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29 Cards in this Set

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A particle in the nucleus of an atom with a positive charge
A particle in the nucleus of an atom with a neutral charge
A particle circling the atom (in electron shells/electron cloud) with a negative charge
When an atom misses an electron, it has a _______ charge
When an atom has an extra electron, it has a _______ charge
an atom that has full electron shells
Atoms that differ from other atoms of the same element due to the number of neutrons in their nuclei
The bigger the atom, the ______ the pull
Anything that occupies space and has mass
Smallest particle of an element
Electron Cloud
Represents the area around the nucleus where the electrons are found
There are 20 different _________ from which proteins are formed
Amino Acids
Ionic bonds
Bonds where it creates 2 ions (one positive, one negative)
Covalent bonds
Bonds where two atoms share their electrons (example: h2)
Identical atoms bond
Hydrogen bonds
Bonds where they can be broken using water
Non-polar bond
A covalent bond where the electrons are shared equally
Polar bond
A covalent bond where electrons are not shared equally
aka fats oils and waxes, they provide insulation and warmth, along with 2x the energy of carbs
(contains: C, H, O)
Amino Acids
The building blocks of proteins
Helps with growth and repair
(contains C, H, N, O)
Nucleic Acids
controls protein synthesis and is made up of DNA and RNA
(contains C, H, O, N, P)
they provide energy and structuaral support, and are either simple or complex sugars (glucose or startch)
(contains C, H, O)
Organic vs. Inorganic
Organic compounds are made by living things while inorganic compounds are found outside and inside living things. Organic must contain C and H
Saturated Fats
These fats are solid at room temperature, have only single bonds between C, and are unhealthy
Unsaturated fats
These fats are liquid at room temperature, have at least one double bond or triple bond, and are healthy
The chemical ID tag of each amino acid and is only group that changes
Amino group
Essential to protein, contains H, N, then H
Carboxyl group
Essential to protein, contains O, [double bond to] C, OH
essential carbon
Essential to proten, between all three groups