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206 Cards in this Set

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Where are fossils found?
sedimentary rock
A rock layer formed when new layers of sediment cover older ones and compress them.
A change in gene frequencies of a population over time
The contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of next generation relative to other individuals

Ex AA have 10 offspring fitness of 1
aa have 4 offspring have fitness of .4
A localized group of individuals capable of interbreeding
Gene Pool
The total genes of a population at a particular time
Directional Selection (Dark mice live in chimneys while white mouse are easily spotted and killed)
Favors A or C of curve of variation
A patchy area shows that only dark and white mice survive in this area. (A & C of the curve of variation are favored)
Disruptive Selection
Stabilizing Selection (little change in environment over a long period of time)
Favoring B of the curve of variation
Similarities in function due to common decent of ancestor is called...
Similar in function but not structure, and do not come from a common ancestor
Selection based on attractiveness to opposite sex is called...
Sexual selection
Sexual dimorphism
Males and females have different shapes
The________ ________ is when a population size is reduced for at least one generation and genetic variation is reduced
Bottleneck Effect
The founder effect is when....
A small % of population migrates to a new area
A __________ is a continuous variation of a character over geographic space.
A group of related species that includes an ancestor and all its descendant species is a......
Simple explanation first, the one that requires the least # of evolutionary changes to explain a relationship between a species
Molecular clock
A theoretical clock based on the assumption that the rates at which nucleotide (or amino acid) substitutions become fixed in evolutionary lineages is approximately constant for a given DNA sequence (or polypeptide chain) and reflects the time since data diverged.
When two species develop due to living in two separate areas preventing gene flow
Allopatric Speciation
When two species develop in the same area, and do not interbreed
Sympatric Speciation
Genetic exchange between populations resulting from the dispersal of gametes, zygotes or individuals ( will level out differences)
Gene Flow
Endosymbiotic theory:
Explains the existence of mitochondria and plastids within eukaryotic cells. Endosymbiosis is a process in which a host cell engulfs another cell which lives and becomes an organelle within it
The universe began _____ BYA
Earth began _____bya
life began...
3.8 bya
For every 1 billion antimatter there is ______________ matter, this small amount is what the visible universe is composed of
1 billion + 1
The universe began with ___% H and __% He
is the breaking down of an element into smaller ions. This energy release is smaller than that of fusion
The fusing of atoms into an element is called__________. This releases much greater than fision.
Cenozoic Period began ______ mya and was the age of the ____________
65; mammals and flowers. Began after great extinction
The mesozoic period began ____mya and was the age of the _____________
250; reptiles. Began after formation of pangea which caused a massive extinction due to rising water levels and isolation from water
Paleozoic period began ____mya and was the beginning of the ________ explosion
540; cambrian
______________ are Responsible for the oxygen in the atmoshpere
cyanobacteria (aerobic bacteria)
Progression of complexity in organisms is due to
rising oxygen levels
Todays oxygen level is at ___%
The 5 different species of volvox give insight to...
How multicellularity might have developed
Dictyostelium is a (2n,n) celled eukaryote that piles on top of each other to form a flower like structure whose (Stalk, Base, Bud) goes on to become spores and reproduce through meiosis
n; bud
Ancestor of plants is likely to be ________ and can be seen through look at the _______, _________, and _________
Green algae; DNA sequences, types of chlorophyll, plant structures
Plants have __ tissue layers, the ______,______, and _______
3; dermal, ground, vascular
The Dermal is the ________ of a plant. The ground is the _________ of a plant, and the vascular is the___________ of a plant.
Outer covering; support (hardened cells and place of photosynthesis); place of circulation
Plant is composed of ______ and _____ tissue, and it grows through space.
old, new
The _______ of a plant is its embryonic tissue where growth occurs
Why is it that if you were to carve something into a tree and come back many year later, it would be found at the same height?
Because the vascular cambium and cork cambium grows wide, not tall. Height is achieved through the apical meristems
___________ are extensions of the plasma membrane of dermal cells
root hairs
The cortex is part of the ________ tissue
At the zone of ________ cells reach functional maturity
At the zone of ________ most of the lengthening of the roots occurs
mitosis at the tip of roots is concentrated in the zone of _________
The _________ _________ is a cone of cells at the tip of a plant root that protects the apical meristem, and is constantly maintained by__________as cells slough off
root cap; apical meristems
Apical dominance.....
terminal bud that inhibits growth of other buds through hormone.
axillary buds are
meristems cells left behind
What do plant cells have that animal cells dont?
