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41 Cards in this Set

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MS exam memory: what is being tested
immed recall deficit = impaired attn. delayed recall deficit= impaired MTL or dienceph or frontal/subcort dysfx
Gerstmann's syndrome
impaired calc, L/R confusion, finger agnosia, agraphia. lesion in dominant PL
addition, sub, identify l/r body parts, name and identify each digit, write name and a sentence
apraxia definition
inability to follow a motor command not due to a primary motor or language deficit. caused by higher order planning and conceptualization of mtor task (pretend to comb your hair, strike a match and blow it out)
ideomotor apraxia
perform awkard movements that minimally resemble task, despite otherwise normal motor exam. damage to dom PL or premotor cortex (wave goodbye, use a screwdriver). can be only face/mouth
test of somatosensory neglect
extinction on double simultaneous stimulation
test of CNII
opthalmoscope to look at vessels, retina, optic nerve, papilledema. visual acuity with eye chart and color vision test, visual fields and blink-to-threat in comatose pts
test of CNI
smell samples of soap, coffee, etc.
test of pupillary response (which CNs?)
CNII and III. direct response - shine light in eye. consensual response- constriction of opposite pupil
afferent pupillary defect
decreased direct response caused by decreased visual fx in 1 eye (CNII) but spared pupillary constriction (CNIII) when elicited thru consensual response. use swinging flashlight test, affected eye will dilate rather than constrict
pupil accommodation
moving object close and far away from eye. pupils constrict when object moved towards it.
CN for extraoccular movements (eye movements)
CN III, IV, VI (oculomotor, trochlear, abducens)
saccades test
rapidly refixating on different objects, such as fingers from each hand held apart
optokinetic nystagmus (OKN)
moving a strip with parallel stripes in front of pt. look for rhythmic nystagum with slow mnmts towards stripes and rapid movements back to midline
vestibulo-ocular reflex
oculocephalic reflex, a form of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, is tested by holding the eyes open and rotating the head from side to side or up and down. The reflex is present if the eyes move in the opposite direction of the head movements, and it is therefore sometimes called doll's eyes. the absence of doll's eyes suggests brainstem dysfunction in the comatose patient but can be normal in the awake patient
test for CN V
Trigeminal nerve- tactile extinction, corneal reflex, jaw jerk reflex
test for CN VII
facial nerve- look for asymmetry in face, expressions, blinking.facial weakness can be from contralateral motor cortex lesions, LMN in CN VII, neuromusc junction, or face muscles
test of CN VIII
vestibulocochlear- hearing w/ tuning fork, extinction, vertigo, limitations w/ horizontal or vertical gaze, oculocephalic maneuver
CN for articulation (many)
CN V, VII, IX, X, XII. can cause dysarthria, quiet, breathy, nasal, low, high pitched or other abnormalities. speech prod defs can also be cerebellar, motor cortex, BG or descending BS pathways.
test of CN XI
trapezius, sternocleidomastoid muscles - shrug shoulders, turn head fex head forward from supine
test of CN XII
tongue movements
signs of upper motor neuron disease (project via corticospinal tract )
weakness, hyperreflexia (increased reflexes) and increased tone. acute UMN lesions often have flaccid paralysis with decreased tone and decreased reflexes
signs of lower MN lesions
weakness, atrophy, fasciculations (spontaneous quivering movements), hyporeflexia
muscle strength tests
5/5 scale 0- no contraction, 1/5 - muscle flicker, no movement, 2/5-movement possible, not against gravity, 3/5- mvmt against gravity but not against examiner 4/5- mvmt possible against some resistance 5/5 normal movement
deep tendon reflexes
use hammer on limb that is relaxed and symmetrical. clonus- in brisk relfexes it is a repetitive vibratory contraction in response to muscle and tendon stretch. rated from 0-5, 1-3 is normal
plantar response
scraping sole of foot from heel to small toe to big toe. normal response is downward contraction of toes. abnormal response- babinski sign is upgoing big toe and fanning of other toes."silent" toes are abnormal. UMN lesion anywhere in corticospinal tract
spinal cord damage reflexes
abdomina, cutaneous reflex, cremasteric reflex, bulbocavernous reflex (rectal sphincter), anal wink
frontal release signs
snout, grasp, root suck . glabellar response- continuous blinking to forehead tapping
medium to large amplitude involuntary movements w/ an irregular oscillatory quality superimposed and interfering w/ normal smooth trajectory of mvmt
ataxia (cont)
overshoot- past-pointing target. dysdiadochokinesia- abnormal alternating mvmts.
truncal ataxia
affects proximal musculature, esp involved in gait stability, caused by midline damage to cerebellar vermis and assoc pathways. tandem gait abnormal
appendicular ataxia
affects mvmt of extremeties and caused by lesions of cerebellar hemispheres and assoc pathways (finger to nose test) or rapid alternating mvmts (HEEL-SHIN TEST, FINGER-TO-NOSE, precision finger tap)
romberg test
close eyes w/ feet together and maintain balance. midline cerebellar lesions, severe proprioceptive or vestibular lesions
stance- how far apart are feet, posture, stability, circumduction (abnormal arced trajectory in medial to lateral direction), knee bend, arm swing, leg stiffness, initiation and stopping gait, turning
gait apraxia
perplexing, controversial abnormality when person can carry out normal gait movements when lying down but can't walk standing (NPH, frontal d/o)
caloric stimulation
infuse ice water into ear canal, if vestibulo-ocular reflex intact u will see nystagmus w/ fast phase opposite side of water infusion
posturing reflexes
indicates damage to descending UMN pathways (decorticate and decerebrate)
decorticate position
brainstem transected above the level of the red nuclei. flexor posturing (hands flexed inward towards cortex w/ fists clenched, toes pointed away)
decerebrate position
indicates lesion below red nucleus (lower on brainstem). arms extended down pointing away from cortex. worse prognosis than decorticate.
triple flexion
flexion at knee, thigh and dorsiflexion of ankle, does not require brainstem functioning
brain death tests
irreversible lack of brain function. caloric test, apnea test (lack of spontaneous respirations w/o ventilator. angiogram and eeg can confirm
malingering tests coma
hand drop over face, saccadic eye movement (cd indicate locked in)