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80 Cards in this Set

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skin - mechanical defense
1. flow of fluid
2. perspiration
3. sloughing off skin
skin - chemical defense
1. sebum
2. defensins
GI tract - mechanical
1. flow of fluid
2. mucus
3. food
4. saliva
GI tract - chemical
1. acidity
2. enzymes
3. defensins
Respiratory tract - mechanical
1. flow of fluid
2. mucus
3. air flow
Respiratory tract - chemical
1. lysozyme in nasal secretion
2. defensins
Urogenital tract - mechanical
1. flow of fluid
2. urine
3. mucus
4. sperm
Urogenital tract - chemical
1. acidity in vagina secretions
2. spermine
3. zinc in semen
eyes- mechanical
1. flow of fluid
2. tears
eyes - chemical
1. lysozyme (in tears)
2. defensins
ubiquitous responses of innate immunity
1. 0-4 hours
2. Infection
3. recognition by preformed, nonspecific effectors
4. removal of antigen
eg. complement
induced response of innate immunity
1. 4-96 hours
2. infection
3. recruitment of effector cells
4. recognition, activation of effector cells
5. removal of antigen
eg. APR (Acute Phase Response)
adaptive response
1. infection
2. transport antigen to lymphoid organs
3. recognition by naive B and T cells
4. clonal expansion/differentiation to effector cells
5. removal of antigen
protective immunity
1. reinfection
2. recognition by preformed antibodies and effector T cells
3. removal of infectious antigen
immunological memory
1. reinfection
2. recognition by memory B and T cells
3. rapid expansion and differentiation to effector cells
4. removal of infectious agent
the complement system
main objective: C3b attachment
Phases of Immunity
1. Ubiquitous responses of innate - preformed, nonspecific effectors
2. induced responses of innate - cell secreted effectors
3. adaptive response
4. protective immunity
5. immunological memory
Bordet experiment
1. discovery of complement system
2. antiserum vs. inactivated serum vs normal serum + inactivated serum
3. Adding normal serum to antiserum restored
lysis, or “complemented” the activity of the
antibodies in the antiserum
C3b attachment
1. most important component
2. C3 is cleaved into C3a (small) and C3b (big)
3. C3b opsonizes particles for engulfment by macrophages
4. C3a recruits phagocytes
macrophages and C3b relationship
macrophages have receptors for C3b and engulfs particles it tags
1. chemotactic (recruits) neutrophils and macrophages
C3b bond
1. covalent
2. when cleaved from C3, thioester bond is exposed
3. nucleophlic attack on thioester bond creates soluble C3b (attacks water) or binds to pathogen surface (attack by amine or alcohol)
3 pathways of complement activation
1. alternative pathway
2. lectin pathway
3. classical pathway
alternative pathway
1. pathogen surface instigates complement activation
2. first pathway to act
3. complement activation and following steps
complement activation
1. C3 → C3a + C3b
2. C3b covalently binds to surface components of pathogen
3. recruitment of inflammatory cells
4. opsonization of pathogens (phagocyte kills)
5. perforation of pathogen membranes
6. steps 3-5 all lead to death
lectin pathway
1. mannose-binding lectin binds to pathogen surface
2. second to act
3. complement activation
classical pathway
1. c-reactive protein or antibody binds to specific antigen on pathogen surface
2. third to act
3. complement activation
detail: initiation on alternate pathway
1. C3 in plasma binds
2. C3 + H20 → iC3
3. iC3 + B → iC3B
4. iC3B + D → iC3BD
5. iC3BD - D → iC3Bb (convertase) + Ba + D
6. iC3Bb + C3 → C3b + C3a (step is repeated for additional C3)
7. C3b binds to pathogen surface
regulations of complement cascade (inactivate)
1. soluble factors
a. H factor is high in animal-specific sialic acid
b. H factor binds to C3b and recruits factor I
c. Factor I cleaves C3 → iC3b (inactive)
d. bacteria lack sialic acid and so C3b remains active
2. membrane-bound factors : DAF and MCP disrupt C3bBb (convertase) causing Bb to dissociate resulting in iC3b (when cleaved by factor I) or DAF-C3b complex
factor I deficiency
1. factor I cleaves C3 → iC3b (inactive)
2. autoimmune disease
3. depletion of complement
4. when bacterial infection occurs, no complement able to tag bacteria
Complement Killing Mechanism: phagocytosis
1. complement activation → C3b accumulation on bacterial cell surface
2. CR1 (receptor) on macrophage binds to C3b
3. endocytosis of bacteria
4. membrane-bound vesicle is created with bacteria inside (phagosome)
5. lysosomes fuse with phagosome and form phagolysosome (kill bacteria)
cleavage of iC3b enhances adaptive response how?