Chloroplasts, cell wall, plasmodesmata, and a central vacuole, and MTOC with no centriole
Cell wall is made of ________ and can harden with __________
cellulose; lignin
Central Vacuole has its own __________ and can hold _________ or _________
plasma membrane; water, pigment
Plasmodesmata are
tiny channels between cells like gap junctions that only allow small molecules through
Plant cells dont have
lysosome, centrioles, flagella
Two types of vascular tissue
Xylem and Phloem
Xylem has (one or two) direction of flow and transports water and minerals from ______ to ________
one; roots, shoots
Xylem is composed of _______ cells
Phloem is ______ and has a companion cell keeping it this way. It transports water and sugar in a ___ directional flow from _________
alive;2;leaves to rest of plant
The companion cell...
feeds nutrients and proteins to seive tube member
Meristems can become _______ which is their climax and causes them to lose eternal youth
Flowers are scrunched in ______ which forms four rings separated by _______whose outer ring is the _______ second ring is _______ third ring is _______ and inner ring is _______
nodes; internodes; sepal (little green leaves), petals (colored leaves), stamen (male part), carpel (female part)
The flowers structure (what nodes become) is determined by _________ produced by __________
Transcription factors; homeotic genes
a leaf is _________ cell layers thick
Skin of leaf is part of the ________ tissue and secretes ______ to water proof the leaf
dermal; wax
Guard cells are part of the ________ tissue layer and they.......
dermal; regulate gas and water exchange in leaf. they are light sensitive
Stomata are..... and are controlled by
in leaver and are where gas and water exchange occur; guard cells
Guard cells open and close stomata by
filling and emptying of water
Water enters guard cells by
pumping K+ into them, this increases concentration causing water to diffuse in. Diffusing K+ out has the same effect
If it's really hot outside, guard cells will (open, close) to....
close to prevent water loss
If it is sunny outside but not too hot guard cells will
open to do photsynthesis by up taking CO2
Parenchyma are found in the ______ tissue of the leaf and have large numbers of _________
ground; chloroplasts to do most of the metabolic functions
Plant grows upward from
shoot apical meristem at its upper tips
Downwards growth in plants happens through
root apical meristems
Plant gets fatter from
lateral meristem
stem cells of the vascular cambium produce________ cells in the inside and ________ cells to the outside
xylem; phloem
As xylem accumulates in the inside of the vascular cambium it becomes
hardened by lignin to form heartwood
Bark falls off so more ______ is produced to replace it
early in the year xylem cells have a (wider, smaller) diameter and at the end of the year it has a (wider, smaller) diameter
wider; smaller
older phloem becomes _______ cambium
plants can control their direction of growth through ________________ secreted through cell walls
cellulose fibers
Cross links can be strengthened and weakened with
flowers gather their info in _______ rather than through nervous system
molecular homologies:
similarity of protein or dna reflects distance of time that 2 species separated from each other
Radio Carbon dating
used to date how old something is based on the state of the carbon (uses half life)
Gene duplication is a mistake that happens during...... and _________ are genes that jump
crossing over of ; transposons
Three domains of life are
eukaryotes, prokaryotes, and archae
_______________ is a base triplet that will code for same A.A from bacteria to us
genetic code
All land plants have
alternation of generations
_____ is not yet sperm, but a multicellelar gametophyte organism
Pollen is made in the_________ the male part of the flower
The _______ is where the flower produces its eggs (ovule)
Within the pollen sac there is a 2n ___________ which divides into four n ___________
microsporophyte; microspores
each grain of pollen is composed of _________ and __________
tube cell; generative cell
Pollen grain will break open so that ________ will grow to ________ of flower
tube; ovules
Generative cell does _________ to make ____ sperm cells
mitosis, two
The two sperm cells created from generative cell travel down tube. _____ will fertilize egg and other goes to _____________ to form __________
one, 2n polar nuclei, 3n endosperm
female ovule is (n,2n) and contains a 2n cell that undergoes meiosis to form 4 n cells called _________ which only one will survive to undergo mitosis and form a total of 8 cells where 2 are _______, and 1_____
2n; megaspore; polar nuclei; egg
The 3n endosperm is important for plant because
it provides nutrients for the "baby"
The fruit is composed of.... and comes from
fertilized egg (seed with endosperm); parent 2n tissue (OVUM)
Seed coat is made up of ________ 2n tissue
The suspensor is like an umbilical chord that
dispenses endosperm to embryo
A eudicot has ____ seed leaves
The first cell divisions of the embryo determine its
Seed wall can dehydrate and go ________ as it waits for right signals from ________,________ etc...
