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25 Cards in this Set

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Non-associative learning
How? due to a decrease in motor neuron action potentials
Why? NT release by sensory neurons decreases
Why? less Ca ++ enters Sensory Terminal buttons
ignoring of an irrelevant stimulus, decrease in strength of reaction due to repeated stimulus
heightened attention to the environment increase in responding due to an aversive stimulus
How? due to an increase of Ca ++ in Sensory terminal buttons
Why? tail sensory neurons active interneurons that synapse on siphon sensory ternimnal buttons
How? cause more Ca ++ enters sensory terminal buttons causing more NT release
name of process is presynaptic facilitation
Associative learning
learning relations either between: stimuli [classical conditioning] or stimuli and responses [operant conditioning]
Classical or Pavlovian Conditioning
CS- neutral stimulus
US - stimulus which produces reflex
UR- reflex or automatic response
CR - reflex elicited by CS because CS association with the US
Pavlovian Condition in Aplysia
CS - light touch on siphon- no reaction
US - shock on tail - large gill withdraw reflex (UR)
pairing of CS and US >> light touch (CS) now causes reflex (UR)
Neural Mechanism
same as sensitization
tail-shock-activated interneuron facilitation PLUS the temporal relation (pairing) of CS and US
Activity-Dependent Enhancement Model
Discrimination Training
CS + paired with US
CS - not paired with US
Second Messenger Effects in Sensitiztion
Remember G-protein linked receptors (metabotropic receptors)
attached to a signal protein, with a G protein inside
-when activated part of the G protein breaks off inside post synaptic cell and triggers the synthesis
Second Messenger cyclic AMP
short term facilitation
short-term facilitation:
1. Cyclic AMP activates the enzyme:
2. Protein Kinase A which closes K+ channels
3. Increases length of action potentials
4. This causes more Ca ++ influx
5. Causing more NT release
Second Messenger cyclic AMP
long term facilitation
more permanent changes
1. Cyclic AMP activates the enzyme:
2. Protein Kinase C which induces structural changes in the cell
-increases vesicle formation
-increased zones of NT release on the membrane
Hebb Theory of Consolidation of Existing Pathways
synaptic strength increases with use
-applied to short-term memory
-applied to long-term memory
--process requires co-occurance
: activation of pre- and post- synaptic membranes at the same time--this leads to permanent neural changes
Implications of Learning and Memory
There is no new synthesis of neuronal pathways
-learning occurs at the convergence of pre-existing pathways
-memory may be a result of co-occurence and stimulus convergence
a brief period of repeated, intense elec. stim. to pre-synaptic neurons has long-lasting effects on the post-synaptic neurons
Qualities of LTP are like memory
1. Stimlulus specificity
2. Long-term retention
3. repetition leads to longer retention
Neural Mechanism of Memory
1. Hippocampus involved in memory formation
2. LTP can be produced only in hippocampus
3. NMDA glutamate receptors involvement in LTP
--- if they are blocked, normal transmission happens but not LTP
--- Co-occurence required for full activation of NMDA receptors
Process involves Ca ++ influx into the post synaptic cell activating protein kinases to induce LTP
Cases of human Amnesia
Clive Wearing
-bi lateral medial temporal lobectomy
-- retrograde amnesia before damage
-- anterograde amnesia since damage
-- short-term memory
--recent long term memory
-- implicit memory
--explicit memory since damage
-Ischemia produced damage
--symptoms similar to HM but less severe
--later autopsy reveal CAI damage
What brain damage causes amnesia?
1. Hippocampus hypothesis
2. HIppocampus-plus-amygdala hypothesis
3. medial-temporal cortex hypothesis
-- entorhinal cortex
-- perirhinal cortex
-- perihippocampal cortex
Brain Areas that Contribute to Memory
Rhinal Cortex, Hippocampus, Amygdala, Inferotemporal Cortex, cerebellum and striatum [caudate and putamen], prefrontal cortex, mediodorsal nucleus, basel forebrain
Non-invasive administration of drugs
1. oral-ingestion
2. inhalation
3. mucous membranes
Invasive administration of drugs
-subcutaneous [skin, fatty tissue]
Must enter the CNS
by passing through the blood-brain barrier
Once in various effects
large changes to neural membranes [mess with receptor sites]
specific action on NTs
specific action on receptors
Drug Action stopped
liver filtering, excreted: sweat, breath, urine...
Tolerance shifts the does response curve
same dose >> less effect
same effect > needs larger dose