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20 Cards in this Set

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Which brain region is responsible for motor learning?

Basal ganglia

What is hebb rule?

Cellular basis of learning involves strengthening of a synapse that is repeatedly active when the neuron before it fires

Cells that fire together wire together

Hebbian learning/associative long term potentiation

When a weak and strong synapse activate at the same time, strengthening the weak one

Is long term memory dependent on protein synthesis or short term memory?

Long term memory is dependent on protein synthesis

What is long term potentiation?

A long term increase in the excitability of a neuron to a particular input caused by repeated activity of that input

What is the CA3 region?

Part of the hippocampus that receives input from the dentate gyrus and projects to field CA1

What is the Dentate gyrus

Next to hippocampus, receives info and projects to CA3

What are pyramidal cells

A category of large neurons which are pyramid shaped,

Where are pyramid cells found?

in the cerebral cortex and ammon's horn of the hippocampus

The ___ amygdaloid nucleus is important for the expression of emotional responses to averse stimuli

The central amygdaloid nucleus

Neurons within the amygdala are activated by:

Detection of emotionally relevant stimuli

A human male who has a long record of assault, arson, and murder would be expected to show ___ levels of ___ in his cerebrospinal fluid

Reduced, 5-HIAA

Functional imaging studies of the brain during decision-making in a gambling game suggests:

The PFC is activated when subjects make choices that resulted in money loss

Damage to the orbitofrontal cortex reduces people's inhibitions and self-concern, true or false?


The dorsal visual stream projects to ___ and is involved in ___

Parietal association cortex, the analysis of spatial location

Balint's syndrome is caused by bilateral damage to the:

Dorsal visual system

True or false: the parvocellular visual system receives information from "blue" cones


Receptors for ___ are involved in long-term potentiation


Instrumental conditioning involves strengthening connections between:

Circuits that detect a stimulus and motor control circuits that produce a response

The final step in the LTP process outlined in the chemistry of LTP involves

Increased release of glutamate following enzymatic action of NO in the presynaptic cell