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20 Cards in this Set

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“We never know where we go when we are going, We jest and shut the door; Fate - following behind us -bolts it, And we accost no more”

Emily Dickinson

Definition: to approach and speak to first; to confront in a challenging way
Synonym: confront, cross, dare
Antonym: aid, help, ignore

Definition: to approach and speak to first; to confront in a challenging way

Synonym: confront, cross, dare

Antonym: aid, help, ignore



I did not wish to carry with me the animadversion of anybody. (The Seven Cardinal Sins: Envy and Indolence Eugne Sue)

Definition: a comment indicating strong criticism or disapproval
Synonym: accusation, blame, criticism
Antonym: approval, compliment, praise

Definition: a comment indicating strong criticism or disapproval

Synonym: accusation, blame, criticism

Antonym: approval, compliment, praise



“My sister is an avid golfer; she golfs every weekend.”

Definition  : desirous of something to the point of greed
Synonym: ardent, devoted, eager
Antonym: apathetic, cold, disinterested

Definition : desirous of something to the point of greed

Synonym: ardent, devoted, eager

Antonym: apathetic, cold, disinterested



A brackish breeze blew off the Black Sea, mixing with rotting garbage, human sweat, cheap cleaning products, and undefined fumes. (Great Weekend Reads The Daily Beast)

Definition: having a salty taste and unpleasant to drink
Synonym: briny, saline, salted
Antonym: fresh, appealing, refreshing

Definition: having a salty taste and unpleasant to drink

Synonym: briny, saline, salted

Antonym: fresh, appealing, refreshing



He moved with a celerity that amazed me, when I remembered how exasperatingly slow he could be, fooling with kites. (Tales of Fishes Zane Grey)

Definition : swiftness , rapidity of motion or action
Synonym: haste, dispatch, fleetness
Antonym: delay, rest, slowness

Definition : swiftness , rapidity of motion or action

Synonym: haste, dispatch, fleetness

Antonym: delay, rest, slowness



“Their accountant used devious methods to cheat them out of a lot of money.”

Definition: straying or wandering from a straight or direct course
Synonym: dishonest, crafty, deceitful
Antonym: frank, honest, naive

Definition: straying or wandering from a straight or direct course

Synonym: dishonest, crafty, deceitful

Antonym: frank, honest, naive



This gambit means Aereo is avoiding paying anything to broadcasters or the middlemen it is replacing. (What the Aereo Decision Means for You Kyle Chayka)

Definition: in chess, an opening move that involves risk or sacrifice of minor piece in order to gain a later advantage
Synonym: artifice, design, device
Antonym: frankness, honesty, trustworthy

Definition: in chess, an opening move that involves risk or sacrifice of minor piece in order to gain a later advantage

Synonym: artifice, design, device

Antonym: frankness, honesty, trustworthy



“The halcyon was plucking fish out of the sea.” Or “...halcyon days of youth.”

Definition: a legendary bird identified with the kingfisher 
Synonym: balmy, quiet, still 
Antonym: loud, noisy, obnoxious

Definition: a legendary bird identified with the kingfisher

Synonym: balmy, quiet, still

Antonym: loud, noisy, obnoxious



Silver Linings Playbook allowed her to explode, playing a woman unhinged, histrionic, and emotionally volatile.How Jennifer Lawrence Took Over Hollywood. (It’s Not Just Because of Her Charm.) Kevin Fallon

Definition: pertaining to actors and their techniques
Synonym: melodramatic, overacting, theatrical
Antonym: understating, keeping it cool, low-key

Definition: pertaining to actors and their techniques

Synonym: melodramatic, overacting, theatrical

Antonym: understating, keeping it cool, low-key


“Incendiaries caused great damage when they started fires in government buildings.”

Definition: a person who deliberately sets fire to buildings or other property, as an arsonist
Synonym: inflammatory, dangerous, provocative
Antonym: loyal, peacemaking, calm

Definition: a person who deliberately sets fire to buildings or other property, as an arsonist

Synonym: inflammatory, dangerous, provocative

Antonym: loyal, peacemaking, calm



Within this maelstrom of mendacity lies an urgent film that dares to convey the black experience in America: Dear White People. (‘Dear White People’: How An Ex-Publicist’s Twitter Became One of the Year’s Most Important Films Marlow Stern)

Definition: a whirlpool of great size and violence
Synonym: chaos, turbulence, turmoil
Antonym: calm, harmony, order

Definition: a whirlpool of great size and violence

Synonym: chaos, turbulence, turmoil

Antonym: calm, harmony, order



But trying to impose such order by chasing away informal commerce and culture is myopic. (Great Cities are Born Filthy Will Doig)

Definition: nearsighted; lacking a broad, realistic view of a situation
Synonym: nearsighted, shortsighted, astigmatic
Antonym: far-sighted

Definition: nearsighted; lacking a broad, realistic view of a situation

Synonym: nearsighted, shortsighted, astigmatic

Antonym: far-sighted



“Two politicians who hated each other shook hands as an overt act of showing they are now friendly.”

Definition: open, not hidden, expressed or revealed in a way that is easily recognized
Synonym: apparent, undisguised, obvious
Antonym: obscure, uncertain, unclear

Definition: open, not hidden, expressed or revealed in a way that is easily recognized

Synonym: apparent, undisguised, obvious

Antonym: obscure, uncertain, unclear



“The pejorative comment deepened the dislike between the two families.”

Definition: tending to make worse
Synonym: negative, belittling, degrading
Antonym: complementary, positive, praising

Definition: tending to make worse

Synonym: negative, belittling, degrading

Antonym: complementary, positive, praising



“The children observed the propriety of the church service and behaved themselves.”

Definition: the state or quality of conforming to conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morals.
Synonym: correctness, morality, suitability
Antonym: discord, incompatibility, unsuitable

Definition: the state or quality of conforming to conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morals.

Synonym: correctness, morality, suitability

Antonym: discord, incompatibility, unsuitable



Any sort of violence during the holy month is seen as sacrilege. (A Ramadan of Discontent Babak Dehghanpisheh)

Definition: improper or disrespectful treatment of something held sacred  

Synonym: blasphemy, crime, curse
Antonym: kindness, praise, respect

Definition: improper or disrespectful treatment of something held sacred

Synonym: blasphemy, crime, curse

Antonym: kindness, praise, respect



“I was dismissed summarily from my job after I was caught stealing money.”

Definition: without delay or formality; briefly
Synonym: immediately, readily, speedily
Antonym: slowly, sluggish, delay

Definition: without delay or formality; briefly

Synonym: immediately, readily, speedily

Antonym: slowly, sluggish, delay



“The suppliant person entered the church seeking forgiveness.”

Definition: asking humbly and earnestly  

Synonym: beggar, asker, seeker
Antonym: giver, provider, benefactor

Definition: asking humbly and earnestly

Synonym: beggar, asker, seeker

Antonym: giver, provider, benefactor



The “it” bag was born–a talisman of stylishness and a signifier of insider savvy. (The Language of Margaret Thatcher’s Handbags Robin Givhan)

Definition: an object that serves as a charm or is believed to confer magical powers  

Synonym: charm, fetish
Antonym: hex, curse

Definition: an object that serves as a charm or is believed to confer magical powers

Synonym: charm, fetish

Antonym: hex, curse



“The ground undulates from an earthquake.”

Definition:to move in waves or with a wavelike motion
Synonym: wobble, ripple, surge
Antonym: smooth, flat, level

Definition:to move in waves or with a wavelike motion

Synonym: wobble, ripple, surge

Antonym: smooth, flat, level