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41 Cards in this Set

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What do you do to correct, update, or pre-plan information

Use an X to delete a climb / descend and maintain Arrow, at or above so below symbol, a crew symbol, and unwanted altitude information.

When do you use a horizontal line to correct information such as call signs or barcodes?

When you need to correct or update the pre plan info

Strip marking procedures

What goes in Block 1

Aircraft identification, call sign not to exceed 7 alphanumeric characters

Strip marking procedures

Block 3

Number of aircraft if more than one, heavy aircraft indicator.

Strip marking procedures

Block 5

Secondary radar 4 digit Beacon code, numbers 1 through 7

Strip marking procedures

Block 9

Clearance limit, route, altitude, altitude restrictions and other information

What is the primary purpose of the ATC system

Prevent collisions, provide a safe orderly and expeditious flow of traffic

Duty priority

Get first priority to separating aircraft in issuing safety alerts

When do you issue a safety alert

Issue a safety alert to an aircraft if you are aware the aircraft is in a position such as altitude which in your judgment places at an unsafe proximity.

Terrain and obstruction alert

Controllers judgement places the aircraft in unsafe proximity to drain / instructions

Phraseology "low altitude alert call sign check your altitude immediately"

When is additional Services required

Required when the work situation permits

The ability to provide additional Services Limited by what factors

Volume of traffic, frequency congestion, controller workload

When do you provide priority handling to civilian air ambulance flights?

MEDEVAC call sign indicates that operational priority is requested

When requested by a pilot what do you provide

Notifications to expedite ground handling a patient's, vital organs, urgently needed medical materials


Condition of being threatened by serious and or imminent danger


Being concerned about safety and of requiring timely but not immediate assistance

Emergency Beacon code

Sign code 7700 when the pilot declared an emergency in the aircraft does not radar identified.

7700 (7 7 not going to heaven)

Emergency frequencies

121.5 and 243.0

What is the minimum required information for in-flight emergencies

Aircraft identification and type, nature of emergency, and Pilots desires

Primary crash alarm system (pcas)

One Touch activation and instantly Rings all emergency response agencies simultaneously when activated in the tower.

Minimum fuel

Aircast fuel supply has reached a state where upon reaching a destination they can accept a little to no delay

Lost communication

Loss of the ability to communicate By Radio. (NORDO)


Radio fix.

Pilots adjust transponder decode 7600.

Re-establish Communications by

Using emergency frequencies

Also attempt to re-establish Communications by having the aircraft use its transponder or make turns to acknowledge clearances and answer questions

when manually preparing flight progress strips use standard hand-printed characters to

Prevent misinterpretation

What is the correct strip marking procedure to delete unwanted altitude information

Use an X to delete

Which block of the strip will you record flight check aircraft identification

Block 1

When my information be erased on the strip


What is your duty priority

Separating aircraft and issuing safety alerts

How is operational priority applied

First come first serve basis

Expect an aircraft experiencing engine failure to use the words

Mayday x3

If the words Mayday or pan pan or not using you are in doubt that a situation consists an emergency or potential emergency handle it as?

As an emergency

When a pilot declares an emergency in the aircraft is not radar identified assign Beacon code


Why are radio frequency and transponder code changes to single piloted helicopters and single piloted turbojet aircraft avoided

The pilots full attention is required

Who is authorized by far 91 to determine a course of action when an emergency situation is being experienced

The pilot

When a vehicle experiences radio failure, how will Tower Personnel convey a general warning to the driver

Alternating red and green light signals from the tower

Aircraft experiencing in Flight equipment malfunctions receive what type of handling

Special handling

What information must be relayed to other controllers or facilities that will subsequently handle an aircraft experiencing an in-flight equipment malfunction

All 4/10 details concerning the aircraft and any special handling required or being provided

Where are svfr operations authorized

Class B, C, D and E and Below 10000 MSL

What is the SVFR visibility requirement for fixed-wing aircraft

At least 1SM flight/ground visibility

An aircraft is considered overdue when it has failed to arrive at its destination, compulsory reporting Point, clearance void time or clearance limit Within?

30 minutes of ETA