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33 Cards in this Set

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cell theory
cells are the unit of life
cells all have
plasma membrane, metabolism to generate complex molecules, and capacity for reproduction
Two major classes of cells
eukaryotes and prokaryotes
no nuclear envelope. single cell
has a nuclear envelope. Includes protista, fungi, plants, animals; single cell and multicellular; cell differentiation, specialization and intercellular communication.
20-300nm size. DNA(RNA)+ protein capsule. not cells, but highly specialized parasites; specific for host cell.gene 1kbase, several proteins for coat, infection and control of host metabolism. variety of shapes
Examples of prokaryotes
mycoplasma, bacteria and blue-green algae.
simpliest cells. 100nm in size. DNA 750 kb, 500-1000 different proteins. Produce disease in animals and plants (pleuropneumonia).
1-10 micrometers. 3000kb DNA, 2mm long; several thousand different proteins. Metabolism diverse: aerobic, anaerobic, nitrogen fixation, sulfur, severe environment, photosynthetic, spores.
Special features of bacteria
respiration produces ATP and proton gradient across PM. PM provides selective transport. Contains bacteriochlorphyll that do photosynthesis in membrane sacs enfolded from the PM. Motility produced by rotary engine in plasma membrane rotating stiff helical bacterial flagella(flagellin). DNA not complexed with proteins. ribosomes similar but distinct. DNA structure and ribosomes similar to those in mitochondria and chloroplasts. cell division by fission, mesosome structure involved.
enfolding of the plasma membrane
blue-green algae (cyanobacteria)
photosynthetic; contain unique pigments, the phycobilins-phycocyanin (blue) and phycoerythin (red) plus chlorophyll a. Fix CO2 and N2 into organic molecules. Evolution of electron source: H2S-->H2O:O2
lamins of the nuclear envelope provides mechanical strength . causes at least 70 diseases in humans
plasma membrane
selective transport, receptors, connectors
DNA complexed with histones; double membrane with pores
smooth endoplamsic reticulum (SER)
lipid synthesis; calcium regulation
ribosomes in cytosol
synthesis for secretion
rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
site protein synthesis for secretion
glycosylation, packaging for secretion. chemically modifies/receives molecules maded in ER
coated vesicles
endo and exocytosis
aerobic respiration; own DNA and ribosomes like a bacteria; double membrane. reproduces by dividing in two.
intercellular junctions
gap,tight, desmosomes or plasmadesmada
extracellular matrix
ex. glycocalyx (animals) or cellulose (plants)
cytoskeleton (actin-myosin, microtubules, intermediate filament)
cell motility, organelle transport, cell morphogenesis and cell division).
plants (vs animal) cell structure
rigid cell wall (cells do not move, but exhibit vigorous cytoplasmic streaming). chloroplasts and other plastids; photosynthesis; own DNA and ribosomes; double membrane.
cell specialization and differentiation
protozoa, yeast (single celled). mutlicellular organsims
model genetic organsims
yeast, arabidopsis, c.elegans, drosophila, mouse
cell division (prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes)
binary fission vs. mitosis (or meiosis)
cytoplasm (prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes)
no: cytoskeleton, cytoplasmic stremaing, endocytosis, or exocytosis vs. cytoskeleton composed of protein filaments cytoplasmic streaming; endocytosis and exocytosis
RNA and protein (prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes)
RNA and proteinn synthesized in the same compartment vs RNA synthesized and processed in nucleus; proteins synthesized in cytoplasm
central dogma of cells
dna-->(transcription)-->mRNA-->(translation)--> proteins
entire collection of genes of an organism