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52 Cards in this Set

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Squamous epithelium
thin layer of cells, one cell thick that lines the internal cavities of the body (cheek cells)
Cuboidal epithelium
in structures such as ducts of kidneys. are as high as they are wide
Columnar epithelium
lining of respiratory passages or digestive organs, responsible for secretion or absorption. much longer than wide
Epithelial cells
protectors of the body. cover outer surfaces and line the inner passages. Determines which substances enter body
Connective tissue
three categories:
cells of immune system
cells of skeletal system
cells that store and distribute substances
red blood cells (pink and lack nuclei)
white blood cells (stained purple on slides)
liquid portion of blood, intercellular matrix in tissue
white, mineral intercellular matrix that fills space between cells
hyaline cartilage
pink intercellular matrix of protein that contains many cells with lacunae (small black hole that contained a bone cell).
most abundant type of cartilage. Facilitates movement at body's joints and provides support
Muscle tissue
work only through contraction and this movement is involved in moving something else. Three types:
volunatry muscle associated with bones. long cylindrical cells with dark cross-striations(fingerprint)
Cardiac muscle
muscle only in heart. long cells with faint striation. fibers are smaller than striated and are connected in wavy, branch-like arrangement
smooth muscle
involuntary muscle, in digestive organs. cells are tapered at each end, with no striations and a wavy appearance
neural Tissue consist of cell body and cytoplasmic extensions
axons carry signals away
dendrites carry impulses towards
Human digestive tract functions
Food intake
mechanical breakdown and digestion of food
absorption of nutrients
formation and evacuation of feces
food enters the digestive system here, where mechanical breakdown of food with aid from secretion of saliva
passageway food moves down, shared by digestive and respiratory systems
carries the food past your throacic cavity, which contains your heart and lungs
widest part of digestive tract, allows for food storage and delivers it to the rest of your digestive system in small amounts. where digestion occurs
small intestine, duodenum
from stomach, food travels here (both names)
located below the stomach, gives the duodenum enzymes to aid with digestion and receives bicarbonate
aids with digestion of lipids, produces bile
gall bladder
stores liver produced bile until needed by duodenum
small intestine
involved in absorption of nutrients through finger-like projections called villi.
large intestine
also known by colon, larger in diameter by shorter in length . absorbs remaining water and alts to consolidate solid waste
Respiratory system function
basic function is gas exchange: the uptake of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide
nasal cavity
where air first passes, warms, moistens and filters the air
a passageway shared by digestive and respiratory systems, second stop of airflow
contains vocal chords
splits into two bronchi, one going to each lung
bronchi ultimately branch into several smaller of these. where air is moistened, warmed, and filtered by sili
alveoli (alveolus)
sac-like structures where gas exchange takes place, covered by capillaries
Circulatory system functions
blood moves through body within this system. consists of blood cells and blood plasma. carries oxygen, CO2, nutrients and metabolic wastes, hormones and components of your immune system. and regulates temperature
Four chambered muscle that pumps your blood
atria vs. ventricles
one receives blood from elsewhere in the body
other pumps blood out of the heart
right atrium, right ventricle
blood coming back from the body collects in the _____ and moves into the ________ which pumps it to the lungs
Left atrium, left ventricle
the oxygenated blood returns to the heart via the ________ and moves into the _________ which pumps it back through the body.
three types of vessels blood travels through
carry blood away from the heart, and have thick muscular walls to withstand the pressure of pumping heart muscle
carry blood back to the heart, have thinner walls due to reduced pressure
small vessels where exchanges of nutrients and wastes take place with the other cells of the body
Skeletal system
comprised of bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. Give your body form and support. Large bones contain red bone marrow, source for new blood cells
Reproduction system
internal fertilization, which male typically places sperm with female's body to prevent gametes from drying
where sperm of male are produced, develop in abdomen but descend into sack called scrotum.
ovum (egg) released from one of two ______during process called ovulation
Oviduct/fallopian tube
ovum is carried through _______. where fertilization takes place
where developing embryo will enter and implant within its wall. here it develops attaching to mother with placenta where nutrients and wastes are exchanged
serve three basic functions:
-filter nitrogenous wastes from the blood
-maintain proper balance of water and salts
-regulate the pH of the blood by removing excess hydrogen ions and retaining bicarbonate
produces bile to aid digestion
regulates levels of substances in blood
detoxifies poisonous substances
helps regulate blood sugar levels
produces enzymes and bugger to aid with digestion
produces insulin (lower blood sugar)
produces glucagon (raise blood sugar)
next to stomach
blood flowing through __________ is exposed to leukocytes that destroy bacteria
removes old erythrocytes