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94 Cards in this Set

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How does a local anaesthetic work?
prevents or relieves pain by interrupting nerve conduction. reversible. act on every type of nerve, cause sensory and motor paralysis. block sodium channels
chemical structure of local anaesthetics
aromatic region linked by ester or amide and basic side chain.
weak bases (pka8-9), partially ionized at physiological ph
why are ester and amide bonds important in local anaesthetics
metabolic hydrolysis in plasma and liver
Examples of local anaesthetics
procaine, cocaine, tetracaine, cinchocaine, LIDOCAINE, prilocaine, bupivacaine, benzocaine
mode of action of local anaesthetic
block initation and propagation of action potential. BLOCK NA+ channels by physically plugging the transmembrane pore
Sodium concentration inside neurons
less than outside.
open channel -> sodium rushes in causes depolarisation
what triggers release of neurotransmitter
action potential.
causes Ca++ influx which causes release of vesicles
explain why pain sensation is blocked more readily than touch
nociceptive impulses are carried by a(delta) and C fibers which are smaller in diameter and responsible for pain
unwanted effects from local anaesthetic
CNS and cardiovascular.

CNS (tremors, restlessness, confusion, agitation, CNS depression which can lead to respiratory depression)

Cardio (myocardial depression and vasodilation, decreased blood pressure)
tissue penetration of anaesthetics
varies and affects rate of onset and recovery

esters rapidly cleaved
amides metabolised in liver
Autonomic nervous system
only part of the nervous system where synpases occur outside the protection of the skull and vertebrae

sympathetic and parasympathetic
brain and spinal cord
more complex than ANS
Blood brain barrier
tight junctions between endothelial cells and surrounding astrocytes and capillaries
White matter
inner of brain contains bundles of axons with myelin
grey matter
outer of brain
contains cell bodies and dendrites
Cerebrospinal fluid
source: choroid plexi (lateral, 3rd, 4th ventricle of brain)
5 hour rate turnover
cushions brain, regulates extracellular fluid, nutrition, sink that collects waste.
CNS blood supply
brain = highly metabolically active
a constant flow of blood to the brain. flow rates vary depending on which part of the brain is active at any given time.
Lumbar puncture
test for infection
sample of CSF
needle inserted below end of spinal cord to prevent damage.
if increased pressure can NOT do lumbar puncture because will relieve pressure outflow of CSF in uncontrolled fashion
Neurotransmission in CNS
many neurons in close proximity so release of NT can lead to diffusion of NT into postsynaptic neuron, not intended postsynatpic neuron or glia cells.
amino acid neurotransmitters in CNS
glutamate, GABA, glycine, asparate
synthesis of amino acids
linked to each other.

e.g. glutamate undergoes GAD to become GABA
Synthesis of glutamate
from glucose of glutamine
Glutamate link with BBB
BBB becomes impermeable to Glu seven days after birth.

Normally 1uM but can increase to 20uM under pathological conditions characterised by defects in BBB or cellular damage such as ms, stroke

can lead to excitotoxicity
Life cycle of glutamate
glutamine -> via glutaminase -> glutamate ->Vglut (transporter) -> uptake into vesicles -> released into synapse -> 1/2

1 - uptake via EAAT (excitatory amino acid transporter) into astrocyte -> via glutamine synthase -> glutamine -> released via glutamine transporter and reupatked into original neuron.

2-> uptake via EAAT into original neuron and re enters cycle as glutamate
four glutamate receptor subtypes
NMDA [Na+, Ca+], AMPA[Na+, Ca+], Kainate[Na+, Ca+], Metabotropic receptor[GPCR -> similar to mACh]
causes depolarisation
GABA life cycle
similar to glutamate but uses gabanergic neuron

GAD convert glutamate to GABA

little GABA found out of CNS
GABA-a = movement of Cl to hyperpolarise
GABA-b = movement of K+ out to hyperpolarise or reduce Ca++ in to hyperpolarize
GABA subunits
30 different combinations
common - (a1)2, (b2)2, (gamma1)
Sites of GABAa
GABA binding site
benzodiazepines - gamma subunit, conformational change to increase affinity of NT to GABA
sites of gaba b
K+ and Ca++
agonist for gabab
treat spasticity
agonist for gaba A - reduces affnity for gaba
axiolytic or sedative
glycine life story
similar to GABA and glutamate
similar to gaba-a (rely on astrocytes, Cl- channel - inhibitory)
are glycine receptors pharmacological targets
no therapeutic drugs
strychnine is a convulsant (antagonist) which used to cause seizures
acts on glycine receptors
blocks glycine release from interneurons resulting in hyperactivity and violent muscle spasms
aim of anaethesia
to render patient unconscious and unresponsive to painful stimuli
anaesthetic state
amnesia, immobility in response to noxious stimuli, analgesia, unconciousness
Mechanism of action of anaesthetic drugs - lipid theory
close correlation between anasthetic potency and lipid solubility
now largely discredited
Mechanism of action of anaesthetic drugs
bind to ion channels,

inhibit excitatory receptors (glutamate, ACh, 5-HT)
Exhancement of inhibitory receptors (GABAa, glycine)
activation of K+ channels
Effect on the nervous system
reduction of transmitter release
inhibition of NT action
reduction of excitability

brain regions -> thalamic sensory relay nuclei, hippocampus

stage 1: analgesia
stage 2:excitatory (want to delete this stage)
stage 3: surgical anaesthesia
stage 4; medullary paralysis
anaesthetics reduce ____
effects of anaesthetics on cardiovascular and respiratory systems
halogenated anaesthetics cause cardiac dysrhythmias

