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224 Cards in this Set

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what are the 5 causes of brain damage?
1. brain tumors
2. cerebrovascular disease
3. closed-head injuries
4. infections of the brain
5. neurotoxins
tumor (neoplasm)
mass of cells that grows independently of the rest of the body; serves no use; cancer
what are the 6 kinds of tumors?
1. meningiomas
2. encapsulated tumors
3. benign tumors
4. infiltrating tumors
5. malignant tumors
6. metastatic tumors
-about 20% of all tumors found
-grow between the meninges, the 3 membranes that cover/ protect the CNS
-compete w/ brain tissue for space
-pressure exerted causes headache, vomiting, double vision, slow heart rate, seizures & other symptoms depending on location
-all meningiomas are encapsulated tumors
encapsulated tumors
-tumors that grow w/in their own membrane
-easy to identify on a CT scan
-they can influence the function of the brain only by the pressure they exert on surrounding tissue
-almost always benign tumors
benign tumors
-tumors that are surgically removable w/ little risk of further growth in the body
-encapsulated in its own membrane
infiltrating tumors
-aside from meningiomas, most brain tumors are infiltrating
-those that grow diffusely thru surrounding tissue
malignant tumors
-it's difficult to remove or destroy them completely, & any cancerous tissue that remains after surgery continues to grow
-no clear membrane/boundary that encapsulates mass
-grow diffusely-invading & infiltrating surrounding tissue
-about 10% of malignant tumors are metastatic
metastatic tumors
-do not originate in brain
-grow from infiltrating cells that are carried to the brain by the bloodstream from some other part of the body
-metastasis: refers to the transmission of disease from one organ to another
-many originate as cancers of the lungs
tumors that grow on tumors or tracks
benign & malignant tumors do not arise from ____?
neurons (not capable of dividing)
majority of tumors arise in where?
glial cells (and cells of meninges)
most serious tumor?
gilomas; highly malignant & fast growing; tumors w/in glia
what are the symptoms of a malignant giloma - basal ganglia?
difficulty w/ movement
what are the symptoms of a malignant giloma - pons?
disruption in vital functions- breathing, bp, sleeping, etc.
cerebrovascular disorder (strokes)
cerebrovasular events where the brain's blood supply is disturbed by bleeding or blockage-causing cell death
-3rd leading cause of death, the major cause of neurological dysfunction, & most common cause of adult disability
-approx. 750,000/yr
-likelihood doubles every decade after age 45
symptoms of a stroke
depend on the area of the brain that's affected
common consequences of stroke
amnesia, aphasia (language difficulties), paralysis, and coma
controllable vs. uncontrollable risk factors for a stroke
controllable: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, atherosclerosis, tobacco use/smoking, alcohol use, physical inactivity, obesity
uncontrollable: age, gender, race, family history, previous stroke, TIA (stroke-like syndrome)
*low socioeconomic status: either controllable or uncontrollable, not completely sure
the area of dead/dying tissue produced by a stroke
the area of brain tissue around an infarct, in which the degree of damage can vary
2 major types of strokes
hemorrhagic & ischemic
hemorrhagic strokes
-cerebral hemorrhage= bleeding in the brain
-usually result from burst aneurysm: weakened (sometimes balloon like) point in blood vessel- may be congenital (present at birth) or due to poison/infection
-usually fatal if hemorrhage affects a large enough area
-often result in long-term coma or severe disability
ischemic strokes
-cerebral ischemia=blockage of blood supply
-disruption of blood supply by (3 main causes) :
1. thrombosis: plug (thrombus) forms in brain & blocks blood flow at site of its formation
2. embolism: plug (embolus) forms elsewhere & moves to brain
3. arteriosclerosis: wall of blood vessels thicken, usually from fat deposits
damage by ischemia
-doesn't develop immediately (slow to progress)
-most damage results from excess neurotransmitter release, esp glutamate
-blood deprived neurons become overactive & release glutamate
-glutamate over-activates its receptors, leading to dramatic influx of Na+ & Ca2+ in cells
-influx of Na+ & Ca2+ triggers release of more glutamate- resulting in cascade of reactions that kill neurons
the brain's most prevalent excitatory neurotransmitter
-much of the brain damage assoc w/ stroke is a consequence of excessive release of excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters (in particular glutamate)
cascade of events by which stroke-induced release of glutamate kills neurons
decrease the release of glutamate; minimize stroke damage; most effective if taken before stroke
nmda receptors
glutamate receptors that play key roles in the development of stroke-induced brain damage & long-term potentiation at glutaminergic synapses
-subtype of glutamate receptor
2 ways the excessive internal concentrations of Na+ & Ca2+ ions affect the postsynaptic neurons?
1. they trigger the release of excessive amts of glutamate from the neurons, thus spreading the toxic cascade to yet other neurons
2. they trigger a sequence of internal reactions that ultimately kill the postsynaptic neurons
what are the 4 steps for excitotoxicity/ cascade of events by which the stroke-induced release of glutamate kills neurons?
1. blood vessel becomes blocked
2. neurons that are affected by the ischemia release excessive glutamate
3. excessive glutamate binds to NMDA receptors, thus triggering an excessive influx of Na+ & Ca2+ ions into postsynaptic neurons
4. the excessive influx of Na+ and Ca2+ ions eventually kills postsynaptic neurons, but first it triggers the excessive release of glutamate from them, thus spreading the toxic cascade
3 important properties of ischemia-induced brain damage
1. takes a while to develop
2. ischemia-induced brain damage doesn't occur equally in all parts of the brain; particularly susceptible are neurons in certain areas of the hippocampus
3. the mechanisms of ischemia-induced damage vary somewhat from structure to structure within the brain
closed-head injuries
-aka traumatic brain injuries (tbis)
-brain injuries due to blows that don't penetrate skull; brain collides w/skull
-is the us, about 1.4 million treated in er for tbi; about 270,000 hospitalized; about 52,000 people die
2 things that coup & countercoup injuries cause?
contusions & concussions
closed headed injuries that involve damage to the cerebral circulatory system
-such damage produces internal hemorrhaging, which results in a hematoma
-occur when brain slams against the inside of the skull
a localized collection of clotted blood in an organ or tissue; a bruise
subdural space
the space between the dura mater & arachnoid membrane
-blood can accumulate here & severely distort the surrounding neural tissue
coup and countercoup
sites of injury
countercoup: opposite to site of impact
involve a change in consciousness or mental state after a blow to the head w/no immediate evidence of structural damage
-more psychological in nature
-brain bumps against skull
post concussion syndrome
lack on concentration, slowed processing speed, headaches, deficits in higher order cognitive functions, depression
-hard to diagnose particularly in settings where there are conflicts of interest
repeated closed-head injuries often result in conditions called?
