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100 Cards in this Set

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know the biohazard logo and container
red bin for contaminated cultures, waste with infectious agents, contaminated water, anything that could be contaminated
sharps container
for needles, plastic pipette tips, blades, contaminate glass
broken glass container
for clean and uncontaminated glass waste, used microscope slides
pathological waste
white waste container for organs, parts from trauma, surgery, medical procedures, parts injectd with human pathgen
dissecting microscope
for 8-35x
compound light microscope

40-1000x magnification

ocular lens is x10

then the objective are scanning (x4), low power x10, high power x40 and oil immersion x 100

viewing through a microscope

everything upside down and mirrored, so moving up moves down in the microscope, moving left moves right in the microscope.

prepared slides vs wet mount slides
prepared is permanent, wet mount is temporary
water flea with clear body like strucute with a long intesting and antler like appendages coming out
Diameter Field of View equation
(Diameter of a)(Magnitude A)= (Dia of b)(mag b)
diameters of the 4 powers under a light microscoper
4mm, 2mm, .4mm, .2 mm
as magnitude increases..
diameter of field of view decreases, working distance, depth of field, light intensity all decrease
Daphnia vs Simocephalus

both are clear and have clear body with the appendages, but daphnia have eggs inside them that are visible. daphnia has a pointed tail while simocephalus is not as long

**daphnia has tail and tiny legs, simcephalus has collar like cell, a bit darker, no legs

anabaena under microscope
long chains of cyanobacteria cells, lined up single file, green from chloroplasts
protis that is green, tear drop shaped
paramecium under microscope
very elongated, white looking with green chloroplasts many visible
cnidarian, jelly shaped. polyp/medusa shaped with thick base with hairs coming out from it.
condenser (part on microscope)
the light that passes through this, the condenser, to focus the light on the specimen, on the slide supported by the microscope stage
iris diaphragm
built into the condenser which allows you to regulate the light intensity.
monocular vs binocular
one ocular lens vs two ocular lens.
coarse and fine-focusing knob
knob used to focus on the object. coarse if for rough focus then fine is for a sharp focus
scientific method

framework used to investigate issues

starts with observation, to a question, to hypothesis to experiment to predictions, perform experiment to analysis to rejection/accept hypothesis

investagtion needs to be
testable and falsifiable, controllable and measurable
Callosobruchus maculatus
the bean beetle/cowpea weevil that is affected by natural oils and sunflower oils so they can be used as a pesticide to protect the cowpeas
vigna unguiculata
the cowpea, that many bean beetle will try to attack.
experimental procedure has...
dependent variables, level of treatment (binary where the variable is present or absent/ continuous where they are different gradients of the variable), replication(trials), controls
different between male and femal Callosobruchus maculatus

females, longer, rounder tail, darker, black wings/back

males, shorter and chubbier, flat tail, brown wings

table vs figures
table is a graph while figures are graphs, diagrams, drawings, flowcharts, photographs, maps, etc.)
line graph vs bar graph

line graphs for chnage in queantity of chosen variable to emphasize rise and fall of values,

bar graphs for data that represent separate or discontinuous groups or non-numerical categories.

structure of research papers (primary sources)
title, abstract, intro, methods and materials, results, discussion, references.
genotype vs phenotype

genotype is the genetic make, set of allels,

phenotype is the physical makeup, determined by genes and environment

heritable unit that may influence a trait

alleles and locus

alleles are alternative dna sequences at same physical gene locus

locus is site on chromosome where gene located.

didn't know genes exists. publish origin of species. theory of natural selection as driving force of evolution. descent with modification
natural selection

process in which fittest organisms survive, find mates and reproduce. which results in their specific phenotypes being selcted for.

fitness is defined as ability of organism to survive and find a mate and produce offspring.

