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39 Cards in this Set

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Tendency of living organisms to maintain their internal environment constant with narrow limits irrespective of changes in the external environment

Nervous System

1. Detects changes in environment

2. Enables coordination of various activities of the body

Nervous System

Nerves»Nerve fibres»Neurons

Sensory Neurons

Carry impulses from receptor(nerve endings / sense organs) to central nervous system(brain+spinal cord

Neurons damaged= no stimuli picked up

Motor Neurons

Carry impulses from central nervous system to efectors(muscles or glands)

If damaged, you will not be able to respond to stimuli. You will not feel pain

Connector neurons/ interneurons

Carry impulses inside central nervous system from sensory neuron to motor neuron

Located in spinal cord

Neurons consist of:

1. Cell body

2. Dendrites

3. Axon


Conducts impulses away from body

Myelin Sheath

Provides electrical insulation

Helps speed up the transmission of impulses

Synaptic Contact

Nerve impulses are carried along neuron electrical impulses but communication across synapse is by means of chemical called neurotransmitters

Central nervous system

Brain+spinal cord

Peripheral nervous system

Made up of all nerves outside CNS


Somatic nervous system

Parts of nervous system that enable the body to react to external changes in environment

Autonomic nervous system

Parts of nervous system that control internal environment e.g. sweating, breathing


Upper, enlarged part of spinal cord(protected by cranium)


Protective membranes surrounding brain and spinal cord

BRAIN functions

1. Receives and interprets sensations

2. Controls higher thought processes

3. Voluntary and involuntary actions

4. Maintains muscle tone and balance

Corpus callosum

Mass of white fibres which connect the right and left side of the brain


Grey matter on the outside, white matter on the inside.

1. Controls voluntary actions

2. Receives and interprets all sensations.

3. Controls higher thought processes

Medulla Oblongata

Contains cerebrospinal fluid

White outside, grey inside

1. Involuntary actions

2. Conducts impulses from spinal cord to higher parts of brain


Formed by successive vertebrae

SPINAL nerves arise from spinal cord and leave spinal canal through tiny openings formed between successive vertebrae

Surrounded and protected by meninges

White matter on the outside, grey matter on inside

Sensory neurons

Enter dorsal root of spinal nerves

Bring impulses from receptor to SPINAL cord

Dorsal root swelling

Dorsal root ganglion

Sensory nueron

Has cell body centrally situated

Dorsal root

Has dorsal root ganglion to accommodate all cell bodies of sensory neurons

Connector neurons

Found in spinal cord between sensory and motor neurons

Transmits impulses from sensory neurons to motor neurons

Motor neurons

Leave spinal cord through ventral root of spinal nerves

Take impulses from spinal cord to effector organ(muscle/gland)


1. Conducts impulses between brain and receptors and defectors

2. Serves as reflex centre for blinking, knee jerking etc.


Made up of all nerves outside the central nervous system


Somatic nervous system

Autonomic nervous system

Somatic nervous system

Parts of nervous system that enable the body to react to changes to external environment

Somatic nervous system made up of:

1. Free nerve endings and sense organs which pick up change in external environment

2. Sensory nerves carrying impulses from receptors

3. Motor nerves carrying impulses back to muscles/glands

4. Defectors which react to these impulses

Autonomic nervous system made up of:

1. Centres in brain and spinal cord

2. Nerve cells in smooth muscles, glands and internal organs

3. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves running to these muscles,glands and internal organs

Sympathetic nerves + Parasympathetic nerves

Function metaphorically

e.g. Sympathetic nerves of heart increase heart rate, while Parasympathetic nerves slow down heart rate

Reflex Action

Rapid, automatic/ involuntary response to stimulus received by an organ or other receptor

Reflex Arc

Path taken by an impulse in bringing about a response to a stimulus during a reflex action


Long sightedness (Hypermetropia)

Short sightedness (Myopia)


Eyeball too rounded

Lense of eye unable to become more convex


The image of the near object that falls on the retina is blurred while the best image falls behind the retina