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36 Cards in this Set

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A balanced diet contains the right amounts of...?








Why does the body need carbohydrates, fats and proteins?

-The body needs carbohydrates, fats and proteins to release energy you need to live and to build new cells.

Why do you need small amounts of vitamins and minerals?

-You need them for your body to work healthily.

What problems are there if a person does not have a balanced diet?

-A person is malnourished if their diet is not balanced.

-This may lead to a person being overweight or underweight.

-May lead to deficiency diseases.


Excess intake of high energy foods can lead to type 2 diabetes. What is it?

-This is a disease where the person is unable to control the levels of sugar in their blood.

-This is dangerous and the person must monitor their blood sugar levels regularly.

Males need more energy than females of the same age unless the woman is pregnant. True or false?


A teenager needs more energy than someone in their 70s. True or false?


If you do very little exercise you need more food. True or false?


Does the temperature of the place you live in affect how much energy you need as well?

-Yes. In warmer countries, you need to eat less food because you use less energy keeping your body temperature at a steady level.

What is "metabolic rate"?

-The rate all the chemical reactions in the cells of the body are carried out.

Why does the metabolic rate vary?

-It depends on the amount of activity you do. The more activity, the more energy is required by the body.

-Varies with respect to the proportion of muscle to fat in your body. The higher the proportion of muscle to fat, the higher the metabolic rate.

Why do you need cholesterol?

-For your cells membranes and to make vital hormones.

There are two forms of cholesterol. One form is healthy, but the other form can cause health problems. True or false?


What is the problem if the balance of your cholesterol levels is wrong?

-Your risk of getting heart diseases increases.

What can be used to prevent infection?


What are pathogens?

-Microorganisms that cause infectious disease.

How do diseases occur?

-When large numbers of pathogenic microorganisms enter the body.

What are two common pathogens?

-Bacteria and Viruses

What is bacteria?

-Bacteria are single-celled living organisms that are much smaller than animal and plant cells.

Are all bacteria harmful?

-No. Although some bacteria cause disease, many are harmless and some are really useful to us.

What can useful bacteria be used for?

-Making food such as cheese and yoghurt and treating sewage and to make medicines.

Viruses are bigger than bacteria. True or false?


What can viruses cause?

-Diseases in every type of living organism from people to bacteria.

What can pathogenic bacteria produce?

-Toxins which make us feel ill.

What can viruses do?

-Thet can take over you cells, destroying and damaging them.

How do viruses replicate?

-By invading cells, reproducing inside them and bursting them.

White blood cells help to defend against pathogens by...?

-ingesting pathogens

-producing antibodies, which destroy particular bacteria and viruses

-producing antitoxins, which counteract the toxins released by the pathogens.

What does the immune system produce?

-antibodies to kill a particular pathogen.

If a large population of the population is immune to a pathogen, what happens to the spread of the pathogen?

-It is reduced.

In the 1850s, what did Semmelweiss recognise?

-The importance of hand-washing to prevent spreading some infectious diseases.

How do antibiotics including penicillin help cure bacterial disease?

-They kill infectious bacteria in the body.

What have the bacteria MRSA developed?

-The resistance to antibiotics.

What is the MMR vaccine used to protect children against?

-Measles, mumps and rubella.

What is the difference between Epidemics and Pandemics?

-Epidemics are diseases that spread widely across one country and pandemics spread widely through several countries.

What conditions do microorganisms like?

-Conditions with nutrients, warmth and moisture.

Why are fish covered in slime?

-To help protect them from damage and infection.