macroevolution vs microevolution

macro is evolution above the species level, micro is the species adapting

the main difference. speciation (allopatric and sympatric)

hardy weingberg principle

p2 + 2pq+ q2=1


5 conditions of hardyweingberg equilibrium

no mutations

no gene flow

no natural selection

random mating

large population

gene flow

migration of individuals to share traits, leave traits, etc

genetic drift
by chance, the bottleneck effect, founder effect
phenylthiocarbamide. chemical with bitter taste. tasters dominant. example of incomplete dominant because heterozygotes do not have full expression of either allele
types of selctio
stabilizing, disruptive, directional

sickle cell disease
autosomal recessive allele that causes sickle cells. people have this thing called heterozygote advantage that gives them protection from malaria.
allopatric vs sympatric
allopatric is separated by geographic barrier
molecular clock hypothesis

changes of genetic material of isolated populations are due to mutations that occur at constant rates. scientist are able to determine point when two specis diverged

mutations spontaneously at constant rates

darwins finches
when populations diverge, genetically different, may loose ability to interbreede so they would say speciation occured, when these were isolated on different islands, diff beak size.
response of organism to stimulus that can be external or internal or both such as mating behavior
organisms tendency to keep internal conditions constant
learned behavior vs innate

learned is from experiences such as imprinting, habituation, conditioning

innate is inherited such as reflecxed, fixed action patterns, instincts

proximate vs ultimate cause

proximate is immediate cause for behavior

ultimate is adaptive value

taxis verses kinese

orientation behavior

taxis is directional behavior in response to stimule, towards or away

kinesis is non directional movement

(positve or negative would be increase or decrease in movement.)

agonistic behavior
conflict behavior, threatening, agression, submission
reproductive behavior
series of activites for finding a mate, courting, and mating, species specific

black planaria
freshwater worms, exhibited negative phototaxis
chemotaxis in paramecium
experienced acetic acid as a chemorepellant
betta splendens agonistic display

they flare out their fins and gill covers to appear more impressive for courtship or intimidation. have high intesity of their ventral fins and pectoral fins in front of mirror.

fins on betta fish
dorsal up top, pectoral is on the side, pelvic is front side bottomish, anal is bottom, caudal is tail fin
unicellular proks that lack nuclus and membrane bound organelles, have nucleoid
gram positive vs gram negative
gram positive has peptidoglycan as celll wall and stain crystal violet when stained while negative has thin layer of peptidoglycan with and extra wall and layer of lipopolysaccharide


type of antimicrobial drug used for treatment of bacterial infections
types of antibiotics

penicillin to affect cell wall synthesis,

also b-lactam antibiotics

aminoglycosides and tetracyclines

inhibit protein synthesis

streptomycin is aminoglycosides

broad spectrum vs narror spectrum

broad treats large range of bacterial infections, narror is specific.

antibiotic sensitivity test

to experiement effectiveness of diffferent tupes of antibiotics on different species of bacteria.

then measure of the zone of inhibition

staphylococcus aureus
gram positive that is highly susceptible to penicillin and intermediatly susceptible to tetracycline and streptomycin
Escherichia coli
gram negative that is resistant to penicillin and intermediately susceptible to tetracyclin and streptomycin
shapes of bacteria
coccus is spherical, bacillus is rod like, spirillum is spiral
around cell wall that make themmore virulent or infectious, more attatchment aid too.

for nutrient deprivation, allows them to survive extreme stress during high temp, desication, high uv radiation.
gram negative bacillus
salmonella typhimurium, also endotoxins
gram negative spiral
treponema pallidum
gram positive bacillus
clostridium botulinum
gram positive coccus
streptococcus pnuemoniae
order of gram staining

heat fix with bunsen burner to slide

flood with crystal violet, rinse

flood with grams iodine which is used as mordant

thenrinse and apply safranin as the counterstain

gymnosperms vs angiosperms

both are vasulcar plants with true stems and roots and leaves and are seed plants.

both have dominatnt sporophyte and reduced gametophyte. gamteophyte dependent on surrounding sporophyte for nutrition

gymnosperms are seed bearing plants that dont prduce flowers or fruits. naked seeds

angiosperms have seeds enclosed in an ovary.

flowering plants

gymno are like cones and pollen cones

angio spers have flowers with the gametophytes on the anthers and ovules

the outgroup, closest related protists to land plants
phyla of gymnosperms
coniferophyta, cycadophyta, ginkophyta, gnetophyta. ginkgo have online one extant species.

