/4, hence usually occurs earlier in the night
What is the average REM latency?
90 minutes
Is shortened REM latency seen in narcoleptic patients?
REM sleep behavior disorder usually occurs during what part of the night?
later in the night
What is the term characterized by a sudden physical collapse caused by the loss of all muscle tone after a strong emotional stimulus, such as anger, laughter or sexual stimulation?
What is an alarming symptom where there is inability to move the body for a few seconds after waking?
sleep paralysis
Sleep meds increase what stage of sleep?
Stage II
The ____ nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus acts as the main timekeeper of the brain
Light situmlates the production of CLOCK and BMAL1 in the ____ nucleus
What dimer inhibits the production of the CLOCK and BMAL1 dimer?
What neurotransmitters are wake inducing?
norepinephrine and dopamine
Is the ventral pre-optic nucleus sleep or wake inducing?
Does orexin support or inhibit wakefulness?
some narcoleptics are orexin deficient
The ___ nucleus of the hypothalamus is the site of integration of sleep signals
For the WADA test, during injection, typically the ____ hemisphere, the patient will have impaired speech and language or be completely unable to express or understand language
The spatial attention network is right or left hemisphere dominant?
A facial recognition network is located in what lobe?
temporal lobe, mostly lateral portions
Are symptoms such as depression, OCD, and anxiety considered deficit or productive symptoms?
productive symptoms
Monkeys with lesions to their amygdala show more or less expression of fear?
Does an assymetrical lesion of the amygdala lead to loss of fear?
No, only a bilateral lesion does
Can a person who injured her amydala draw the expression of fear?
Which nucleus of the hypothalamus releases CRH?
paraventricular nucleus, also releases vasopressin
Does the amygdala activate or inhibit the PVN of the hypothalamus to release CRH?
Does the frontal cortex serve to tonically inhibit the amygdala?
Is the orbitalfrontal cortex important in decision making skills?
Yes, phineaus gage injured this part of his brain and could no longer make good decisions
_____ is the critical neurotransmitter to driving the response for motivated behavior
____ is activated by money, pretty faces, and video gaming, known as reward center
nucleus accumbens
In order to be diagnosed with depression, you must have which of the 5 problems for at least 2 weeks or more?
depression or anhedonia (lack of pleasure in anything)
What is a marker of adiposity?
Mutation in what gene is the single known genetic cause of obesity?
Melacortinin 4
In the Minnesota Starvation Experiment what symptoms did subjects start experiencing after 24 weeks of semi-starvation?
obsession with food
loss of libido
hurting oneself
When the body is in starvation mode will there be a higher or lower body temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate?
lower, body trying to conserve energy
Does CCK make you feel hungry or full?
Does ghrelin make you feel hungry or full?
During gastric bypass surgery, you lose the production of ____, which can make you feel less hungry
All appetite signals are integrated in the ____
Does Peptide YY stimulate or inhibit appetite?
inhibit, is released when too much fat accumulates in the small intestine/colon (i think)
The largest concentration of leptin receptors are located where in the hypothalamus?
arcuate nucleus
POMC neurons work to increase or decrease eating? They are stimulated by? They produce what?
alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone, which binds to receptors such as melacortinin-4, decreasing eating
Do POMC neurons antagonize Neuropeptide Y neurons?
NPY work to increase or decrease eating?
Do they anatogonize POMC neurons?
Does NPY stimulate the production of alpha-MSH or AGRP?
Yes via GABA-nergic neurons
AGRP which antagonizes the melacortinin-4 receptor that decreases appetite
How does injury to the lateral hypothalamus affect appetite?
LH increase appetite. Therefore a lesion there will cause someone to lose their appetite and hence be very skinny

people who are calorically restricted pay more attention to the food related items due to projection of lateral hypohalmaic area to the cerebral cortex
Calorie rich food stimulate the production of ___ from the ventral striatum --> idea of food being an addiction
obese ppl have impaired release of ____ with food intake --> need more and more calorically rich food in order to achieve similar ____ feedback
Working memory is associated with what Brodmann area?
Is the anterior or posterior network of attention more voluntary?
Is the anterior or posterior network of attention more associated with regulation of motor activity and has connections to the basal ganglia and pre-frontal cortex (dorsal lateral and anterior cingulate cortex)?
Can the anterior attention network override the posterior attention network?
The superior colliculus, pulvinar, and posterior parietal lobe are all structures related to the anterior or posterior attention network?
posterior attention network
Do stimulants increase or decrease working memory? What about antipsychotics?
