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88 Cards in this Set

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Single cells organisms with no membrane bound nucleus or organelles


Multicellular organisms with membrane bound organelles


Contains DNA, directs the synthesis of all proteins required by the cell and therefore controls the metabolic activities of the cell


Area within the nucleus responsible for producing ribosomes necessary for protein synthesis


Site of the final stages of cellular respiration. Double membrane bound to produce cristae and the fluid interior called the matrix. Inner membrane contains enzymes for aerobic respiration. Also contains mitochondrial DNA to produce it's own enzymes


Membranous sacs for storage and transport


Specialised vesicles containing hydrolytic enzymes


Network of fibres which gives a cell shape and structure. Organelles held in place by the cytoskeleton.

Composed of centrioles, microfilaments, microtubules and intermediate fibres

Microfilaments (cytoskeleton)

Contractile fibres of actin, responsible for cell movement and contraction during cytokinesis

Microtubules (cytoskeleton)

Globular tubulin proteins polymerise to form tubes that act as scaffold. They determine shape and acts a tracks for movement of organelles. Makes up spindle fibres

Intermediate fibres (cytoskeleton)

Give mechanical strength to cells


Component of the cytoskeleton, two associated centrioles form the centrosome involved in the assembly and organisation of spindle fibres

Flagella Vs Cillia

9+2 arrangement in structure

Flagella: Whip like, longer but fewer in number, generally used for movement.

Cillia: Hair like, used in sensory etc.

Endoplasmic reticulum

Network of membranes enclosib flattened sacs called cisternae. Connected to the nucleus.

Smooth ER

Responsible for lipid and carbohydrate synthesis and storage

Rough ER

Ribosomes bound to surface responsible for synthesis and transport of proteins. (Secretory cells contains more ER as they produce more enzymes etc.)


No membrane, constructed of RNA. The site of protein synthesis

Golgi Apparatus

Similar in structure to SER. Modified and packages proteins into vesicles to leave the cell or lysosomes to stay in the cell

Stages of Protein Synthesis

1. Transcription

2. Translation

3. Proteins move to cisternae of RER and are packaged into vesicles

4. Vesicles move along the cytoskeleton to the Golgi apparatus

5. Vesicles fuse with the cis face of the Golgi and the proteins enter

6. The proteins are structurally modified such as adding carb groups etc.

7. Proteins leave the Golgi in vesicles pinched off at the trans face

8. Vesicles move towards and fuse to the cell surface membrane, releasing their contents by exocytosis. Or vesicles form lysosomes to remain in cell


The copying of DNA base sequence in the nucleus using RNA, forming mRNA which leaves through the nuclear pores


Sequence of amino acids chained together at ribosomes to match mRNA triplet code

Cellulose Cell Wall

Rigid structure made of carbohydrate cellulose. Freely permeable. Contents of the cell push against the wall making it rigid. The wall acts as protection for the contented from invading pathogens


Membrane lined sac in the cytoplasm containing cell sap. Most cells have large vacuoles to maintain rigor. Membrane is called tonoplast, it is selectively permeable.


Organelles responsible for photosynthesis. Double membrane bound structure similar to mitochondria. The fluid enclosed is called the stroma and they have an internal network of membranes called granum. Grana are joined by lanellae and the grana contain photosynthetic pigments

Prokaryote/Eukaryote Comparison

Elements in Carbohydrates

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen

Elements in Lipids

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen

Elements in Proteins

Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulfur

Elements in Nucleic Acids

Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Phosphorus

Uses of Water and the properties which lead to them

• Solvent - many solutes in an organism can be dissolved in water

• Coolant - High specific heat capacity

• Transport Medium - Capillary attraction, adhesive and cohesive

• Stable Environment for organisms - stable, doesn't change temperature or state easily

• Insulation - Floating ice keeps lower water warm so aquatic organisms survive at lower temperatures

α Glucose - Structure

β Glucose - Structure

Glycosidic Bond

Cellulose Structure

Alternating orientation of β Glucose. Cellulose form hydrogen bonds between each other forming microfibrils which form together to make fibres. This makes it strong and insoluble