flowering plants/ angiosperms and magnoliophyta

have pollen grain with 2 haploid inside anthers and the mbryo sac with 8 haploid nuclie inside the ovule.

have ddouble fertilization which is diploid zygote and triploid endosperm taht provided nutrition for developing embryo

parts of flower

stamen is the male parts with anther and filament,

carpel is femal with stigma style and ovary

Monocot vs dicot

monocot have one cotyledon, parallel veins, scatered vascular tissue, fibrous root, pollen grain with one opening, multiple of three petals

dicot has two cotyledons, veinsa re netlike, ring vascular tissue, taproot, three opening on pollengrain, flowers multiples of four or five

difference in angiosperm and gymnosperm life cycle

gymno by wind while angioos by pollination

angios have 3n stage with endosperm.

sperm of angios go into the ovule to fertilize and release sperm again


sharks belong to this class along with rays, ratfishes

they have cartilaginous skeleton, jawed vertabrates with paird fins and placoid dermal scales, thick skin, ectothermic.

have internal fertlization. are ovoviviparous so they fertilize internally, but no placental connection because of egg, they hatch inside mothers and nourished by egg yolk.

have claspers on pelvic fins where sperm enters the females cloaca. have spiracles which are gill slits and spines on dorsal fins and they have gills.

oil filled liver, trwo chambered heart, spiral valve as part of small intestine


includes frogs, toads, salamanders, newts

go through metamorphosis from tadopole to adule. external fertillization, fat bodies.

tadpoles have tail for locomoton

tadpoles grow front legs to become froglets then lose tail to become adult frog once build lungs and back legs.

ectothermic so temp depends on environment.

3 chambered hearts, moist skin

larval stage in the water

5 gill slits, ovoviviparous, internal fertilization, carnivores, spiral valve in intestines

finds on sharks

have 2 dorsal fins with spine

caudal fin at the back

pectoral fin on the sides

pelvic fin on the side back

anal fin on the bottom

advantages of life on land
little competition, absence of predators, abundance of plants and insects, high co2
anura (frogs and toads)
long hind legs, short body, webbed digits, aquatic larval stage called tadpoles, all predators of insects and small vertabrates
the study of interatctions between living organisms and envrionment

abiotic factors vs biotics

abiotic is non living such as light, temp, air, water wind humidity, ph,

biotic is living facots such as other organisms that share habitat

levels of organization

population-same species in area

community-all populations in same habitat

ecosystem-community plue environment

biosphere-all ecosystmes on the planet


linear sequence of organisms through which nutrients and energy pass on as one organism eats another.. has tropic lev

trophic levels

produces that capture light and energy and transfer to organic moleecules

consumer taht consumer producers.

herbivores, carnivores and omnivores

apex consumers are the top of food chain

decomposers (fungi, bacteria, earthworms, dung beetle, insects, etc.) that consumer organic waste and dead organisms (saprobes and detrivores) recycle the nutrients for the producers

relationships of predators and more trophci levels as a web/network of arrows to what they eat. so can eat form more than one level.
ecological pyramids. pyramid of energy
producers capture 1% of energy of sun and then only 10% of every level gets passed on so the primary consumer will only get .1% of energy and so on.

pyramid of biomass

total mass of organisms at each trophic level in pyramid

similar to that of light where they get thinner but can also be inverted in marine ecosystmes

survivorship curves

graphs to show what fraction of population survives

type 1: humans and primates, rhino,whale. survive when youn but die elderly

type 2: bird species: die equally at every time interval

type 3: trees, marine invertabrates, fish,. die young and if survive have long lives

accumulation of byproducts of human activity in air, water, and soil that disturbs ecosystem and balance of environment

indicator organisms

used to determne effect of pollutant on the organism

sensitivity of indicator organisms to polluants provide a bioassay of impact of given pollutant

the lethal concentration of a pullutant that kills 50% of indicator organisms within specific time of exposure.

in lab, use lamba cyhalothrin at concentrations of .001% to.004%