1. chronic traumatic brain injury (cbti)
2. dementia pugilistica (boxer's syndrome)
3. chronic traumatic encephalopathy (cte)
general features of chronic injuries
slurred speed, memory impairment, personality, changes, lack of coordination, & a parkinson-like syndrome
punch drunk syndrome
the dementia (general intellectual deterioration) & cerebral scarring observed in boxers & other individuals who experience repeated concussions
infections of the brain
invasion of brain tissue by microorganisms
-the resulting inflammation of brain tissue is called encephalitis
2 common types of brain infections
1. bacterial infections
2. viral infections
bacterial infection
-often leads to abscesses-pockets of pus in the brain
-may inflame meninges, creating meningitis
-treat w/penicillin or other antibiotics to eliminate bacterial infections, but they cant reverse brain damage that has already been produced
-if untreated, result is paresis (ex: syphilis)
-type of brain infection
-syphilis bacteria are passed from infected to non-infected individuals thru contact w/genial sores
-the infecting bacteria go into a dormant stage for several yrs before they become virulent & attack many parts of the body, including the brain
syndrome of insanity & dementia
viral infections
-some preferentially attack neural tissue (ex: rabies)
-some show no preference for neural tissue, but may attack it (ex: mumps, herpes)
-some lie dormant for years, making them hard to study/treat
-both bacterial & viral forms
-flu like symptoms, but can be distinguished by neck stiffness- inability to touch neck to chest- aversion to light, drowsiness, depression, occasional seizures
-100-125 college students affect/year; 5-15 die
-ex: pork tape worms
-results in neurocysticercosis
-eggs hatch in stomach, larvae travel in bloodstream
-lodge in soft tissue-producing fluid filled cysts encasing larvae
brain damage can result from many environmental toxins that can enter circulation from GI tract or lungs, or thru the skin
toxic psychosis
-chronic insanity produced by a neurotoxin
-mercury is one toxin that results in this
-hat makers often suffered from toxic psychosis due to mercury exposure on the job
tardive dyskinesia (TD)
-a motor disorder of sudden uncontrollable, constant movements
-symptoms: involuntary smacking & sucking of the lips, thrusting & rolling of the tongue, lateral jaw movement and puffing of the cheeks
-caused by antipsychotic drugs that were also dopamine antagonists & acted as neurotoxins
produced by the patient's own body
-ex: the body can produce antibodies that attack particular components of the nervous system
5 diseases assoc w/ brain damage
epilepsy, parkinson's, huntington's, multiple sclerosis, alzheimer's
-any disorder involving uncontrolled, recurrent, & spontaneous electrical disturbances in brain
-often accompanied by changes in consciousness/awareness
-primary symptom is seizures, but not all w/seizures have epilepsy
-patients have seizures generated by their own brain dysfunction (not by an external cause)
-affects about 1% of pop
-difficult to diagnose due to diversity/ complexity of seizures
epilepsy is easier to diagnose when what is present?
-convulsions (motor seizures)
-convulsions often involve tremors (clonus), rigidity (tonus), loss of balance and/or unconsciousness
-but....many seizures involve subtle changes in thought, mood, behavior with no convulsive symptoms
evidence of epilepsy?
-epileptic spikes in an EEG are evidence of epilepsy- however, failure to see them doesn't prove absence of disorder
epileptic auras
sometimes proceed seizure; can suggest locus of abnormal activity - smells, hallucinations, or feelings
-the nature of the auras provide clues concerning the location of the epileptic focus
-epileptic auras can warn the patient of an impeding convulsion
2 general seizure categories
partial & generalized
partial seizure
seizure that doesn't involve the entire brain; have a specific locus
-symptoms depend on where the disruptive discharges begin & into what structures they spread
-not usually accompanied by a total loss of consciousness or equilibrium
2 categories of partial seizures
simple & complex
simple partial seizures
-symptoms are primarily sensory or motor (or both)
-symptoms spread, as epileptic discharge spreads
-sometimes called jacksonian seizures
complex partial seizures
-often restricted to temporal lobes
-patient engages in compulsive/ repetitive simple behaviors (automatisms)
-more complex behaviors seem normal, but totally out of context
-those who experience these kinds of seizures are often said to have temporal lobe epilepsy
-patients appear to be conscious throughout their complex partial seizures, but they usually have little or no subsequent recollection of them
-about half of all cases of epilepsy in adults are of this kind.. the temporal lobes are particularly susceptible to epileptic discharges
generalized seizure
-involve the entire brain
-some begin as focal discharges that gradually spread thru the entire brain & some charges begin almost simultaneously in all parts of the brain
2 types of generalized seizures
grand mal & petit mal
grand mal ("big trouble")
-loss of consciousness & equilibrium
-tonic-clonic convulsions (involving both tonus & clonus)
-tongue biting, urinary incontinence, & cyanosis (turning blue from lack of oxygen
-resulting hypoxia that accompanies a grand mal seizure may cause brain damage
shortage of oxygen supply to tissue, for example the brain
petit mal ("small trouble")
-not assoc w/convulsions
-primary behavioral symptom is the petit mal absence (disruption of consciousness assoc w/ a cessation of ongoing behavior, a vacant look & sometimes fluttering eyelids)
-eeg: bilateral symmetrical 3-per-second spike-and-wave discharge
-most common in children; considered "daydreamers"
parkinson's disease
-movement disorder of middle & old age that affects .5% of the pop
-2.5x more likely in males than females
-symptoms: resting tremor, not shown during voluntary movement or sleep; muscular rigidity, difficulty making movement, masklike face
-initial symptoms are mild but inc in severity over the yrs
-resting tremor=main symptom
-dementia is not typical
-no single cause
-assoc w/widespread degeneration, particularly severe in substantia nigra
-almost no dopamine in substantia nigra of patients
substantia nigra
the midbrain nucleus whose dopamine project via the nigrostriatal pathway to the striatum of the basal ganglia
3 major dopamine pathways in the brain
1. mesolimbic: vta to nucleus accumbens
2. mesocortical: vta to the cortex, hippocampus & amygdala
3. nigrostriatal: substantia nigra to basal ganglia
lewy bodies
clumps of proteins observed in the surviving dopaminergic neurons of parkinson's patients
-autopsies reveal these in substantia nigra
parkinson's disease is temporarily treated with what?