Stimulants increase working memory
Anti-psychotics decrease working memory
Which neurotransmitters are involved in working memory?
dopamine and norepinephrine
this is why anti-psychotics can impair working memory because it decreases the number of D2 receptors available for uptake of dopamine
What is a theory of how adults grow out of ADHD?
their right parietal lobe has more gray matter thickness
Is attention system dominant on the left or right side of the brain?
right, therefore damage to the right parietal lobe can lead to left side neglect

the left side of the brain is not dominant and can only attend to the right side, whereas the right side of the brain attends to both the right and left side
What NT systems are involved in delirium?
What type of medication should you stop if you think a person is having delirium episodes?
anti-cholinergic medicines
For you to be diagnosed with chronic pain, how long does the pain have to persist?
6 months
Peripheral nociceptors have cell bodies in what two ganglions?
dorsal root ganglion
face = trigeminal ganglion
Which channels, expressed on nociceptive neurons, are sensitive to noxious stimuli?
TRP channels
Tissue damage releases ___ and ____ ions from damaged cells
K+ and H+
Release of this substance during acute pain leads to stimulation of the release of histamine and vasodilation
Substance P
Which type of alpha fibers can dampen the pain signal?
Sensitization to pain can be increased via inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes. True or False?
Sensitization may occur due to 2nd messenger _____ of TRP channels or sodium channels in the pain pathway
Cognitive Insensitivity to Pain is caused by a lack of what type of fibers?
A-delta and C fibers
Do patients who have more activity in their anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and insula have more or less tolerance to pain?
less tolerance
Is high or low COMT activity associated with increased pain sensitivity?
this is one of the few genetic variations that could be a cause for different pain thresholds in people
Chronic back pain is associated with decreased gray matter where?
prefrontal (specifically dorsal lateral area) and thalamic gray density
mu receptor antagonists reverse pleasure related analgesia. True or False?
Dynorphin provides positive or negative feedback to the bodies own neurons to produce dopamine?
negative feedback
if you use exogenous drugs, dynorphin is activated and stops the body's own ability to make dopamine
Aspects of maternal behavior have been shown to be mediated by ___
Is there increased expression for arginine vasopressin during partuition?
increasing availabily of AVP promotes maternal behavior (even in virgins)
Viewing one's own children will increase activation of the orbitalfrontal cortex and lead to increased production of ____ from the ventral tegmental area/nucleus accumbens
Pups raised with mothers who were low lickers had greater or lesser methylation of the DNA promoter regions that transcribe glucocorticoid receptors?
but if you used an inhibitor of methylation the mice now display normal responses to stress
What two hormones are implicated in pair bonding?
Arginine vasopressin and oxytocin
Which hormone increases trust and decreases anxiety? Also decreases the processing of negative emotions?
Upon administration of this hormone there is increase in gaze time to the eye region when viewing faces
Administration of vasopressin during the dictator game will lead to the person being more or less alturistic with their money?
more alturistic, especially males
What is the dark side of oxytocin?
Makes people more likely to favor the in group rather than the out group
Damage to the ventromedial frontal lobe promotes utilitarian thinking. Would you throw a person onto the track then if you had this lesion to save the other 5 people?
Yes because takes emotions out of it, makes thinking quicker

Less processing time for moral decision making because emotions are absent
Women have more prominent ____ hemispheres, while men have more prominent ___ hemisphers
Is there a male or female advantage in spatial orientation?
As people age, does performance on spatial orientation tasks increase or decrease?
When females have high estrogen levels their performance increases or decreases on cognitive tests?
When females are in a good mood, do they perform better or worse on the spatial orientation test?
Is the size of the corpus callosum important more in men or women?
higher activation of ____ amygdala means women remember the scene better

What about men?
left amygdala = women
right amygdala = men
men--> the right amygdala is related to functinal connectivity that attend to external environment instead of the internal environment

True or False?
For ventral medial prefrontal cortex damage, which side of the lesion would be bad for women? men?
women- left
men- right
Male brain gets masculinized by ____
testosterone (IN UTERO)
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia results from excess exposure to androgens in ____
masculinzed women
less likely to show spatial orientation deficit
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome occurs in ____ and leads to external ____ genitalia
Do men or women function better with schizophrenia?
Estradiol is only related to the reduction of positive or negative symptoms of schizophrenia?
standard deviation of _____ predicts depressive symptoms if standard deviation is high
Estrogen treatment decreases depressive symptoms. However, estrogen does nothing for depression if there are no hormonal transition happening. True or False?
