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21 Cards in this Set

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What is the use of nucleotides
Nitrogenous base + pentose monosaccharide + phosphate group, DNA, RNA, ATP, NAD, UDP-glucose
What is the function of nucleotides in the GI?
Mostly made denovo - only 5% taken in diet - used for synthesis of purines + pyrimidine's
What molecule do purines build off of?
PRPP -> built one atom at a time to make purines
What is the rate of purine synthesis dependent upon?
Dependent upon [PRPP] b/c PRPP concentrations are usually below Km
What happen to purines if there is no Folate?
U cant make purines b/c u are going to b missing 2 carbons -> thus cant make DNA
What happens to pyrimidine's if there is no Folate?
U cant convert U-> T thus u cant make DNA
Ribonucleotide reductase - remove C2 on ribose ring -> converts to 2-deoxyribose -> necessary for synthesis of DNA
Ribonucleotide reductase inhibitors = Anti-cancer drug
Hydroxyurea = Stops DNA synthesis(slows cell growth)
What molecule is a feed back inhibitor on ribonucleotide reductase?
dATP - b/c u make enough nucleotides u don’t need to make more thus turn of Ribonucleotide reductoase (RR)
Pt w/ 100x ↑ [dATP] but ↓ dTTP, ↓ dGTP, ↓ dCTP
Adenosine deaminase deficiency = T + B cells affected - immununodeficiency(SCID)
Pt w/ ↑ [dGTP] but blocked dCTP + dTTP
Purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency = T -cells affected - immunodeficiency
Elevated uric acid due to hypoxanthine-guanine phospho-ribosyl transferasae deficiency
Lesch-nyhan syndrome - ↑ hypoxanthien + guanine concentrations -> ↑ uric acid b/c u cant recycle them thus the body tried to excrete them
What drink elevates uric acid lvls?
What drug is used to treat elevated uric acid?
Allopurinol - blocks xanthine oxidase -> synthesis of uric acid prevents conversion of hypoxanthine -> xanthine -> uric acid
What are the treatments for gout?
1. Colchicine (anti-inflammatory), 2. allopurinol (inhabits uric acid formation), 3. probenicid (inhibits kidney organic anion transporters -> blocks reabsorption of uric acid -> ↑ excretion of uric acid), 4. avoid meat, seafood, beer
Pt w/lack of HGPRT gene
Lesch-nyhan syndrome
What are the problems in lesch-nyhan
↑ PRPP -> ↑ de novo syntehsis of purines ->gout like damage to the brain -> chew on their fingers
Treatment for lesch-nyhan
Pt w/poorly coordinated, mentally retarted, extremely hostile, compulsive self-destructive tendencies: mutilate by biting off their fingers, toes, and lips
What bases are ↓ in orotic aciduria?
↓ RNA bases C + U, ↓ DNA bases C + T, also causes immunodeficiency
New born, macrocytic hypochromic megaloblastic anemia, failure to thrive, sparse hair, cardiac malforamtions, bilatreal strabismus, inability to sit unaided, Crystal urea -> kidney stones, immunodeficiency's,
Orotic aciduria