L-dopa: the chemical from which the body synthesizes dopamine
deep brain stimulation
-one of the most controversial treatments for parkinson's disease
-treatment in which low-intensity electrical stimulation is continually applied to an area of the brain thru a stereotaxically implanted electrode
-usually involves chronic bilateral electrical stimulation of a nucleus that lies just beneath the thalamus & is connected to the basal ganglia (subthalamic nuclues)
what types of things is dopamine used for?
movement, attention, learning, reinforcing effects of drugs, pleasurable behaviors
huntington disease
-rare motor disorder of middle & old age w/ a strong genetic basis
-assoc w/ severe dementia
-caused by a single dominant gene: huntington gene
-begins w/fidgetiness & progresses to jerky movements of limbs & dementia
-no cure & death typically occurs w/in 15 yrs of 1st symptoms
-not seen til about age 40
-strong gene that's often passed from generation to generation
multiple sclerosis (MS)
-progressive disease that attacks the myelin of axons in the CNS
-typically attacks young ppl as they're beginning their adult life
-autoimmune condition: immune system attacks CNS, leaving scar tissue (sclerosis means "hardening")
-demyelination of axons, affects white matter
-periods of remission common
-symptoms: visual disturbances, weakness, numbness, tremor, loss of coordination (ataxia)
-causes are unknown- modest heritability; both genetic & environmental factors
-MS rates are higher in those who spend childhood in a cool climate, away from equator; MS rare in africans & asians
autoimmune disorder
a disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the body, as if it were a foreign substance
ex: in MS, myelin is the focus of the faulty immune reaction
the study of the various factors, such as diet, geographic location, age, sex & race that influence the distribution of a disease in the general population
alzheimer's diease
-most common cause of dementia- likelihood rises w/age; 15% of people>65 & 35%>85
-progressive, w/ early stages of severe confusion/decline in memory, deficits in attention & personality changes
-definite diagnosis is difficult w/o autopsy (brains show tell tale signs)
-loss of neurons is common; plaques, tangles & neuron loss often seen in areas involved in memory- such as hippocampus, amygdala & entorhinal cortex
-may show decline in acetylcholine
-effective treatments not yet available; AD is terminal
what are the 2 defining characteristics of alzheimer's disease?
1. neurofibrillary tangles: threadlike tangles of protein in the neural cytoplasm; occur w/in neurons; comprised of mutated microtubule-assoc w/protein called tau
2. amyloid plaques: clumps of scar tissue composed of degenerating neurons & an abnormal protein called amyloid, which is present in normal brains in only very small amts
amyloid hypothesis
-dominant view for AD
-proposes that amyloid plaques are the primary symptom of the disorder & cause all other symptoms
-some support that neurofibrillary tangles are the primary symptom
animal models of human neuropsychological diseases
-experiments on neuropathology aren't usually possible w/humans, so animal models are often utilized
1. kindling model of epilepsy
2. transgenic mouse model of alzheimer's
3. MPTP model of parkinson's
kindling model of epilepsy
-series of periodic brain stimulations eventually eliciting convulsions- the kindling phenomenon
-neural changes are permanent
-produced by stim that's distributed over time
-most often studied in rats subjected to repeated amygdalar stimulation
-doesn't occur if interstimulation intervals are <20 mins
-usually involves stimulation the amygdala about 1/day
-takes about 300 to est permanence and spontaneous events
-convulsions similar to those in forms of human epilepsy-but they only occur spontaneously if kindled for a very long time
-kindling is comparable to development of epilepsy seen after TBI
transgenic mouse models of alzheimer's disease
-transgenic refers to animals into which genes of another species have been introduced
-only humans & a few primates develop amyloid plaques
-do not display neurofibrillary tangles, which prove to be the main symptom of AD
-triple transgenic mouse model- a mouse into which 3 diff human alzheimer genes have been inserted
-plaque distribution similar to AD
-genes acceleration human amyloid synthesis indroduced into mice
MPTP model of parkinson's disease
-the case of the frozen addicts: a group of young drug addicts had all of the symptoms of PD & found they were hooked on a new "synthetic heroin" that contained MPTP which contained substances that resulted in PD
-MPTP causes cell loss in the substantia nigra, like that in PD
-MPTP models led to the discovery that deprenyl, a monoamine agonist, blocks the effects of MPTP in an animal model, so it slowed the progression of the disease if given early enough
anterograde degeneration (forward)
-degeneration of the distal segment- which is the segment of a cut axon between the cut & the synaptic terminals
-cut off from cell's metobolic center- swells & breaks off w/in a few days
-also called wallerian degeneration
-occurs quickly following the axotomy bc the cut separates the distal segment of the axon from the cell body, which is the metabolic center of the neuron
-typically studied by cutting axons (axontomy)
-then, responses to damage are quantified
-2 main types: anterograde & retrograde
retrograde degeneration (backwards)
-degeneration of the proximal segment-between the cut & cell body
-progresses slowly- if axon makes a new synaptic contact, neuron may survive
-progresses gradually back from cut to cell body
-in about 2 or 3 days, major changes become apparent in the cell bodies of the most axotomized neurons
transneural degeneration
-spread of degeneration from damaged neurons to other neurons that are linked to them by synapses- can be both retrograde & anterograde
neural regeneration (regrowth)
-regrowth of damaged neurons
-doesn't usually happen in vertebrates
-capacity for accurate axonal regrowth is lost w/age
-doesnt proceed as successfully as mammals & other high vertebrates as it does in most invertebrates & lower vertebrates
-virtually nonexistent in CNS of adults & unlikely but possible in PNS
-schwann cells provide myelin sheaths in PNS
-oliogodendricites provide myelin sheath in CNS
regeneration principles in PNS
-if original schwann cell myelin sheath is intact, regenerating axons may grow thru them to original targets
-if nerve is severed & schwann cells ends are separated, they may grow into incorrect sheaths
-if ends are widely separated, no meaningful regeneration will occur
mammal pns neurons regenerate, cns don't
-cns neurons can regenerate if transplanted into pns, but pns neurons won't regenerate in cns
-schwann cells promote regeneration by releasing both trophic factors (promote growth) & cell-adhesion molecules (guide growing axons to targets)
-inhibit regeneration: property that oliogodendroglia have w/respect to regeneration
neural reorganization