Does early removal of ovaries increase or decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease?
Women show decline in hippocampal glucose metabolism with age. True or False?
___ protects against verbal memory declines following surgical menopause
Estrogen therapy
Development of more dendritic spines may be behind learning. True or False?
The basal forebrain produces a a large amount of ____ as NTs and is malfunctioning in Alzheimer's disease
Is selective deficit in memory ability with relative sparing of other intellectual functional amnesia or dementia
The medial temporal lobe is important in setting down new memories. True or False?
Is recovery from retrograde amnesia usually shorter or longer than post-traumatic amnesia?
A characteristic of ____ amnesia is rapid forgetting
medial temporal
___ deficiency can lead to Wernicke Korsikoff syndrome
Predatory aggression is elicited in a cat via activation of the ____ hypothalamus
Defensive aggression is elicited in a cat via activation of the ____ hypothalamus
One explanation for overly violent acts may be the lack of sufficient inhibition from the _____ cortex
An overactive ____ can lead to excessive defensive aggression. However an underactive ____ have been found in psychopaths
Does vasopressin increase or decrease aggression?
Does lithium increase or decrease violent behavior?
Does low seratonin promote aggression?
yes, treatment with SSRIs have found reduced aggression in patients
Violence and aggression can be pleasurable because there is release of ____ from the nucleus accumbens
Is autonomic arousal seen in predatory aggression?
This part of the brain shows less activity in criminal psychpaths
chlorpromazine is used to treat what condition?
What abnormal brain features are found in schizophrenics?
enlarged ventricles
less gray matter
The reduced neuropil hypothesis has been used to explain what disease?
schizophrenia, smaller cells, less dendritic spines
Do schizophrenics show more or less activation of their frontal lobes compared to controls?
The GABA neurons that are implicated in schizophrenia are not limited in number, but have decreased expression of important genes that might impair the function of the cortex. What GABA neurons are these?
parvalbumin neurons
Do schizophrenics have more or less oligodendrocytes compared to controls?
Wernicke and later Kraepelin both postulated that auditory hallucinations were due to ______ lobe abnormalities
a smaller temporal lobe predicts more hallucinations
The odds of schizophrenia increased linearly with increasing number of hypoxia-associated obstetric complications. True or False
Reelin and its mRNA have been found to be reduced or increased in postmortem brains of schizophrenic patients?
Is schizophrenia associated with increased paternal age?
Amphetamines, which ____ dopamine at the synaptic cleft, can induce psychosis.
What is the only effective therapeutic agent against schizophrenia?
Dopamine antagonists
Are hallucinations a positive or negative symptom of schizonphrenia?
Does cerebral gray volume increase or decrease with schizophrenic patients?
What kind of structure is common to anti-psychotic drugs and a lot of dyes
methylene blue
Is cognitive dysfunction a diagnostic feature of schizophrenia?
One theory on schizophrenia suggests there is ___ regulation of the NMDA receptor
Medications that modify the ___ site on the NMDA receptor have been reported to improve the cognitive deficits in schizophrenia
Is there increased or decreased oxidative stress in schizophrenia?
The "late" model of ____ --> after birth, the brain has problems with pruning synapses or neuronal apoptosis and myelination processes
The gene neuregulin may be disregulated in ____
Is it true that maternal malnuturition increases risk of developing schizophrenia?
Are rural or urban people more likely to suffer from schizophrenia?
About 25% of patients with schizophrenia have a condition called the ____ syndrome, defined by severe and persistent negative symptoms.
In Alzheimers disease plaques are found ___ neurons whereas tangles are found ___ neurons
There is marked reduction in glucose metabolism in a patient with AD compared with a healthy control. True or False?
reduced activity in frontal and temporal lobes
___ can impair the development of long-term potentiation (LTP) as well as the memory for a maze in rodents.
A-beta amyloid plaques
There is some indirect evidence that demethylation of the DNA sequence coding for β-secretase results in increased production of that enzyme. This could result in greater production of A-β and a faster progression of what disease?
Pittsburgh compound-B can be used to visualize what?
beta-amyloid plaques
Neurofibrillary tangles can result from hyperphosphorylation of ___ proteins
Tau protein is increased or decreased in the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) of patients with AD
Does antispychotics accelerate or decelerated the cognitive deficits seen in a person with Alzheimers?
Does nerve growth factor help in decelerating the effects of Alzheimers?