all anaesthetics (except NO2 and ketamine) depress respirations
which drugs are lipophilic

n2o, cyclopropane, halothane, ether
halothane and ether

slow curve on graph (slow induction into blood)
what does low blood solubility have to do with potency
low blood solubility means lower potency
blood:gas coefficient for anaesthetics
solubility in blood (rate of induction and recovery)
lower = faster induction and recovery
oil:gas coefficient for anaesthetics
measure of lipophilicity
influences distribution, induction and recovery.
more lipophilic = slower recovery
inhalation anaestetics
halothane (non explosive = hepatotoxicity, malignant hyperthermia), N2O (childbirth), enflurane, isoflurane (MOST USED), desflurane and sevoflurane
intravenous anaesthetics
thiopental, ketamine, propoful, etomidate, midazolam.

GABAa agonist for most
ketamine -> glutamate nmda antagonist
peripheral nervous system
clusters of nerve cell bodies and processes

physical continuity with CNS

cranial nerves, spinal nerves and ganglia
brain 5 regions
telencephalon (cortex, basal ganglia), diencephalon (thalamus, hypothalamus), mesencephalon (cerebral peduncle, tectum), metencephalon (pons and cerebellum), myelencepaholon (medulla oblongata)
multilayers of neurons
planning and initiation of movement
learning and memory
50-100 billion cells
perception and integratino of sensory information
cortex arrangment
suli, gyri and fissures

made up of primary motor and sensory areas
diagram of which part of the cortex is responsible for each body part

(more area = more sensitive)
limbic system
hippocampal formation (memory, emotion)
amygdala (fear)
input from basal ganglia, cerebellum, limbic system and sensory system.
output to ipsilateral cortex

intergrates sensory information
regulates cortical activity
control movement
controls appetite, fluid balance, metabolism, circadian cycle, body temperature.

integrates functions
basal ganglia
inputs from cortex and thalamus

outputs to thalamus and brainstem

motor planning and execution
important in mvmt disorders such as parkinsons
coordination of movement
speed, direction, precision and timing of muscle activity and maintenance of balance
reticular formation
central core of brainstem

functions like breathing

influences of autonomic nervous system, biological systems and endocrine functions
cerebrospinal fluid
choroid plexus

rich in sodium, potassium, chloride
protection and nutrition
free difusion to ECF
blood brain barrier
isolate brain from blood stream
tight junction between cells
active cellular transport
passive diffusion

cell body

cytoplasm rich in RER (mitochondria)
shape and transport
one per neuron

proper (can be myelinated)
terminal (arborization)
transmit signal towards body

highly branched

receives input from different sources
layers of oligodendrocytes wrapped around short section of axon
nodes of ranvier
water and ions
more Na+ outside, K+ inside, Ca2+, Cl-
phospholipid bilayer
hydrophoblic core
movement of ions via....
passive diffusion
sodium potassium pump
maintains membrane potential by pumping 3 sodium out and 2 potassium in
action potential
depolarization of membrane by Na+ entering cell.

all or nothing

propagation and saltatory conduction
chemical synapse
electrical synapse/tight junction
tight junction, small molecules and ions, electrical coupling
information transmission
one direction due to refractory period
information processing
single cell computation/integration
location of primary somato-sensory cortex
post central gyrus of parietal lobe
three neuron synaptic chain
central axons of sensory neurons enter dorsal root of spinal cord

synapse with 2nd order neurons in medial lemniscal tract and ascent to thalamus

synapse with 3rd order neurons at thalamus which transmit information to somato-sensory cortex
spatial discrimination
ability of cortex neurons to process sensory information and IDENTIFY THE PRECISE AREA OF THE BODY BEING STIMULATED
left side of the body controlled by _____ side of brain
damage to somatosensory cortex
destroys ability to feel and localize touch, pressure and vibration

ability to feel pain and temperature is lost but can still be felt vaguely (poorly localised)
somatosensory association area
posterior to primary somato sensory cortex

function: integrate and analyse different somatic sensory inputs (touch, pressure) relayed to it by primary somato sensory cortex

draws upon stored memories of past experiences to perceive the object allowing you to regonise familiar objects without looking
perception of pain
peripheral nociceptors detect pain --> pain pathways relay info via action potentials to spinal cord --> 1. & 2.

1 --> monosynapic withdrawal reflex

2--> sensory info submitted to brain via spinothalamic tract -> cortex localises brain and induces appropriate motoric behaviour
limbic system and pain
limbic system adds to pain (dysphoria)

amygdala hippocampus
peripheral nociception
nociceptors can detect mechanical, thermal or chemical change above a set threshold. once stimulated a nociceptor transmits a signal along the spinal cord to the brain.
painful stimuli which directly activate nociceptors
K+, ATP, 5-HT, Bradykinin, histamine.
stimuli which sensitize nociceptors
prostaglandins, leukotrienes, substance P.
pain receptors transmit to which part of spine
e.g. A may go to 1, 3, 5
C to 1, 2 or something
central processing of pain
ascending pathway (spinothalamic tract) takes information to brain past thalamus to somatosensory cortex where it is localised and processed (with help from motor cortex and associated cortex)

descending tract then takes info (plus input from thalamus) back to place of pain)
gate control mechanism
descending inhibitory pathway reduces response at synapse and + at SG neuron which - at synapse (decreases info processed to CNS).

makes pain less

mechanoreceptors (AB) also activate SG neurons which decrease info processed to CNS

activates opioid receptors (dynorphines at K)