-often refers to the strengthening of existing connections or establishment of new connections
-reorganization of primary motor & sensory systems is seen following: damage to perpheral nerves, damage to cortical areas, large scale of reorganization possible
mechanisms of reorganization
-typically involve release from inhibition & establishment of new connections- often reflected by collateral sprouting
collateral sprouting
-growth of axon branches from adjacent healthy neurons
-may occur at the site of degenerating neurons
recovery of function after damage
1. kennard principle: young brains recover after damage more efficiently than adult brains
2.cognitive reserve: education, intelligence, enriched experiences can promote recovery-may permit tasks to be done in new ways (handled by diff brain areas)
3. reducing extent of brain damage by blocking neurodegeneration (animal models)
4. promoting recovery by facilitating regeneration & reorganization thru rehabilitative training (human patients)
factors that block degeneration
-various chemicals can block or limit degeneration
-nerve growth factor: protein that blocks degeneration of damaged neurons, promotes myelination, collateral sprouting
-estrogens: can limit or delay neuron death
factors that promote regeneration
-while regeneration doesnt normally occur in CNS, experimentally it can be induced- directing growth of axons by schwann cells
-promote recovery thru resistance & rehabilitative training
promoting recovery by rehabilitative training
constraint induced therapy: used in stroke patients
-tie down functioning limb while training impaired one
-fosters reorganization & recovery
-facilitated walking
promoting recovery thru resistance
-some notable benefits of physical exercise
-correlations in human studies between physical activity & resistance/recovery from neurological injury/disease
-physical activity reduces risk for AD & parkinson's
constraint induced therapy
-for treating strokes
-neurons compete w/other neurons for synaptic sites & neurotrophins & the losers die
-designed a rehabilitative program based on this principle: tie down the functioning arm for 2 weeks while the affected arm received intensive training
-performance w/the affected arm improved markedly over the 2 weeks & there was an increase in the area of motor cortex controlling that arm
phantom limbs: neuroplastic phenomena
-phantom limb refers to continuation of sensation of amputated body part
-cortex reorganizes after amputation by becoming responsive to other parts of the body
-original axons degenerate leaving vacant synapses into which other axons sprout
-phantom limb can lead to sensations in amputated part of body when other parts of body are stimulated; touch on face can result in sensation of touch or pain on phantom arm
ramachandran's hypothesis (phantom limbs)
-phantom limb caused by reorganization of somatosensory cortex following amputation
-amputee feels a rouch on face & also on phantom limb (due to their proximity on somatosensory cortex)
what are the steps of digestion?
-foods are broken down into usable chemicals by digestive tract
1. chewing breaks up food & mixes it w/saliva
2. saliva lubricates food & begins its digestion
3. swallowing moves food & drink down esophagus to the stomach
4. primary function of stomach is to serve as a storage reservoir. the hydrochloric acid in stomach breaks down food into small particles & pepsin begins process of breaking down protein molecules to amino acids
5. stomach gradually empties its contents thru the pyloric sphincter into the duodenum, the upper portion of the intestine, where most absorption takes place
6 digestive enzymes in the duodenum, many of the from gall bladder & pancreas, break down protein molecules to amino acids, & starch & complex sugar molecules to simple sugars. simple sugars & amino acids readily pass thru the duodenum wall into the bloodstream & are carried to the liver
7. fats are emulsified (broken into droplets) by bile, which is manufactured in the liver & stored in the gall bladder til it's release
is there a "set point" for body's energy reserves that determines when or how much we eat?
-prevalence of eating disorders suggests this may not be the case
-over 1/2 adult pop in u.s. meets criteria for obesity
-in past 20 yrs. incidence of obesity has tripled for adolescents
-average american consumes about 3800 cals/day-about 2x avg requirement
-3% of u.s. adolescents suffer from anorexia or bulemia
is obesity included as a mental disorder?
known health hazards of obesity
-cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, arthritis, forms of cancer, cognitive impairment, brain atrophy
-100 yrs ago, type 2 diabetes was almost never seen before the age of 40
-but bc of rising incidence of obesity in children, it's now seen in 10 yr olds
known health hazards of anorexia
-highest death rate among all mental disorders (10%), brittle bones, arrhythmias, lethal heart failure, electrolyte and nutrient deficits (ex: thiamine deficiency)
premise of set point theories
-most people attribute motivation to eat w/ an energy deficit
-belief is that we eat to bring energy resources back up to an optimal..to an energy set point
current obesity rates, eating trends & related disorders raise major problems for what?
intuitive theories & beliefs about eating (set point theories)
set point
refers to a value the body works to maintain / defend
-levels of water, oxygen, blood pressure & temp
-processes & behaviors that reduce discrepancies from set points are known as negative feedback mechanisms
according to a set point perspective, eating is motivated by what?
-a drive to maintain an energy set point, enabling the delivery & storage of energy thru digestion & metabolism
what's the purpose of eating, regardless of whether a set point perspective is accurate?
-provide body w/ the molecular building blocks
-construct & maintain tissues & organs
-to obtain energy for cellular processes & muscle action
-to keep us warm
what are the 3 forms energy is available in?
1. lipids (fats)
2. proteins (broken into amino acids)
3. glucose (simple sugar by-products of carbs)
what is the function of the digestive system?
-break down food into smaller molecules that cells can use
-digestion begins in mouth where enzymes in saliva break down carbs
-hydrochloric acid & enzymes in stomach begin to digest proteins
small intestine
-has enzymes that digest proteins, fats & carbs & absorbs digested food into bloodstream
large intestine
-absorbs water & minerals & lubricates remaining materials to pass
energy is delivered to body as?
lipids, amino acids, glucose
energy is stored as?
fats, proteins, glycogen
what is the most efficient for energy storage?
-fats, relatively little as glycogen & proteins
-thus, changes in the body weights of adult humans are largely a consequence of changes in the amt of their stored body fat
-1 gram of fat stores 2x energy as 1 gram of glycogen
-fat doesnt attract/hold as much water as glycogen, providing denser energy storage
2 main reservoirs?