1. complement activations covers pathogens in C3b
2. factor I cleaves C3b → C3d
3. C3d is recognized by CR2 on FDC and B lymphocytes and retains them on surface
detail: Lectin Pathway
1. cytokines tell liver to secrete MBL to enhance complement fixation
2. MBL binds mannose on the surface of bacteria
3. MASPs bind to MLB, start cleavage
4. MASP-2 cleaves C4 → C4a + C4b
5. some C4 binds covalently to pathogen surface
6. MASP-2 also cleaves C2 → C2a + C2b
7. C2a binds to surfaced C4b → C4b2a (covertase)
8. C4b2a + C3 → C3a + C3b
9. C3b then covalently binds to C3 surface
C1 complex
1. looks and behaves like MBL/MASP
2. C1q is pathogen/antibody sensor
3. C1r and C1s are proteases
4. binds to either CRP or IgM
1. C-reactive protein
2. induced in the liver by cytokines secreted at infection site
3. binds and recruits C1
1. antibodies produced by B cells
2. binds and recruits C1
3. adaptive response required to make IgM
4. low affinity but very efficient in activating complement
5. conformation dependent binding
detail: Classical pathway
1. IgM/CRP binds and recruits C1
2. C1 cleaves C4 and C2 and makes convertase C4bC2a bind to the pathogenic surface
3. covertase cleaves C3 to C3b which binds to surface
4. more convertase generated via alternative pathway
amplification of classical pathway (via alternative pathway)
1. C1 binds to antigen/antibody complex
2. deposition of C4b by C1
3. deposition of C3b by C4b2a
4. deposition of C3b by C3bBb
conformation dependent binding of IgM
1. by C1
2. planar conformation: C1q sites are not exposed
3. staple conformation: exposes C1q binding sites
C1 binding of IgM v IgG
1. IgM: pentameric molecules binds to antigen on sufrace and then adopts staple form and C1 binds to 1 IgM molecule
2. IgG molecule binds to antigen on surface and then C1q binds to 2+ IgG molecules
Membrane Attack Complex (MAC)
C5 activation by the alternate C5 convertase
Complement Killing Mechanism: Direct Lysis (MAC attack)
1. lysis of bacterium through generation of holes
2. has soluble and membrane bound regulatory mechanism to prevent lysis of host cells
what happens when barrier is breached?
1. innate immunity:
2. cytokines secreted and circulated in blood
3. cytokines trigger responses from various tissues (APR)
Cytokines elicit what responses to what organs?
1. liver (CRP, MBL, acute phase proteins → activation of complement/opsonizaiton)
2. bone marrow endothelium (neutrophil mobilizations → phagocytosis)
3. hypothalamus (increase body temp → decreased viral and bacterial replication)
4. fat, muscle (same as #3)
5. together they elicit inflammation of the tissue
inflammation (steps)
1. healthy skin not inflammed
2. surface wounds introduce bacteria
3. bacteria activate resident effector cells to secrete cytokines
4. vasodilation and increased vascular permeability allow ICs to leave blood and enter tissue
5. infected tissue becomes inflamed
cardinal signs of inflammation
1. swelling
2. redness
3. heat
4. pain
5. loss of function
vascular permeability in innate response (steps)
1. tissue damage → vasoactive and chemotactic factors trigger increase in blood flow and capillary permeability
2. capillaries have influx of fluid and cells
3. phagocytes migrate to inflammation site (chemotaxxis)
4. phagocytes and antibacterial exudate destroy bacteria
1. constitutively secreted antimicrobials
2. amphipathic
3. positively charged peptides
4. associate with negatively charged surfaces of bacteria (defensins are cationic)
5. create membrane pores (assemble into rings)
6. attack bacteria, viruses, and fungi
7. ancient defense: found in eurkaryotes
α-defensins secreted by Paneth cells
1. main source of defensins in the intestines
2. HD6/HD5 defensins (granule components)
3. nanonets (HD6) involved in mucosal immunity
4. Paneth cells secrete granules containing α-defensins HD5 (antibacterial) an HD6 (nanonets)
Defense mechanism: extracellular, interstitual spaces/blood/lymph
1. complement
2. macrophages
3. neutrophils
Defense mechanism: extracellular, epithelial surfaces
antimicrobial peptides
Defense mechanism: intracellular cytoplasmic
NK cells
Defense mechanism: intracellular vesicular
activated macrophages
what are the granulocytes?
