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62 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
victory over death
Christ's resurrection
ALL mankind
grace alone
Eternal Life
victory over spiritual death
Christ's Atonement
righteous and obedient
grace AND works
What must we do to return to God?
Holy Ghost
War Chapters
Alma 43-Helaman 12
What is the significance of the war chapters?
To know how to fight our spiritual battles and how to avoid destruction
Major Themes of the Book of Mormon
Remember God and obey Him
Teachers the true doctrine of Christ
Beware of Pride
When is war justified?
when you're defending land, liberty, family, or defending a smaller country
Alma 32 is an answer to what question?
Is there a Christ?
(the FAITH chapters)
Who is the author of the Book of Mormon
Message of Korihor
Satan cannot and does not support his followers
Recognize our anti-Christs
What is the definition of faith?
Ether 12:6
hope for things unseen which are true
Why are the scriptures called the wise purpose of the Lord?
So we can have it and learn from it
Merits, Mercies and Grace of God
Merits of God -- mortal mother and immortal father, chose death, lived a perfect life, no sin, had a perfect love for us
Which is more important:
desires/intentions of your heart?
Intentions of your heart
What does "be perfect, even as I" mean?
live like/as Christ, try and accomplish the same things so we can return to God
What does "ye are the salt of the Earth" mean?
Salt symbolizes purity
Salt was used to make burnt offerings more acceptable
What was the Lamenite's curse?
they lost the Spirit?
Samuel the Lamenite prophesied it would be _________ until the Savior's birth.
5 years
Faith comes from...
the Gift of the Spirit, given as a result of righteousness
How many people were present when Christ appeared?
Why did Christ "cast His eyes round about"?
to make sure they understood
He perceived - appeared
a reminder of the 2nd Coming
Teachings of the Savior to the Nephites (3 Nephi)
"I am Jesus Christ" - testimony of himself
unity of the Godhead
Sacrament (every day, sometimes several times)
HIS Church
Holy Ghost
Nephites will become wicked in 4 generations
How long until Christ prophesied the Nephites will become wicked?
4 generations
Ether is...
a record of the Jaredites
led to the Americas after the Tower of Babel and stayed for about 1500 years
Who was last to write the record of the Jaredites?
_____ hid the records and ______ found them
Ether, Limhi
Who abridged the book of Ether?
How much of the record did Moroni put in Ether?
only 1% (less that 1/100)
What language did Moroni write in?
reformed Egyptian that had been altered
What caused the destruction of the Nephites and the Jaredites?
Secret combinations
When Moroni saw Christ, He was in the form of a ____.
Where in the scriptures does it tell how to gain a testimony?
Moroni 10 (3-5)
Introduction (last 2 paragraphs)
At what age did Moroni receive the plates?
told at age 10, received at age 24
prophesied by Ammoran
Mormon and Moroni lessons
never give up!
we can be righteous in a wicked world
How old was Mormon when he died?
How did Mormon die?
in a battle
Mormon ended his writings in ______.
Mormon 7
What other writings of Mormon are found in the BoM after Mormon died?
Moroni 7-9, letters to his son
Jaredite Journey - how? relate to us?
obeyed the Lord, so the Lord guided them
our journey through life to the Celestial Kingdom
16 stones
touched by the Lord, gave 2 extra (Urium and Thumum)
4 Sections of Moroni
1: intro
2-6: handbook of ordinances and organizations
7-9: letters from Mormon to Moroni
10: Moroni's testimony, how to get a testimony
What is the Light of Christ?
something every human being has - a conscience
What is the influence of the Holy Ghost?
a person
the RIGHT to have the Spirit is an essential gift, anyone seeking truth, the Holy Ghost will manifest
The Gift of the Holy Ghost
must be baptized, keep yourself worthy, right of the CONSTANT companionship (there is no way to succeed without it)
Why were the people sorrowful?
They couldn't be wicked and be happy at the same time!
In 3 Nephi, what is the fate of the wicked?
turned to stubble, left without roots/no posterity
What are the names of the apostles of the Nephites?
(3 Nephi 19:4)
Where did Mormon get his name?
land of Mormon
What does Mormon refer the book of Mormon as?
Book of Lehi
JUST KIDDING what does Mormon reallly refer to the Book of Mormon as?
The book of NEPHI
What scriptural reference tells us God's plan?
Moses 1:39
List the Faith Chapters/verses
Ether 12:1-5, 6-41
Alma 32
List the Atonement Chapters
Alma 34
Alma 42
2 Nephi 2
2 Nephi 9
Mosiah 3-4
Where does faith come from?
The Spirit
1. Hear truth (obtain it)
2. Gift of the Spirit (ultimate source)
3. Actions, works (have the INTENT to do it)
What did Zenos teach?
(Alma 33:4)
follow the prophets, read the scriptures
Why was Alma happy with his people? (Alma 32)
They were humble and ready to be taught
What are the 2 sources of truth?
1. Prophet/scriptures?
2. The Spirit
What are the plates of Nephi?
small plates
large plates
What are the small plates?
spiritual history (1 Nephi-Omni), unabridged
What are the large plates?
historical account (Mosiah - Mormon 7), abridged by Mormon
What books did not go trough Mormon's hands?
small plates, Ether, those written by Moroni