1. long-term reservoir
2. short-term reservoir
*there have to be reservoirs that store nutrients to keep cells nourished when gut is empty
short term energy reservoir
-located in the cells of liver & muscles, filled w/complex, insoluble carbs called glycogen
-polysaccharide often referred to as animal starch
long term energy reservoir
-located in adipose tissue & this tissue is filled w/fat (triglycerides)
-located beneath skin, around organs
-comprises most of body's energy reserves (little stored as glycogen or protein)
-high during cephalic & absorptive phases
-promotes the use of glucose as the primary source of energy/fuel for cells
-promotes the conversion of bloodborne fuels to forms that can be stored: glucose to glycogen & fat & amino acids to proteins
-promotes the storage of glycogen in liver & muscle, fat in adipose tissue & proteins in muscle
-triggers energy storage in adipose cells, liver, muscles
used by muscles as a source of energy during the fasting phase
free fatty acids
main source of the body's energy during the fasting phase; released from adipose tissue in response to high levels of glucagon
-a pancreatic hormone that promotes the release of free fatty acids from adipose tissue, their conversion to ketones, & the use of both as sources of energy
-high during fasting stage
-triggers conversion of stored energy to usable fuel: glycogen back to glucose, fat to free fatty acids, then ketones (used by muscles & brain), protein to glucose
energy metabolism & the 3 phases
-chemical changes making energy available for use
-3 phases: cephalic, absorptive, fasting
cephalic phase
-preparation for eating
-begins w/sight, smell, or thought of anticipated food
-ends when food starts to be absorbed into the bloodstream
absorptive phase
-energy is actively absorbed into bloodstream from digestive tract
-glucose & amino acids are principal sources of energy for cells
-excess nutrients stored in adipose tissue, as triglycerides
fasting phase
-period during which all the unstored energy from the previous meal has been used & the body is withdrawing energy from its reserves to meet its immediate energy requirements
-ends w/beginning of the cephalic phase
-digestive tract is empty (when you wake up)
what are 2 pancreatic hormones that control energy availability across the 3 phases of metabolism?
insulin & glucagon
-have opposing effects & show diff levels across the phases
insulin is high during cephalic & absorptive phases, but not in t2d. what would impact be for cells?
-impaired movement of glucose out of blood>into all cells needing energy, nutrients
-appetite suppression effects of insulin also impaired
-drive state that increases the probability of eating
-affected by a combo of learned & unlearned factors
-these factors are incompatible w/simple set point perspectives about energy balance
the brain regulates eating thru what?
-messages from mouth, stomach, intestines, fat cells & elsewhere
-the desire to taste & to have other mouth sensations such as chewing are also motivating factors in hunger & satiety
-these messages & motivating factors are often intuitively & historically view from set point perspectives
set point assumption
-hunger is a response to energy needs; we eat to maintain an energy set point
-eating works like a thermostat, a negative feedback system: turns on when energy is needed, off when set point is reached
what do set point systems need?
-set point mechanisms: defines set point
-detector mechanisms: detects deviations
-effector mechanisms: acts to eliminate deviations
if we eat to maintain an energy level, then what kind of "energy" is monitored? (set point theories of hunger)
-glucostatic theory: glucose levels determine when we eat over the short term
-lipostatic theory: fat stores determine how much we eat over long term (explaining why weight tends to be constant)
problems w/set point theories of hunger & eating
-there's an epidemic of obesity & overweight, which whould not occur if eating is regulated by a set point
-inconsistent w/ basic eating-related evolutionary pressures as we understand them... ancestors faced the prob of inconsistency & unpredictability of food supply so they would eat large quantities of good food when available & these cals would be stored as body fat
-major predictions of the set point theories of hunger & eating have not been confirmed
-early studies seemed to support the set point theories by showing that large reductions in body fat, produced by starvation, or large reductions in blood glucose, produced by insulin injections, induce increases in eating in lab animals
-set point theories of hunger & eating are deficient bc they fail to recognize the major influences on hunger & eating of such important factors as taste, learning & social influences
-reductions in blood glucose or body fat don't reliably induce eating
-don't account for influences of external factors on eating & hu
premise of positive-incentive perspective
-we are drawn to eating by anticipated pleasure of the experience (the positive incentive value of eating)
-degree of hunger you feel is dependent on all the factors (learning, etc.) that affect the incentive value of eating
-we evolved to like food, like sex
-multiple factors interact to determine positive-incentive value of eating: influence of culture- many good preferences are learned, possibly even during prenatal development
-accounts for the impact of external factors on eating behavior
factors that determine what we eat
-learned taste preferences & aversions (begin in utero, reinforced by culture/social groups); typical preferences: sweet & fatty foods=high energy & salty= sodium rich; typical aversions: bitter=assoc w/toxins
-learning to eat vitamins & minerals
-tend to get hungry at regular predictable mealtimes
-as mealtime approaches, body enters cephalic phase- leading to dec in blood glucose
-unexpectedly serving food high in incentive value dec glucose
-the dec appear to be conditioned-a response to the anticipation of eating
-driven by inc in insulin
-pre meal infusions of glucose don't suppress eating
factors that determine when we eat
1. premeal hunger: strong unpleasant feelings of hunger you may experience at mealtimes aren't cries from your body for food..they're sensations of your body's preparations for the unexpected homeostatsis disturbing meal; mealtime hunger caused by expectation of food, not by energy deficit
2. pavlovian conditioning of hunger: hunger often caused by expectation of food, not by energy deficit
factors that determine how much we eat
1. satiety signals
2. sham eating
3. appetizer effect & satiety
4. serving size & satiety
5. social influences & satiety
6. sensory-specific satiety
satiety signals
-satiety=being full
-food in the gut & glucose entering the blood can induce satiety signals, which inhibit subsequent consumption
-these signals depend on both the volume & the nutritive density
-satiety can stop a meal
-satiety signals are responsible for meal termination
-a main signal to stop eating is gut distention of the stomach
sham eating
-study of sham eating indicates that satiety signals from the gut/blood aren't necessary to terminate a meal
-in sham eating experiments, food is chewed & swallowed by the subject, but rather passing down subject's esophagus into the stomach, it passes out of the body thru an implanted tube
-amt we eat at a given meal is influenced by previous experience with food, not by immediate energy need
appetizer effect & satiety
-small amts of food consumed before a meal actually increase hunger rather than reducing it
-presumably, it occurs bc the consumption of a small amt of food is particularly effective in eliciting cephalic-phase responses
serving size & satiety
-the larger the servings, the more we tend to eat
-there's even evidence that we tend to eat more when we eat w/larger spoons
social influences & satiety
tend to eat more when in a group (even rats)
sensory specific satiety
-tasting a food immediately dec positive-incentive value of similar tastes & decreases palatability of all foods about 30 mins later
-eat diff foods for more nutrients
-greater variety of foods rather than same over and over
-some foods resistant to sensory specific satiety: rice, bread, potatoes, sweets, salads
why do we eat more if there's a greater variety of food available?