Monomers of Lactose

Galactose and Glucose


Polymer of α Glucose

Bonds between C1 - C4

Twisted with hydrogen bond supports


Branched molecule

Bonds between C1-C4 and C1-C6


Polymer of glucose

Branched, more than amylopectin so more compact

Branching leaves many glucose open to be removed


Reaction which breaks down polysaccharides with the addition g water

Test for Reducing Sugars

Benedict's Test for Reducing Sugars:

Place sample in boiling tube, grind and blend if necessary

Add equal volume of Benedict's Reagent (alkaline solution of Copper II Sulfate)

Heat mixture gently in boiling tube for 5mins



No>High reducing sugars

Reducing sugars give up electrons to Cu2+ ions forming Cu+ hence colour change

Test for Starch

Iodine test for Starch:

Mix a few drops of potassium iodide solution with food sample


Positive when yellow/brown changes to purple/black

Test for lipids

Emulsion Test for Lipids:

Mix food sample with ethanol

Solution is then mixed with water and shaken


White Emulsion - Lipids Present

Remains Clear - No lipids

Test for Protein

Biuret Test for Proteins:

Add liquid sample to test tube

Add equal volume Biuret Reagent

Shake mixture and leave to stand for 5mins


Purple/Mauve - Proteins present

No change - Proteins not present


No double bonds present between carbon atoms


Double binds present between some carbon atoms


One glycerol molecule combined with three fatty acids


Modified triglycerides which contain phosphorus. The phosphate ions are negatively charged and so soluble in water


Steroid alcohols, type of lipid found in cells

e.g cholesterol which regulates fluidity of phospholipid bilayer in membranes

Roles of lipids

• Membrane formation, creation of hydrophobic barriers

• Hormone Production

• Electrical insulation for nerve transmission

• Waterproofing

• Thermal insulation

• Protection/cushioning of vital organs

• Buoyancy

Amino Acids Structure

Peptide Bond

Primary Level of Protein Structure

Sequence of amino acids, influence how peptide folds and it's final shape

Only peptide bonds

Secondary level of protein structure

Oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen interact

Hydrogen bonds form

H Bonds either pull together one chain into an α helix

Or, multiple chains to form a β pleated sheet

Tertiary level of protein structure

Folding of protein into final shape

Secondary structure brings R-groups close together to interact and fold

Interactions between R-groups may be:

- Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic interactions

- Hydrogen Bonds

- Ionic Bonds between +ve R-groups

- Disulfide bonds, covalent bonds between R-groups with sulfur

Quaternary level of protein structure

Association of two or more individual proteins called sub units

Interactions between sub units the same as tertiary but between peptide molecules

Globular Proteins

Compact and water soluble proteins

Roughly spherical in shape

Formed when tertiary structure keep Hydrophobic R-groups away from aqueous environment

Hydrophilic R-groups on outer side of protein

Conjugated Proteins

Globular Proteins with a prosthetic group, non protein component


Quaternary conjugated protein made of 4 polypeptides

Two α subunits, two β subunits.

Each containing a haem group, the iron II ion can combine with oxygen


Quaternary conjugated protein with four haem groups allowing it to catalyse breakdown of hydrogen peroxide.

Fibrous Proteins

Long insoluble molecules, due to high proportion of hydrophobic R-Groups. Tend to make long, strong molecules.


Fibrous protein with large proportion of sulfur and disulfide bonds. Found in hair


Fibrous protein, elastic fibres in alveoli and blood vessels


Fibrous protein, rope-like connective tissue found in skin and tendons


Monomers of nucleic acids

Phosphodiester bonds form between nucleotides to produce nucleic acids


Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid

Contains Penrose sugar - deoxyribose

Two types of bases:

- Pyrimidines, smaller bases with single carbon ring. Thymine and Cytosine

- Purines, larger bases with double carbon ring. Adenine and Guanine

Double helix structure, two strands run antiparallel (5' one end 3' at the other) to each other joined by hydrogen bonds

A - T (2 hydrogen bonds)

C - G (3 hydrogen bonds)


Ribose Nucleic Acid

Ribose pentose sugar

Thymine base replaced with Uracil

U - A (2 hydrogen bonds)

DNA Replication


A triple of bases which code for a single amino acid


Adenosine Triphosphate

Universal energy currency

Not good as a long term energy store as phosphate bonds are unstable

Attaching Pi to an ADP creates ATP. This is phosphorylation.

