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20 Cards in this Set

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What are the basic characteristics of a living organism?

Movement -

Name the 5 characteristics of a plant?


Cell wall is made of glucose,

Vacuole containing sap,

Chloroplasts for photosynthesis,

Carbohydrates stored as starch or sucrose

Name the 5 characteristics of an animal?


Eat other living organisms,

No cell wall or chloroplasts,

Can move freely,

Store carbohydrates as glycogen

What are the levels of organisations within organisms?

Orgenalles, cells, tissues, organs and systems

What is an organelle?

Organised or specialised structures within a living cell

What are tissues?

A collection of specialised cells of a similar origin that work together to perform a function.

What are the 5 characteristics of a fungi?

Some are single celled,

Body organised into mycelium (lots of thread like hyphae containing many nuclei), cell wall is chitin and fibrous carbohydrates, use saprotrophic nutrition, store carbohydrates as glycogen

What is saprotrophic nutrition?

Extra cellular secretion of digestive enzymes onto food material and absorption of organic products

What is the function of a nucleus?

Controls cell / contains DNA

What is the function of cytoplasm?

Jelly like substance where all reactions take place

What is the function of a cell membrane?

Partially permeable / maintains cell shape

What is the function of a cell wall?

Made of cellulose / rigid, keeps the cell shape

What is the function of chloroplast?

Contains chlorophyll / where photosynthesis occurs

What is the function of a vacuole?

Stores cell sap, water and minerals

What are 3 the characteristics of a protoctist?

Microscopic, single celled. Some (amoeba) have animal like cell features. Some (chlorella) have chloroplasts like plants. Some are pathogens eg. Plasmodium causes malaria

What is a pathogen?

An agent causing disease or illness to its host

What are the 8 characteristics of bacteria?


Single celled,

Cell wall/membrane,


No nucleus,

Circular chromosome of DNA,

Some photosynthesize,

Use binary fission to reproduce

What is binary fission?

DNA is doubled in cell, cell splits in two, form of sexual reproduction

What are the 6 characteristics of virus?

Smaller than bacteria,


Reproduce inside living cells,

No cellular structure,

Protein coat surrounding DNA,

Can infect every type of living organism

What can pathogens be?

Fungi, bacteria, protoctist, or viruses