adaptive strategy to sample from everything
roles of blood glucose levels in hunger & satiety
-glucose drops before meal as preparation to eat, not as a cue
-must dec glucose in blood by 50% to trigger feeding
-pre meal glucose infusions often don't suppress eating
-reduced blood glucose may contribute to hunger, but changes in glucose don't prevent hunger or satiety
-if an expected meal isn't served, glucose levels soon return to their previous homeostatic levels
-regardless of glucose, animals will eat & keep eating if the incentive value (anticipated pleasure) of a food is high enough
myths of hypothalamic hunger & satiety centers
-early lesion experiments suggest 2 hypothalamic centers: 1. ventromedial (VMH)- a satiety center; 2. lateral (LH)- a hunger center
-lesions of VMH produce hyperphagia
-lesions of LH produce aphagia & adipsia
-the VMH is not likely a satiety center
-VMH lesion rats maintain a new higher weight
-VMH lesions may not specifically destroy other brain regions (noradrenergic bundle)
-the LH is not likely a feeding center
-LH lesioned rats will recover if kept alive by tube feeding
-LH lesions may produce sensory & motor disturbances that affect food seeking
what is the most supported role of the hypothalamus?
-regulation of energy
-hypothalamus now thought to participate in energy metabolism, not food intake
-VMH leisions increase insulin, lipogenesis
what is the role of the gastrointestinal tract in satiety?
-cannon & washburn (1912); studies suggested stomach contractions led to hunger, distention to satiety
-however, hunger still experienced w/no stomach (but rest of GI tract remaining)
-in rat studies, rats w/transplanted (extra) stomach & intestine expressed sated behavior when food was injected into extra stomach that had no nerve connections
-led to hypothesis of blood borne satiety signals
hunger & satiety peptides
-gut peptides that dec meal size: cholecystokinin (CKK), glucaron, somatostatin
-must 1st est that peptide doesn't merely create illness (loss of appetite w/fever, etc)
-some so called hunger peptides are usually synthesized in the hypothalamus - neuropeptide Y, galanin, orexin-A, ghrelin
-many diff neural signals control eating
-hypothalamus plays central role in eating behaviors, but it's much more complicated than hypothetical existence of hunger/satiety regions
serotonin & satiety
-serotonin agonists consistently reduce rats' food intake
-even intake of palatable food is affected
-reduces amt eaten per meal
-preferences shift away from fatty foods
-similar effects seen in humans
prader-willi syndrome: patients w/ insatiable hunger
-genetic condition marked by short stature & obesity
-symptoms: food related- insatiable appetite, slow metabolism, eventual death in adulthood from obesity-related diseases; other- weak muscles, small hands & feet, extreme stubbornness, feeding difficulties in infancy, tantrums, compulsivity, skin picking
-damage/absence of a section of chromosome 15
-levels of peptide ghrelin - 5x higher than normal
-ghrelin released as a neurotransmitter in brain & a hormone in the stomach
-acts in the stomach to trigger stomach contractions-possibly affects feelings of hunger & processing of food cues
-never feel full
consequences of factors driving us to eat too much are substantial; resulting in obesity
who needs to be concerned w/obesity?
-everyone, as rates of obesity are inc around the world
-obesity relates to many health probs
-obesity is common in u.s. & is a disease attributed to a sedentary lifestyle, increased fast food restaurants, increased portion sizes & high use of fructose in foods
why is there an epidemic of obesity?
-bc of food unpredictability & scarcity, evolution favored preferences for high-cal food, eating to capacity, storing fat, & using energy efficiently
-also, social influences, cultural practices & beliefs promote consumption
why do some people become obese while others do not?
-energy input differences
-high cravings, consumption of high-cal foods
-cultural norms, fam influences
-large cephalic phase- response to sight/smell of food
-energy output differences: exercise & non-exercise activity thermogenesis (neat)
-genetics & prenatal influences interact to affect energy input/output
why are weight loss programs typically ineffective?
long term weight loss requires a permanent lifestyle change
treatment of obesity
-weight loss interventions like liposuction, the surgical removal of fat, gastric bypass, & drugs that affect hunger & satiety produce short-term effects that are usually compensated by our body in the long term
-gastric surgery & serotonergic agonists
gastric surgery
gastric bypass & the adjustable gastric band create a small stomach
-treatments are for extreme obesity
serotonergic agonists
-serotonin appears to inc short term satiety signals assoc w/ consumption of a meal & dec urge to eat high-cal foods, consumption of fat, intensity of hunger, size of meals, number of snacks & binging
-early serotonin agonists (fenfluramine & phentermine) block reuptake, but produced heart disease in some & were withdrawn from the market
national weight control registry
-wing & hill compiled a registry of ppl who lost 30-300 lbs & maintained the loss for 1-60 yrs
-registry members have lost an avg of 66 lbs and kept it off for 5.5 yrs, defying common beliefs that ppl gain their lost weight back rapidly or eventually
-common habits: exercise 1 hr/day (walking), low fat diet, breakfast, weighing in 1x/week, <10 hrs tv / week
-voluntary self starvation
-maintain 85% or less of normal weight
-fatal in 10% of patients, highest of all psychiatric disorders
-cyclical pattern of binge eating & purging
-similar symptoms w/anorexia, difficult to distinguish, may be variants:
*distorted body image
*most often affects educated, affulent young females
*assoc w/ obsessive compulsive disorder & depression
*assoc w/inc release of ghrelin & alterations of several other hormones & transmitters
*may be the result & not the cause
*reinforcement areas of the brain assoc w/ addiction also implicated
anorexia bulemia nervosa
-presence of gray matter atrophy, enlarged ventricles & widened sulci in brains of anorexic patients, which indicate shrinkage of brain tissue
-possible causes not well understood
-many researchers/clinicians believe that anorexia nervose & bulemia nervosa are symptoms of an underlying mental disorder
-but evidence suggests just the opposite: that the symptoms of eating disorders are actually symptoms of starvation
-both anorexia & self starvation include symptoms seen in both conditions
treatments for eating disorders
-extremely difficult to treat, as most patients don't wish to change
-some classes of antidepressants may be useful in treatment, there is no specific medication to alleviate the disorders
-cognitive-behavioral therapies focused on changing the distorted body image are more effective than medication
how much sleep do we need?