ATP + H2O -> ADP + Pi + Energy


- Small

- Water soluble

- Bonds between phosphates provide immediate energy

- Release energy in manageable small quantities, energy is not wasted as heat

- Easily regenerated


Globular proteins which catalyse biological reactions

Catalyse anabolic (building up) and catabolic (breaking down) reactions

Lock and Key Hypothesis

Active site on enzyme is complimentary to substrate, only specific substrates fit

Substrate and enzyme bind to form enzyme-substrate complex

Substrate(s) react and form enzyme-product complex

The product leaves and the enzyme is not used so continues to function

Induced Fit Hypothesis

Active site changes shape slightly as substrate enters

This puts strain on the substrates binds as a molecule

This lowers activation energy for the reaction

Intracellular Enzymes

Enzymes which act within cells e.g. catalase

Extracellular Enzymes

Enzymes that act outside of cells e.g. amylase and trypsin

Digestion of Starch

Starch is broken down to maltose via amylase produced in the salivary glands and pancreas

Maltose is broken down to glucose via maltase in the small intestine

Digestion of proteins

Trypsin, a protease, is produced in the pancreas and released in the pancreatic juice in the small intestine. It breaks down proteins into amino acids

Competitive inhibition

Molecule or part of a molecule with a similar shape to the substrate, fits in active site

Reduces rate of reaction but does not reduce Vmax

e.g. statins inhibit cholesterol synthesis so are prescribed to reduce cholesterol levels

Non-competitive inhibition

Molecule binds to other part of enzyme, an allosteric site

This alters the tertiary structure and the active site is no longer complimentary

Decreases rate of reaction and Vmax


A non-protein 'helper' component needed to carry out an enzymes function as a catalyst.

If it is an organic molecule it is a coenzyme

Precursor Activation

A change in the enzymes shape required to be activated. Can be achieved by the addition of a cofactor or another enzyme cleaving of certain bonds to open up the active site

Intrinsic Proteins

Proteins imbedded in both layers of the phospholipid bilayer

Channel proteins - allows passive movement

Carrier proteins, active and passive transport


Used for cell signalling, receptors for neurotransmitters and peptide hormones


Cell markers or antigens so it can be recognised by the immune system

Facilitated diffusion

Diffusion across a membrane through protein channels

Active Transport

Movement of ions from low concentration to high concentration, requiring energy and a carrier protein

ATP bind to the carrier protein and is hydrolyse into ADP + Pi


Molecule is released into the cell

Binding phosphate causes the protein to change shapeMolecule is released into the cellPhosphate is released and joins to ADP to form ATPProtein returns to original shape

Phosphate is released and joins to ADP to form ATP

Protein returns to original shape

Bulk Transport

Movement of large molecules such as enzymes or whole cells such as bacteria

Endocytosis (Phagocytosis - solids, pinocytosis - liquids), bulk transport into cells

Exocytosis, bulk transport out


Diffusion of water across a partially permeable membrane from high water potential to low water potential

Cell Cycle

Interphase - Normal cell activity:

Protein Synthesis

Mitochondria grow and divide

Chloroplasts grow and divide

Normal metabolic processes

G1 - First growth phase:

Proteins from which organelles are synthesised are produced and organelles replicate

Cell increases in size

CHECKPOINT - Cell size, nutrients, growth factors, DNA damage

S - Synthesis phase:

DNA is replicated in the nucleus

G2 - Second growth phase:

Cell increases in size

Replicated DNA is checked

Energy stores increase

CHECKPOINT - Cell size, DNA replication, DNA damage

Final CHECKPOINT - Spindle assembly, check chromosomes are attached to spindle