dormant; water, temperature
Monocots have only
1 seed leaf
Cotyledons(seed leaves)
store nutrients from endosperm and then pump it into the body fo the plant causing them to shrivel. They do not perform photosynthesis
Monocots and eudicots differ in
vein structure, structure of roots and flower parts and also germination
In dicots, the _____ is first to emerge, bent. In monocots the _______ is first to emerge and single leaf emerges through sheath after soil is broken
When all variables are right for seed coat to be revived
a hormone is released in seed to activate enzyme alpha amylase
Alphay amylase
breaks down starches in endosperm to sugars to be fed to young plant
The ______ (young root) is first to emerge
Foliage leaves are the ____ leaves
overlapping of A and B determines
overlapping of B and C determines
C by itself is the
A by itself is the
Plan and animal genes are not (analogous,homologous)
Plants are ________ which means they make their own nutrients
plants do not do _______ to make their tissue layers as animals do. Instead they are formed from merismatic cells
Because of this the plant cell cannot migrate
cell wall
plant development is _______ not hierarchical as animal development
modular (colony of meristems)
Two ways a water can enter plant roots are through
symplastic route; apoplastic route
Symplastic route water enters through ______ and then transfers from cell to cell via ______ through cytoplasm to get to ______ where xylem vessels are at the center of the root
aquaporins; plasmodesmata; stele
Apoplastic route water and minerals seep through _____ _____ and travels until it hits the ________ ________ which forces water to go through P.membrane in order to get filtered
cell wall; casparian strip
mycorrhizae are
fungus that wraps around the root
the relationship between plants and mycorrhizae is __________ because...
symbiotic; it increases surface area of roots while it gets sugar from the roots
Because of ______ _______ water is able to move through plant roots as _________ provides an upward force
water properties; evaporation (transpiration)
Describe transport of sugar and water in phloem in steps:
1.H+ gradient gets built up using ATP powered proton pump
2. an H+ gradient is built up and powers co-transporter
3. simultaneously, co-transporter is pumping H+ in along with sucrose
4.Due to high pressure in sieve tube, water flows in from source cell and xylem vessel building up a high pressure in top of phloem
5.Towards end of phloem, as H+ and Sucrose are being pumped out through active transport into sink cell, causing concentration to lower within the sieve cell making water diffuse out as well. This causes the pressure to drop in phloem and increase in sink cell
6. this difference in pressure (bulk flow) is what directs flow in phloem
__________ production is the amount of light energy capture by photosynthesis into chemical bonds
The curvature of earth causes _______ variation in the intensity of sunlight
Idea behind trophic pyramid is
small percentage of energy gets transferred as we go up from primary producers to tertiary consumers
darwins finches on the galapagos islands showed an example of ecological ________ and on the largest island showed ________
niches; character displacement
Competitive Exclusion
two species could never have the same niches because one will out compete the other
Equilibrium number of species
How many species that the environment can support without everybody crashing
The Chthamalus barnacle lived in ______ tide while the Balanus lived in ______ tide. This is an example of
High; Low; competitive exclusion
Ocean has largest total __________
______ have highest rate of production
rain forest
A palatible species mimicking a poisonous species is an example of
batesian mimicry
A convergence of poisonous species on a common patter (i.e bright colors, patterns) is an example of
Mullerian Mimicry
The total number of different species in a community of organisms is species _______
A community is
the total species in a habitat
Final population is found through the convergence of
immigration and extinction
A large/near island will have (High,low) extinction and (high, low) immigration
low; high
A small island/far will have (high, low) extinction and (high, low) immigration
High; low
Group 3 (clams or oysters) have (high, low) early mortality and (high,low) parental care along with (high, low) number of offspring
high; low; high
Group 2 and 1 (mammals or humans) have (high, low) infant mortality with (long,short) lifespans with (high,low) number of offspring and give (high, low) parental care
low; long; low; high
Population levels off due to
density dependent factors
Population will level off at
(k) carrying capacity
Density dependent factors regulate population size. Some factors are :
resources(runout), territory, predation, sickness, waste
root hair
absorbs minerals and water from soil
2 strategies for dealing with changing environment:
1. Build many oganisms with short development times and select the variants best suited to meet new conditions
2. Build fewer organisms with behavioral versatility that can respond to changes in the environment. (high information content)
Semelparity is the
potential for young and adults to survive
Salmon put off reproduction for one big event, then die. They do this due to the fact that adults have great potential to die. This type of reproduction is called
BIG BANG reproduction
Humans and many mammals do this kind of reproduction since they have a better chance at living longer
With experiments on kestrels (hawks) what was determined? what did this prove?