-vast amt of time spent sleeping suggests that sleep has a significant biological function
-most ppl sleep over 175,000 hrs in their lifetime
3 standard physiological measures of sleep
-electroencephalogram (EEG) - 1930s; electrical activity from scalp
-electrooculogram (EOG) - 1953; eye movements seen during REM sleep
-electromyogram (EMG) - 1962; detects loss of activity in neck/core muscles during some sleep stages
alpha waves
-occur right before the 4 stages of sleep eeg
-bursts of 8 to 12 Hz EEG waves
-eyes closed, preparing to sleep
-after these, EEG voltage inc & frequency dec as one goes from stage 1 thru 2, 3, & 4
4 stages of sleep EEG
1. similar to awake EEG, but slower; lower volt/higher freq than later stages
2. high volt/slower than stage 1; k complexes: 1 large negative wave (upward deflection) followed by 1 large positive wave (downward deflection); sleep spindles - 1 to 2 sec bursts of 12-14 Hz waves
-stages 3 &4 - delta waves-> large amp, slow freq
-progress to stage 4 sleep, then back to stages 3,2 & (emergent) stage 1
-emergent stage 1 differs from initial stage 1- REMs & loss of body core muscle tone
-progress thru sleep stages in 90-min cycles
-durations of emergent stage 1 period lengthen as night progresses
what happens during REM sleep (emergent)?
-loss of core muscle tone
-low amp/high freq EEG
-inc ANS activity
-muscles may twitch
-penile erection
categorizing 4 stages of sleep EEG
-emergent stage 1 sleep= REM sleep
-all other stages= non-REM sleep
-stages 2,3 & 4 =slow wave sleep
-stages 3 & 4 = delta sleep (presence of delta waves)
2 basic forms of sleep
slow wave sleep (stages 2,3,&4) & rapid eye movement sleep=paradoxical sleep
REM sleep & dreaming
-80% of awakenings from REM (emergent stage 1) yield reports of story-like dreams
-external stimuli can be incorporated into dreams
-everyone dreams
-penile erections are not a result of erotic dreams
-sleepwalking/talking are not the acting out of dreams
Freud's explanation of dreams
-dreams are triggered by unacceptable repressed (often sexual) wishes
-manifest dreams: what we experience
-latent dreams: underlying meaning
-no evidence for this
Hobson's view of dreaming
-activation synthesis: modern alternative to freud's explanation
-dreams due to cortex's attempt to make sense of random brain activity - neural input
Is brain activity during sleep stages random?
-no, may be a "replay" of neural firing from the day
-cells that fired together when rats were in a particular location also fired.. almost identically during subsequent sleep
-info acquired during wakefulness may "re-expressed" in hippocampal & cortical circuits during sleep
-may facilitate mem formation
biological functions of sleep?
recuperative or adaptive?
recuperative theories of sleep
-sleep is needed to restore homeostasis
-wakefulness causes a deviation from homeostatis (ex: depletes energy)
-predict that long periods of wakefulness will result in severe disturbances & disturbances will get worse as deprivation continues
-after deprivation, much of the missed sleep will be regained
adaptation theories of sleep
-sleep results from internal timing mechanism (we're programmed to sleep)
-sleep evolved to protect us from dangers of the night
-focus more on when we sleep rather than the function of sleep
-some suggest that sleep has no role in normal physiological functioning - we don't need it stay healthy
-sleep conserves energy at night, helps to avoid mishaps
comparative analysis of sleep
-all mammals & birds sleep- must have imp func
-not a special higher order human function
-not necessarily needed in large quantities
-no clear relationship btwn species sleep time & activity level, body size, or body temp
-possible relationship btwn sleep and vulnerability to predation while asleep & how much time is needed to feed
2 classic sleep-deprivation case studies
1. sleep deprived students (60s) - by 3rd night, subjects found desire for sleep overpowering
2. randy gardner: stayed awake for 11 days; only slept 14 hrs 1st night after the study, which counters the recuperation theory
what functions have little effect of sleep deprivation?
logical deduction, critical thinking, physical strength, motor performance
what functions have a larger effect of sleep deprivation?
executive function (prefrontal cortex); assimilating changing info, updating plans & strategies, innovation thinking/creativity, memory
effects of 3-4 hrs of deprivation in one night
increased sleepiness; disturbances displayed on written tests of mood; poor performance on tests of vigilance
effects of 2-3 days of continuous deprivation
experience microsleeps,naps of 2-3 secs
carousel apparatus
-used to deprive rats of sleep
-when experimental rat's EEG indicates sleep, chamber floor moves- if rat doesn't awaken, it falls in water
-yoken controls: subject to same floor rotations
-experimental rats typically die after several days
-postmortem studies reveal extreme stress experienced by the experimental rats
2 consistent effects of REM sleep deprivation
-proceed more rapidly into REM as REM deprivation increases
-REM rebound- more time spent in REM when deprivation is over; rem rebound suggests that REM sleep serves a special function
purpose of REM
-processing of explicit memories?
-inconsistent findings
-antidepressant REM-blocking drugs don't interfere w/memory
-nycamp & others awoke sleepers in REM for 15 mins
-result: no sleepiness or REM rebound the next day
-may be no speical need for REM if wakefulness is substituted for it
sleep deprivation inc sleep efficiency
-after sleep deprivation, most of lost stage 4 is regained & SWS is increased
-short sleepers get as much SWS long sleepers
-naps w/o SWS don't dec night's sleep
-gradual reductions in sleep time lead to dec in stages 1 & 2
-little sleepiness produced w/repeated REM awakenings, unlike SWS
sleeping is best understood as a ?
circadian cycle
circadian sleep cycles
-circadian rhythms- "about a day"
-virtually all physiological, biochemical& behavioral processes show some circadian rhythmicity
-environment cues that entrain circadian cycles
-synchronize biological & behavioral processes
-german meaning "time giver"
-refers to a stimulus (external factors) that resets a circadian rhythm
-ex: sunlight, tides, meals, temp of environment, etc
-depression, irritability, & impaired job performance are effects of using something other than sunlight as a zeitgeber
most imp zeitgeber for the sleep-wake cycle
the light dark cycle
what are circadian rhythms called that are in a constant environment?
