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14 Cards in this Set

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the largest and most prominent organelle in most eukaryotic cells;
has two primary functions:
1) Directs most cellular activities by controlling which molecules are produced and in what quantity they are produced
2) Storehouse for hereditary information via linear strands of DNA "Chromatin"
Plasma Membrane
phospholipid bylayer that performs several critical functions:
1) take in food and nutrients
2) dispose of waste products
3) build and export molecules
4) regulate heat exchange
5) regulate flow of materials into and out of cell
built in the nucleus but pass through the nuclear pours and into the cytoplasm before starting their work. Like little factories that copy bits of the information stored in the DNA and use them to construct proteins.
coverts the energy contained within the chemical bonds of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in food into CO2, H20, and ATP.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
called "rough" because surface is studded with ribosomes. Primary function is to fold and package proteins that will be shipped elsewhere in the organism.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
In the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, lipids are synthesized and alcohol, antibiotics, and other drugs are detoxified; found in the liver, helps keep dangerous molecules out; "smooth" due to lack of ribosomes
Jelly-like fluid that fills the inside of the cell
inner scaffolding of the cell, which is made from proteins, has 3 chief purposes:
1)It gives animal cells shape and support
2)controls the intracellular traffic flow, serving as a series of tracks on which a variety of organelles and molecules are guided across and around the inside of the cell.
3)Because the elaborate scaffolding of the cytoskeleton is dynamic and can generate force, it gives all cells some ability to control their movement.
Golgi Apparatus
processing of molecules synthesized in the cell and packaging of those molecules destined for use elsewhere in the body
round, membrane-enclosed, acid-filled vesicles that function as garbage disposals.
(Animal only) One of two cylindrical cellular structures composed of nine triplet microtubules and forming the mitotic astrospheres.
(Plant only) The site of photosynthesis; conversion of light energy into the chemical energy of food molecules, with oxygen as a by-product.
Cell wall
(Plant only)
(Plant only) multi-purpose storage; fluid filled sac surrounded by a membrane; occupies 50-90% of a plant cell's interior space