Are you more or less likely to get Alzheimers if you have a higher education level?
less likely
α-Secretase is an enzyme that cuts the APP molecule in a manner that limits the production of β-amyloid and is enhanced in monkeys who were subject to what?
caloric restriction
Is Amyloid-β precursor protein (APP) increased in Alzheimers?
Anti-Aβ antibodies is the goal of the vaccine for what disease?
There must be cognitive deficits in ___ or more areas to be diagnosed with probable Alzheimers
Do older people have more or less CSF compared to younger adults?
ventricle to brain ratio increases or decreases as we age
As we age brain volume increases or decreases?
If the type of mild cognitive impairment you have is amnestic, you are more likely to progress to what type of disease?
What percentage of patients with MCI progress to Alzheimers?
Do we become more or less like our biological parents as we age in regards to intelligence?
Are people with higher IQ's more or less likely to develop PTSD?
less likely
Is the frontalparietal network recruited to solve difficult problems?
The most significant finding was that it was not the absolute thickness of the gray matter that correlated best with intelligence, but rather the ____
rate of change
The best-known agents in improving performance are the ___ such as the amphetamines and methylphenidate.
Mentally retarded children show deficits in ___ formation
dendritic spine --> implicated in learning and memory
There is increased activity for normal readers at two regions in the left hemisphere: a ____ region and a temporal/occipital region.
Creative individuals have ____ PFC blood flow, compared with less creative subjects
___ inhibition is defined as an animal's unconscious capacity to screen out and ignore stimuli that are irrelevant.
Individuals who have increased or reduced latent inhibition have been shown to be more creative?
When the inhibitions within the PFC were removed as the disease progressed the patient became more expressive in her art. Does this make sense?
Is dyslexia caused by a problem with the right hemisphere?
Crystallized intelligence evolved into verbal processing whereas fluid intelligence evolved into visuospacing processing. True or False?
Which, fluid or crystallized intelligence declines with age?
Is glucose consumption positively or negatively associated with IQ?
intelligent people may use their neurons more efficiently
A Dandy-Walker malformation leads to a deformed ____
Adrenoleukodystrophy is a ___ disorder
Kirby Bauer Disc Diffusion is used to test what?
antibiotic potency
Does the concentration of antibotic need to be higher for inhibitory or bacterialcidal effects?
Which part of the bacteria is most targeted by antibiotics?
cell wall
Vancomycin, penicillin, and cephlosporin target what part of bacterial synthesis?
cell wall, therefore effective when the cell is dividing only
Penicillin contains a ____ ring
Are Cephalosporins more or less resistant to lactamases compared to penicillin
What type of antibiotic is Carbopenam?
beta-lactam cell wall inhibitor
Vancomycin binds to the crossbridge of ____
What types of antibiotics are thiolactmycin, isonaizid, and triclosan?
prevent fatty acid biosynthesis, effective against mycolic acids such as mycobacterium
How do macrolides act as antibotics?
inhibit protein synthesis
50S subunit
What subunit do tetracyclins inhibit on the bacterial ribosome?
30S subunit
Erythromycin is what class of antibiotic?
Z-pack is a derivative of what antibiotic?
_____ form of seratonin gene conveys increased risk of developing depression
Is high or low concentration of the NT seratonin associated with depression?
One can induce depression by restricting what amino acid?
Norepinephrine and dopamine are thought to be high or low in depression?
In the manic phase of bipolar disorder there is _____ gabanergic activity and ____ glumatatergic activity
Is there increased or decreased dopaminergic activity in the manic phase of bipolar disorder?
Can D2 antagonists be used to treat mania?
Bipolar disorder is associated with __ calcium influx into cells
Lithium inhibits what and is used to treat what disorder?
Glycogen Synthase -3
used to treat bipolar disorder
Panic is associated with ___ dysfunction
Obsession and general anxiety are associated with ____ dysfunction
Anhedonia and psychomotor retardation is associated with ____ dysfunction
Fatigue is caused by ____ dysfunction
BDNF is increased or decreased in patients with depression?
There is increased BDNF expression when treating people with depression. True or False
Does stress impair or support neurogenesis?
Does treatment with SSRI increase or decrease the amount of neural progenitor cells in the brain?
Negative feedback mechanism with ____ can fail with chronic stress, leading to high levels of ACTH and cortisol
Excess cortisol can be damaging to the ______, and _____ acts as a break on the HPA axis
pts. with depression have been shown to have smaller hippocampuses
Stress and glucocorticoids ___ the expression of BDNF
Are increases or decreases of inflammatory cytokines associated with depression?
