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16 Cards in this Set

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1 How can animals move due to their muscular system? 2 Name the three types of muscles. 3 skeletal muscles consist of striated voluntary muscles attached to blank and enables blank and forms blank?

1. Internally and externally. 2. Skeletal(striated), cardiac, and smooth. 3 frame of the skeletal system enabling locomotion forming the fleshy parts of the body

1 Define flexion. 2 define extension. 3 Define adduction. 4 Define abduction 5 Rotation

1 Bending or moving together of jointed parts. 2 Straightening of joint parts. 3 Moving towards the midline of the body. 4 moving a part away from the midline. 5 circular movement along the long axis of the bone

1 Are skeletal muscles voluntary or involuntary? 2 How does it look under a microscope? 3. How is it joined?

1. Voluntary. 2 Striated. 3 Joined to the bones via tendons.

1 Are cardiac muscles voluntary or involuntary and what controls it? 2 where can the cardiac muscle be found? 3 which muscle does the cardiac muscle resemble in appearance and what does it posses? 3 what is the function of these disks?

1 Involuntary; medulla. 2. Heart 3 skeletal muscle, intercalculated disks. 3 Ensure heart contraction as unit.

1 Is the smooth muscle voluntary or not? 2 What are three locations for this muscle? 3 what system controls this muscle? 4 what junctions does this muscle have?

1 Involuntary. 2 Blood vessels, airways, digestive system. 3 Autonomic nervous system. 4 Gap junctions

1 What is the function of the skeletal muscle? 2 what stimulates this muscle? 3 How does this muscle contract and relax. 4 Describe this muscle's shape and appearance. 5 how much force can this muscle generate

1 Allows movement via attachment of bone to muscle. 2 Nervous system 3 Rapidly. 4 Single, Striated and very long multinucleate cells. 5 Large amounts of force

1. What is the function of the cardiac muscle? 2 Describe the regulation and contraction. 3 Describe its cell shape and appearance. 4 How fatigue is it? 5 describe the force of this muscle?

1 Pumps blood for oxygenization as well as systemic circulation. 2 self excitatory but influenced by nerves and hormones. 3 Branching striated uninucleate or binucleate ;all cells are connected directly or indirectly. 4 Less fatigue than skeletal muscle. 5 left ventricle strong enough to pump blood to all parts of body during exercises

1. What is the function of the smooth muscle? 2. Describe the regulation of contraction. 3 Describe the cell shape and appearance. 4 how is its fatigue levels? 5 how much force does it produce

1. Regulates pressure in blood vessels; allows for peristalis in digestive system. 2 contracts and relaxes slowly and is able to sustain contraction. 3 uninucleate;single fusiform cells. 4 Generally does not fatgue. 5 generates the least amount of force

1 Define the sacromere. 2 what are the seven sacromere components.

1 The basic unit of skeletal muscle tissue. 2 Actin, Myosin, Z band, Isotropic band, anisotropic band h-zone, and m line.

1 Define actin. 2 what is the function of myosin? 3 what is located along the sacromere border? 4 The isotropic band contains what only? 5 what does the anisotropic band contain? 6 What is the function of the m line?

1 primary component of thin filaments along with trypomyosin and troponin. 2 Slide between actin filaments during contraction. 3 Z band. 4 Actin. 5 actin and myosin. 6 connects neighboring strands of myosin.

1 what are myofibrils made of? 2 what are muscle fibers (myocyte/muscle cells) made of? 3 what are fasicles made of and what surrounds it? 4 what is made of several fasicles in parallel?

1 Several sacromeres in series. 2 several myofibrils in parallel; multinucleated; surrounded by endomysium. 3 multiple muscle fibers in parallel; perimysium. 4 muscle

1 Describe endomysium. 2 what surrounds the fasicle. 3 Describe the epimysium. 4 The tendon is the site of what attachment? 5 what are the four functions of muscles?

1 sheath of dense connective tissue that surrounds each muscle fiber. 2 perimysium. 3 surrounds muscle; thickens into tendons at site of connection to bone. 4 muscle attachment to bone. 5 Movement, generation of force, storage of glycogen, and orientation in space via muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs

1 Define hypertrophy. 2 define hyperplasia. 3 blank is gradual muscle wasting. 4 Define rhabdomyosis, what can it result in, who can it be seen in?

1 muscle growth via an increase in the size of muscle fibers and is common in humans. 2 Muscle growth via an increase in the number of fibers and is common in cats. 3 Atrophy. 4 Extremely rapid breakdown of muscle tissue, victims of earthquakes and bombings.

1. Where can the catch muscle be found, what does it specialize in? 2 what type of insect uses the asychnous muscle and what for? 3 How does the asynchnous muscle contract? 4 what does asynchnous muscle contraction result? 5 Does the asynchnous muscle have more or less power output and describe its restriction in function?

1. Molluscs, maintaning tension with low ATP expenditures. 2 Beetle for flapping its wings. 3 more than one contraction per nerve pulse. 4 attachment to resonant structure . 5 More efficient power output but less restricted in function

1 where can the synchronous muscle be found? 2 Describe its contractions. 3 Do some invertebrates contain voluntary muscle? 4 Smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle structure and function are conserved where?

1 wings of locusts and in humans. 2 one contraction per nerve impulse. 3 yes. 4 across vertebrates and even some invertebrates.

1 What is the function of the temporalis? 2 what is the function of the Pterygoid? 3 what muscle flexes shoulder and adducts forelimb? 4 Function of lattismus dorsi? 5 which muscle rotates the thigh? 6 Function of adductor magnus and bicep femoris? 7 function of the triceps femoris? 8 Which muscle extends the vertebral column. 9 Function of aconeus? 10 Which animal contains the muscles on this card?

1 Flexes head and lifts mandible. 2 lifts head. 3 Deltoid. 4 Flexes shoulder and moves forelimbs. 5 gluteus. 6 adducts thigh. 7 flexes thigh and extends hindlimb. 8 longissimus dorsi. 9 Extends forearm. 10 Frog