That a less number of young meant that the parents would live longer. That parents invest energy and resources choosing survival of their young over themselves
What did the diagram on population dynamics show?
That there is more prey than predator. and that predator decline is slightly after preys decline
Earth's atmosphere is composed of __% oxygen __% nitrogen and less than __% CO2
21; 78; 1
Mass extinctions seem to correlate with (low,high) sea levels
More than __% of species that have ever lived are now extinct, yet we live in a period of _______ species diversity
99; maximum
Major cause of extinction today
human disturbance of natural habitats
from beginning to of humans to year ______ 1/2 bill people in population arised
from 1650 to today population has risen from 1/2 billion to ______ and it is predicted that by 2020 it will be ______ and by 2050 it will be _____. This shows that
6.5 billion; 8.5 bill; 10 bill; we are reaching the carrying capacity of the logistic curve
Present day population growth
1 USA every 3 yrs
when birth rate= death rate
zero pop growth
The graphs of mexico and sweden show....
That they have reached or are reaching ZPG
Mexico and sweden reaching ZPG is due to
going from rural to developed. From having lots of children to little number of children
The age structure pyramid of afghanistan shows ________ of US shows __________ of italy shows _____
high pop growth; slow pop growth; ZPG
population in the past 50 yrs has ________ from ________ to ______. and water usage has ________
doubled; 3bill to 6.5 bill; tripled
It takes ___ liters of water to grow ___kg of wheat and _______liters to produce a kilo of beef
1000; 1; 15000
China ate ___ kg of meat/yr. This year they will eat approx. ___ kg equaling _____ liters of water
20;50;1 trillion
Two populations that live in different areas is an example of __________ under ___________ reproductive barriers
Habitat isolation; pre-zygotic
when two species are active at different times keeping them from breeding is called _________ isolation. A _________ reproductive barrier
temporal; pre-zygotic
Behavioral Isolation is when.... and is an example of
two species have different courtship rituals keeping them from mating. Prezygotic reproductive barrier
Mechanical isolation is when.... and is an example of
Genetalia don't fit; pre zygotic reproductive barrier
Lock and Key fit of receptors of sperm and egg dont match up is an example of _________, a ________ reprod. barrier
gamete isolation; prezygotic
If two species are able to mate, but the hybrid is weak and not a good competitor causing it to die off
a post zygotic barrier called reduced hybrid viability
When a hybrid is strong but sterile
Reduced hybrid fertility a post zygotic barrier
Hybrid breakdown
A post zygotic barrier where two hybrids are able to mate, but their offspring is weak or sterile
Many phenotypic character are determined by more than one pair of genes (skin color) is an example of
polygenic inhertiance
pleiotropy ex (cycstic fibrosis effects lungs digestion and gland secretion)
a gene can have multiple effects
Incomplete dominance
when both alleles contribute to the outcome
First and second bases define amino acids. The last base...
doesnt matter so much and can vary more
Gene duplication can result in...
one chromosome gaining 2 sets of a gene while the other has none
gene duplication is a mutation that occurs at the ________ level
Transposons are
parasitic DNA elements
beta globin ____ rate
embryo hemoglobin differs than adults because
it has a higher affinity for O2
___ region of the flu virus is where most variation occurs
Archae bacteria have no ______ but some ___ and introns which are found in eukaryotes but not prokaryotes
nucleus; genes
Species is composed of ____ which is capitalized and the name of the species which is lower cased. It is always written in
genus; italics
Order; Genus
in root ___ cells continually go through mitosis to form more ___ cells
2n for both
r selection favors (slow,rapid) development, (early, delayed) reproduction, (large,small) body sizes, (single, repeated) reproduction, (many-smaller, fewer-larger) offspring
rapid; slow; small; single; many-smaller
r selection organisms are density (dependent, independent)
Innovations from formation of pangea
reptiles and their amniotic egg which is independent of water. And scales which helps animal to stay moist
Pangea was split into two land masses called ___ and ____ during the mesozoic period (250mya)
laurasia; gondwana
Tree dwelling salamanders keeping webbing while ground salamanders webbing has been removed through apoptosis is an example of
protist is _____ celled and can act as....
single; both animals and plants
universe starts with two simplest elements ____ and ____
hydrogen; helium
elements are fused together until the element ____
Xylem (stele) is surrounded by protective layer called _____
casperian strip
___________ is the ultimate screen that decides what gets into the plant
plasma membrane
the purpose of the Casperian strip is
to force water through plasma membrane in order to be screened (filtered) before entering stele