Interferon treatment can lead to depression. True or False
True, supports inflammatory cause of depression
For patients with depression, do they experience more or less REM sleep? what about slow wave sleep?
more REM sleep
less slow wave sleep
Do antidepressants increase or decrease REM sleep?
Do patients with depression show increased or decreased blow flow to the frontal lobe?
What is one explanation that depression could be a useful cognitive adaption?
People with anhedonia are more likely to be able to tune out distracting stimuli
Do smaller animals tend to sleep more or less?
The hippocampus is observed to be active during ___ sleep
Are cholinergic neurons more active during REM or non-REM sleep
Is depression worse in the morning or at night?
Hippocampal reactivation occurs during REM or non-REM sleep
non-REM sleep
Benzodiazephines are sensitizing to GABA and are used to treat people with sleep disorders. True or False?
Is there decreased REM latency in people who suffer from generalized anxiety?
Does muscle tone increase or decrease during REM sleep?
Is the ventrolateral pre-optic nucleus active at night?
Yes, sleep inducing
Under the influence of estrogen, mucus is thick or thin? Is it watery?
Where does decapacitation occurs where glycoproteins are added to sperm head?
After ovulation there is arrest of egg in _____
meoisis II
Sperm must penetrate ___ cells and do so with ___
cumulus cells
Sperm binds ___, undergoes acrosome reaction in and binds ____, becomes competent to penetrate ____
ZP3, ZP2, zona pellucida
Binding of sperm to the oolema leads to the production of the ____ and through this ______ sperm is able to enter oocyte
fusion pore
PLC are released by sperm, leads the production of IP3 and DAG from PIP2, IP3 releases calcium from endoplasmic reticulum, release of calcium induces cortical granule reaction. This hardens the ____ and it will become unpenetrable to other sperm
zona pellucida
Completion of meiosis II is brought on the the production of _____
maturation promotion factor (MDF)
In the blastocyst the inner cell mass leads to the ___, the outer cell mass leads to the production of the _____
____ are apical epithelial cellular protrusions of the endometrium of the uterus
Day 5 post fertilization the embryo can be termed a ____
When there is implantation, there is production of hCG, will bind to ____ receptors, rescue corpus luteum, will continue to produce progesterone
___ cells produced by the mother regulates invasion during implantation and inhibits migration of the implanting embryo
Exchange of gases and nutrients between the fetus and the mother is occuring in the ____ space
hCG is produced by what part of the embryo?
What two hormones are made by the placenta?
progesterone and estrogen
11 Beta HSD Type 2 changes cortisol to ____
_____ is specifically made during pregnancy (E3)--> weaker form of estrogen
Human placental lactogen (hPL) is produced by the _____ and ___ mammary gland growth and development and increases fetal glucose availability
During early pregnancy is the mother's metabolism focused on anabolism or catabolism?
later in pregnancy becomes catabolic
_____ and _____ contribute to metabolic changes, results in mother using less glucose, glucose is used for the needs of fetus
human placental lactogen
Placental corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is one of the hormones that is a signal of what?
____ stimulates the synthesis for surfactant which facilitates lung expansion
Corticotrophin releasing hormone
___ is a powerful uterine muscle stimulant
____ is produced by corpus luteum and then by placenta, relaxes connective tissue for birth --> cervical dilatation
At term there is much more PR-__ than PR-___ type, increase in estrogen-receptor alpha at term, in pregnancy, ______ is suppressing the expression of estrogen receptors, leads to myometrial relaxation
What hormone is more responsible for labor?
Does progesterone lead to uterine relaxation or uterine contraction?
uterine relaxation
Does progesterone lead to cervical rigidity or cervical ripening?
cervical rigidity
The hormone ___ induces cervical ripening
Mifepristone is a ____ receptor antagonist
progesterone, therefore will lead to an abortion because progesterone maintains the endometrial wall after implantation
Stimulus from suckling leads to decreased production of _____, this leads to increased production of ____
Breast feeding may be a way of contraception because breast feeding decreases the production of ____
Are oxytocin receptors found in the optic chiasm?
Romantic love has a strong correlation with activity in the caudate nucleus. True or False?
Many of the androgen effects of the brain are triggered by estradiol. True or false?
Is the paraventricular nucleus sexually dimorphic?
A smaller temporal lobe for a schizophrenic predicts more or less hallucinations?
Not doing well on the Wisconsin Card Sorter game suggests a defect where in the brain?
frontal cortex