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22 Cards in this Set

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Nervous System
billions of cells that make up your brain, spinal cord and other nerve fibers. 3 main functions are input, process and output
cells that are specialized to rapidly respond to signals and to quickly send signal of their own
Glial Cell
hold neurons in place and help sustain them "glue"
fibers that carry signals away from the cell body, out to where communication occurs with other neurons. AWAY
fibers that receive signals from the axons of other neurons and carry those signals to the cell body. DIRECT
tiny gap between neurons across which they communicate
a fatty substance that wraps around some axons and increases the speed of action potentials. larger=faster
Action potential
an abrupt wave of electrochemical changes traveling down an axon when a neuron becomes depolarized and sodium rushes in to the axon
Refractory Period
a short rest between action potentials. neurons cannot be fired again until re-polarization
chemicals that help transfer signals from one neuron to another stored in the vesicles
they effect emotions, thoughts and behavior
sites on the surface of a cell that allow only one type of neurotransmitter to fit into them, triggering a chemical response that may lead to an action potential
Sensory Systems
hearing, vision, taste, smell, touch
Motor Systems
parts of the nervous system that influence muscles and other organs to respond to the environment
Peripheral Nervous System PNS
part of the nervous system not housed in by bones, carries out sensory and motor functions, major division of the nervous system
Central Nervous System CNS
part of nervous system encased by bones including brain and spinal cord. information is sent here to be processed and acted on
Somatic Nervous System
part of PNS voluntary, we chose to smile or run, walk etc.
Autonomic Nervous System
part of PNS, involuntary breathing, heartbeat etc we cannot control it
Sympathetic Nervous System
mobilizes the body for action in the face of stress. heart beats faster
Parasympathetic Nervous System
regulates the body's energy conserving functions. heart slows down
response the the sympathetic system...stay and fight or run away
Afferent Neurons
in the spinal cord, sensory neurons means approach
Efferent Neurons
in the spinal cord, motor neurons going away, "exit"