1. basophil
2. eosinophil
3. neutrophil
myeloid progenitors
what are the monocytes?
1. macrophage
2. mast cell
3. dendritic cell
myeloid progenitors
cells derived from lymphoid progenitors?
1. B cells→plasma cells
2. NK/T cells (T cell → effector T cells; NK cell)
detection of microbes
1. PRR (pattern recognition receptors)
2. MAMPS/PAMPS (microbial associated molecular patterns)
PRR-MAMP: Phagocytosis
1. PRR trigger uptake
2. bacteria engulfed
3. phagosome → phagolysosome kills bacteria
PRR-MAMP: cytokine secretion
toll like receptors (TLRs)
1. toll-like receptors
2. activate innate cells, indirectly influence adaptive immunity
3. located in endosomes and plasma membrane (of phages)
4. sense microbial products inside and outside cell
3. induce dendritic cell maturation
1. lipopolysaccharide
2. cell wall of bacteria
3. recognized by complex of TLR4, MD2, and CD14
TLR4, MD2, CD14, LPS complex pathway
1. complex is assembled at macrophage surface
2. MyD88 binds to complex, kinase cascade activates IKK
3. transcription of inflammatory cytokines is signaled
4. cytokines synthesized in cytoplasm and secreted via ER
Proinflammatory cytokines
1. proinflammatory cytokine
2. activates vascular endothelium
3. activates lymphocytes
4. local tissue destruction
5. increases access of effector cells
6. fever (systemic effect)
1. proinflammatory cytokine
2. activates vascular endothelium/permeability
3. entry of complements
4. fluid drainage to lymph nodes
5. fever, metabolite mobilization, shock (systemic effects)
6. induces adhesion molecule expression on endothelial cells
1. proinflammatory cytokine
2. recruits neutrophils and basophils to site
1. activates NK cells
2. stimulates them to make IFN-γ
3. produced by macrophages
TLRs and dendritic cell maturation
1. dendritic cells carry most all TLRs
2. TLR activates cells to uptake CCR7 and move to lymph
3. promotes up-regulation of MHC and B7 so that cell is mature and activated to present antigens to T cells
mast cells
1. initiators of adaptive response
2. granulated macrophages
3. express multiple TLRs and receptors for C3a and C5a
4. reside in connective tissue near blood vessels
5. activated by bacteria and complement
6. break down membrane phospholipisd (to make vasoactive and chemoattractive molecules)
1. leave bone marrow and travel via blood to infection sites
2. stored in bone marrow
3. engulf/kill bacteria directly (or via complement)
4. die in tissue and degraded by macrophages
5. attracted to endothelial cells near infection
6. fuse with phagosome
adhesion molecules
1. bind to neutrophils
2. allow neutrophils to migrate between cells and tissue
respiratory burst
1. ezymatic reactions involving superoxide and hydrogen peroxide
2. generates extremely potent reactive species
3. species do NOT preferentially attack microbe, causes a lot of collateral damage (tissue damage)
challenges of viruses to innate system
1. obligate intracellular microbes
2. require cellular machinery to replicate
3. look like host cells to innate immune cells
how does innate immune system detect viruses?
1. damaged host tissues release TLR/PRR ligands
2. PRRs detect viral proteins
3. conserved features at distinct locations
viral host defense
1. interferon (interfere with viral replication)
2. lysis (cytotoxic T cells/NK cells) of infected cell
3. antibodies (bind and wipe out virus/ tag them for phagocytosis or lysis)
1. alpha or beta response
2. resistance to viral replication
3. increase expression for receptors on NK cells
4. activate NK cells cytotoxicity
5. induced through TLRs
6. almost always produced in response to virus infection
Natural Killer Cells
1. cytotoxic (promoted by IFN-α/β or IL-12)
2. produce IFN-γ (activate macrophages)
3. kills cells infected with viruses
4. display various receptors (not all identical)
5. recognize presense/absense/variation MHC
6. inhibitory receptors control NK activity
MHC class I
inhibit signals from activating receptors (negative signal) which prevent NK from lysing normal cell
1. expressed by normal cells when stressed
2. activating receptors bind these
3. will lyse via NK
Timing of viral host defense
1. ~ 2 days produce IFN
2. ~3 days NK cell killings
3. 6-7 days T cell killing