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24 Cards in this Set

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Why have objectives:
-they provide focus and comm. help orient everyone involved twds one common goal

-serve as criteria for developing and making plans and making decisions; can fill in pieces in a logical way

-provide stds and benchmarks for eval returns
mtg objectives:
statements of what is to be accomplished by the overall mktg program.

should be quantifiable (sales vol, ROI, mkt share, profits), realistic, measurable, and attainable
IMC obj:
statements of what the various aspects of the IMC program will accomplish (boost traffic to web site by 20%)
problems w/sales objectives
external factors: competition, price policy, dist methods wrong

carry over effect - extended
measure effects after campaign is over
sales objs are appropriate:
for direct action promotional efforts that are designed to induce an immed behavioral response:
sales promotion
direct response ads
retail ads for sales/events

when ads play an dominant role in the firms'mktg program and other factors are rel stable

when sales effects of an IMC variable can be isolated
communication effects pyramid
defining advertising goals for measuring advertising results

model used for setting ad objs and measuring results
based on trad response hierarchy models (awareness, comprehension, conviction, action)
DAGMAR Objectives
concrete and measurable comm tasks
well defined target audience
benchmark against which to measure results/starting pt
degree of change sought
specific time pd
relies on hierarchy of effects model (doesn't distinguish btwn high/low involvement)

not good enough to change attitudes if doesn't result in change in behavior (purchase)

sales objs are what really count
research and effort too $$$
too many rules and objs stifle creativity
Major budgeting decisions
establishing size of budget
allocating the budget
basic principles of marginal analysis
increase spending if: incrs cost <incremental MR

dec spending if: incrs cost > incremental MR

hold spending if: incrs cost = incremental MR
problems w/marginal analysis
sales are the principal obj of ad/promotion
sales are the result of only ad/promotion
top-down budgeting
top mgmt sets overall spending limit
promotion budget is sent to stay w/in the spending limit handed down regardless of objectives
the affordable method
what we have to spare/what's left over
arbitrary allocation method
no system - seems like a good idea
% of sales method
set % of sales/amt per unit (bad for new products)
competitive parity method
match competitor/industry avg spending
ROI method
spending treated as capital investment
bottom up budgeting
1. promo objs are set
2. activities to achieve them are planned
3. cost of activities are budgeted
4. budget approved by top mgmt
bottom up budgeting
obj and task method
1. est objs
2. det tasks to achieve those objs
3. det costs to perform tasks
bottom up budgeting
payout planning
develop a payout plan that est the expected return over 2-3 yrs

good for new products
bottom up budgeting
quantitative models
computer sim models involving multiple regression analysis, using scales as dep variable

not successful so not gen used
dividing IMC budget
client/agency policies
mkt size
mkt potential
mkt share goals
economies of scale
ad spending v. competitor's share of voice:

L voice L mkt
L voice H mkt
H voice L mkt
H voice H mkt
Attack w/lg SOV premium

maintain modest spending premium

decrease - find a defensible niche

increase to defend