-free running rhythms
-the total duration of a free running rhythm is called a free running period
do you still see circadian sleep-wake cycles if you remove zeitgebers?
yes-free running periods vary, but are usually constant w/in a subject
-most are longer than 24 hrs... about 25
jet lag vs. shift work
-jet lag: zeitgebers are advanced or delayed
-shift work: zeitgebers are unchanged, but sleep wake cycle must be altered
-both produce a variety of deficits
jet lag
-refers to disruption of circadian rhythms due to crossing time zones
-stems from mismatch of internal circadian clock & external time
-sleepiness during day, sleeplessness at night & impaired concentration
-traveling west "phase-delays" circadian rhythms
-traveling east "phase-advances" circadian rhythms
-jet lag is worse traveling east
how to reduce jet lag?
-gradually shift sleep-wake cycle prior to travel
-post flight treatments to promote the needed shift
-phase advance following east-bound travel w/intense light early in the morning
-hamster studies suggest a good early morning workout may also help
effects of chronic jet lag?
produces temporal lobe atrophy & spatial cognitive deficits
circadian clock in the scn
-fact that circadian sleep wake cycles persist w/o environmental cues indicates existence of an internal timing mechanism- a circadian clock
-this clock is located in suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the medial hypothalamus
-lesions don't reduce sleep time, but they abolish its circadian periodicity
-exhibits electrical, metabolic, & biochemical activity that can be entrained by the light-dark cycle
-transplant SCN, transplant sleep wake cycle
neural mechanisms of entrainment
-cutting optic nerves before optic chiasm eliminates ability of light-dark cycle to entrain circadian rhythms
-however, cutting after chiasm doesn't have this effect
-later the retinohypothalamic tracts were identified
-leave optic chiasm & project to adjacent suprachiasmatic nuclei
-mechanism of entrainment of SCN cells to light dark cycle
-retinal ganglion cells w/no rods or cones
-SCN regulates waking & sleeping by controlling activity levels in other brain areas
-SCN regulates pineal gland, an endrocrine gland located posterior to thalamus
-pineal gland secretes melatonin, a hormone that can inc sleepiness
evidence of other clocks
-some circadian rhythms intact after SCN lesion
-SCN lesions don't eliminate ability of all environmental stimuli (such as food or water availability) to entrain circadian rhythms
2 areas of hypothalamus involved in sleep
-economo found that posterior hypothalamus & anterior hypothalamus were related to excessive sleep or inability to sleep, respectively
-finding were in patients that had encephalitis lethargica
areas of brainstem involved in sleep
1. cereau isole (isolated forebrain) preparation: produced by severing cat brainstem btwn superior & inferior colliculi, resulted in continuous SWS
-encephale isole (isolated brain) preparation: produced by transection caudal to colliculi, resulted in normal sleep cycle
-therefore, wakefulness depends of the function of reticular formation, or "reticular activating system"
reticular formation
-group of cells that runs thru core of hindbrain/midbrain
-output to forebrain imp for alertness, sleep
-output to spinal cord imp for controlling movements & muscle tone
mesencephalon (midbrain)
-superior colliculi: guide eye movements & fixate gaze
-inferior colliculi: locate direction of sounds in space
drugs that inc sleep (hypnotic drugs)
-benzodiazephines- valium, librium
-most commonly prescribed hypnotic drugs
-effective in short term
-complications: tolerance, cessation leads to insomnia, addiction, use leads to next day drowsiness, inc of stage 2 sleep while dec of stage 4 & REM
drugs that dec sleep (antihypnotic drugs)
-stimulants & tricyclic antidepressants
-both inc activity of catecholamines
-act preferentially on REM-may totally suppress REM w/ little effect on total sleep time
-side effects: loss of appetite, addiction
-synthesized from serotonin in pineal gland
-melotonin levels follow circadian rhythms controlled by SCN
-pineal gland triggers seasonal reproductive changes in fish, birds, reptiles, & amphibians - human function is unclear
-melatonin isn't a sleep aid, but may be used to shift circadian rhythms (good for jet lag)
-melatonin secretion usually begins 2 to 3 hrs before bed time
-melatonin can phase shift internal clock, but precise role in normal sleep is unclear
3 general sleep disorders
1. insomnia: disorders of sleep initiation/maintenence
2. hypersomnia:disorders of excessive sleep/sleepiness
3. REM sleep dysfunctions
-30% of respondents report sleep related probs- far fewer truly have the problem
-iatrogenic: physician created
-long term valium use
-alternative treatment: sleep restriction
-sleep apnea: stop breathing at night - leads to sleep awakenings
-most common in males, overweight & elderly
2 types of sleep apnea (insomnia)
1. obstructive: obstruction of respiratory passages by muscle spasms or atonia
2. central- CNS fails to initiate breaths
Periodic limb disorder & restless legs (insomnia)
periodic limb disorder: twitching of body, usually legs, during sleep; most sufferers aren't aware of why they don't feel rested

restless legs: uneasiness in legs that prevents sleep
-both are often treated w/ benzodiazepines
hypersomnia -narcolepsy
-severe daytime sleepiness & repeated brief daytime sleep - "sleep attacks"
-cataplexy: loss of muscle tone while awake
-sleep paralysis: paralyzed while falling asleep or upon waking
-hypnagogic hallucinations: dreaming while awake
-appears to be an abnormality in mechanisms that trigger REM
-narcoleptics enter directly into REM
-dreaming & loss of muscle tone while awake-suggest REM intruding into wakefulness
-may be due to genetic orexin deficiency & environmental factors
effects of long-term sleep reduction
-no consistent differences btwn short & long sleepers
-when reduced to 6 hrs/night subjects often reported daytime sleepiness
-other no ill effects
-overall sleep was more efficient
-effects of napping? mixed evidence that polyphasic sleep is more efficient
polyphasic sleep
-sleeping multiple times per day (we're usually monophasic or 1x per day sleepers)
-cultures that sleep 2x per day (w/siesta) are biphasic
-no consistent evidence for benefits of polyphasic sleep
-extreme polyphasic sleep is often seen in traumatic brain injury & premature dementia