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34 Cards in this Set

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True or False. Black widow spider toxin prevents the release of ACh at the NMJ.


True or False. Skeletal muscles that have a fine degree of control have small motor units.


True or False. MD is a hereditary disease where actin and myosin filaments are replaces with fibrous tissue, resulting in the loss of cross bridge activity.


True or False. Veins carry blood toward the heart.


True or False. Muscle spindles in skeletal muscle respond to changes in muscle tension.


True or False. The velocity of shortening decreases as skeletal muscle contraction load increases.


True or False. Increasing the number of recruited motor units in skeletal muscle increases its force and strength of contraction.


True of False. Cardiac muscle contains T-tubules that physically connect to foot proteins in the SR. During isometric contraction of the hiceps


Accirdinf to the sliding-filament mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction, the thin filaments..

Slide inward toward the center of the A band

Which of the following muscles would be inner area by the largest number of small motor units: arm muscle, back muscle, fingertip muscle, calf muscle, or chest muscle?


During tetanus...

The muscle fiber is stimulated at a high frequency to produce maximal contraction.

The smallest functional unit of a skeletal muscle is...


The source of ATP for skeletal muscle is..

Creatine phosphate stores

What would occur is ACh was not removed from nicotinic receptors at the NMJ?

The muscle would continue to contract until fatigued.

The striated appearance of skeletal muscle is due to...

Regularly ordered arrangement of thick and thin filaments into the I and A bands.

All calcium needed for skeletal muscle comes from...

The SR

The T-tubules in skeletal muscle...

Provide means of rapidly transmitting action potentials from the surface of the muscle into the central portions of the muscle fiber.

Which vessel contains the highest amount of oxygenated blood in the body?

Pulmonary vein

Intrafusal muscle fibers...

Are innervated by gamma motor neurons

Optimal length of a skeletal muscle occurs...

When there is optimal overlap between actin and myosin fibers to generate the greatest tension.


Consists of 3 subunits that bind to Ca2+, tropomyosin, and actin

When a muscle atrophies..

It decreases in mass and actin and myosin is lost

The relaxation of skeletal muscle occurs when...

There is no longer a depolarization of the T-tubule

Foot proteins in skeletal muscle...

Release Ca2+ into the cytoplasm after depolarization of the dihydropyridine receptors

Describe the mechanism of parasympathetic innervation to the single-unit smooth muscle in the digestive system.

Activates the muscarinic receptors in the intestinal smooth muscle to increase motility and secretions.

Describe the body’s lever systems.

Muscles must exert greater forces than the load they lift.

Single unit smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are_________ and contain_________ so that they can perform _________.

Myogenic, gap junctions, functional syncytium.

What fiber type can be changed to fast-glycolytic fibers by following a weight lifting routine?


Which fibers have the largest diameter?

Fast glycolytic

Which fibers have slower myosin ATPase enzyme activity?


Which fiber is the most powerful?

Fast glycolytic

Which fiber type most readily fatigues?

Fast glycolytic

Which fiber type is found predominantly in muscles adapted for sprinting?

Fast oxidative

Which fiber type is predominantly found in muscles designed for long duration use?

Slow oxidative