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73 Cards in this Set

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Who discovered the red blood cells?
Dutch draper Anton van Leeuwenhoek
ground teh lenses of his own microscope and was able to see detail that gave an accurate account of the size of RBC in 1674
Who investigated the role of WBC?
1771- hematologist William Hewson
Who received the Nobel Prize for his research in 1930?
Dr. Karl Landsteiner
Vienna, Austria
What did Dr. Karl Landsteiner do to receive the Nobel Prize?
1900's, he divided human blood into three groups
A, B & O
What is blood?
complex mixture of fluids, solutes and cells
What does plasma consist of?
91.5% water
7% proteins
1.5% other solutes such as salts, sugars, and gases.
Cells compromise about ___________ of blood volume with the remaining portion being plasma.
What is blood serum?
plasma without the clotting factors
How do you prepare serum?
blood is allowed to clot before centrifuging to remove both the cells and clotting proteins
The total volume of blood averages _______ml per kilogram of body weight.
What is an Erythrocyte?
Red Blood Cell (RBC)
most numerous and are red in color due to the hemoglobin within.
What is Hemoglobin?
iron containing pigment complex which enables the blood to transport oxygen
These are called platelets, and involved in blood clotting.
What is a Leukocyte?
White Blood Cell (WBC)
-play vital role in body's defense against disease
-phagocytic or involved in immune processes
What is hematology?
The study of blood
What determines blood type that are located on the surface of the erythrocyte?
antigens or agglutinogens
Where are the antibodies or agglutinins found?
How are antibodies produced?
-usually before its produced it needs to be exposed to a foreign antigen.
How are antiboides produced other than being exposed to a foreign antigen?
in the case of ABO blood groups, antibodies are genetically determined and are already present at birth.
What is agglutination?
shows evidence by a granular apprearance of the blood film on a slide.
Antibodies cause _________ of the erythrocytes carrying the corresponding antigen.
How are ABO blood types determined?
mising drops of blood with the Anti-A & Anti-B antisera
-these contain the a and b antiobodies
Does type O blood react to either antisera?
NO, O has neither A nor B antigens
How is blood type A determined?
agglutination with only the Anti-A serum indicates the type A antigens
How is blood type B determined?
agglutinate in the presence of the Anti-B serum.
How is blood type AB determined?
agglutinate by both Anti-A and Anti-B antisera
How is RH blood type determined?
blood will be tested for only the presence of D (RHo) antigen
-most common of more than 40 Rh antigens
Rh _________ blood reacts with the anti-D serum.
Approximately _____% of the Caucasian population is Rh+.
What percentage of the population are Rh- and why.
because their blood does not contain the Rho antigen and so it soes not react with teh antiserum.
Are you born with Rh antibodies?
No, they are not present at birth.
Whe are Rh antibodies produced?
none will develop until blood is exposed to Rh+ antigens.
Hemoglobin transports _____ from the lungs to the tissues and ______ from tissues to the lungs.
oxygen; CO2
What does hemoglobin consist of?
conjugated protein consisting of a lipid porphyrin compound, containing iron, combined with a protein called globin.
What is the heme in hemoglobin?
-prophyrin compound
-composed of four pyrrole rings joined together with methane group
-Iron is suspended in the middle of this molecule
What is globin of hemoglobin?
-globulin type of protein
-four polypeptide chains
-2 Alpha and 2 Beta, each comprimised of 150 amino acids
-each of the chains wraps around a heme molecule
How is carbon dioxide carried?
by the polypeptide chains rather than the heme.
What is oxyhemoglobin?
in the presence of abundant oxygen, hemoglobin reacting with oxygen
makes it bright red color
What was used in lab to estimate the amount of hemoglobin in a drop of blood?
Tallquist Hemoglobin paper
What is the average amount of hemoglobin, or normal is?
15.6 grams / 100 mL blood
What is the average amount of hemoglobin for males?
14-16.5 g/100 ml of blood
What is the average amount of hemoglobin in adult females?
12 - 15 g/100ml of blood
What is a hematocrit?
percentage of cells in a volume of blood
How is the hematocrit determined?
sample of blood is centrifuged to pack the cells and seperate them from the plasma
What is PCV?
packed cell volume
usually considered equivalent to RBC volume
What is the normal range of hematocrit, or PCV, for males and females
Males- 40-54% w/ a mean of 47%
Females- 37-47% w/ a mean of 42%
What is the classification if the hematocrit cells read below average?
What is the classification if the cells read more than normal of the hematocrit average?
What is hemostasis?
blood clotting or coagulation
term for the mechanisms involved in the prevention of blood loss
What is hermorrhage?
blood loss reduced where the clot lugs the vessels at the injury
What was used to clean up after the blood lab excersice
10% bleach solution
What tube was used in centrifuging our blood?
Heparnized hematocrit tube
What were the three serums used on our blood test card?
Anti-A, Anti-B, Anti-D
How did we determine our coagulation time?
Put a drop of blood on the top right corner and started timing until we could pull strands of fibrin out with a toothpick.
To enhance the visibility of all cells, what stain is used?
diifferential stain such as Wright's stain, a mix of dyes
-impoves visibility of RBC
-stains the cytoplasm of various leucocytes different colors
What is a hemocytometer?
special counting slide
determine WBC and RBC count (diluting the blood w/ diluting chambers and using slide)
The normal range for RBC count in males and females are?
M~4.8-6 million cells per cubic millimeter
F~4.1 - 5.1 million cells per cubic millimeter
What is the normal white cell count?
5,000-9,000 WBCs per cubic millimeter
A low count of white cells are termed as _____________.
A high count of white cells are termed as ___________.
These are called macrophages in the tissues!
What releases histamine during allergic reactions?
An elevated count often indicates a parasitic infection?
These are known to be active in the process of immunity, some are called B cells.
Responds to pus forming infections.
Involved in initiating blood clotting.
What is the least common type of WBC?
These are formed in lymphoid tissues.
What are the granular Leucocytes?
Source of platelets in the marrow.
Most abundant WBC with a 3-5 lobed nucleus
Contains hemoglobin
What formula was used in lab to figure our hemoglobin value?
-one third the hematocrit value

hematocrit value/3 = ____ g/100ml