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215 Cards in this Set

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disuss difference btw fungi and plants
all plants autotropic while fungi are heerotrophic

cellwall of plants=cellulose
cellwall of fungi=chitin
discuss similarity btw fungi and plants
both non motile, multicellular orgaism with differential tissue
why are blue green algae considered monerans and more correctly called cynobacteria
have no nucleus chloroplast, mitochondria and have cell wall which is characteristic of prokaryotic bacteria
which phyla have radial symmetry?
enchinodermata (star fish)
cnidaria (jellyfish)
2 way conifer differ from angiosperm
unprotected seed and have cones

angiosperm has protected seed and have flower as their primary sexual organ
body part that resemble one another in different species because they have evolved independently as adaptation to similar environmental pressure
what is analogus structure
there is natural force in all living things that push them towards perfection
what is lamarkians theory of evolution included the idea that?
darwin's theory of natural selection to explain evolutin is also know as
desent with modification
T or F
selection for adaptation to a particular environment ensure that populartion will become stronger an more viable under any condition
not just any condition but under certain condition
wings of bat and forleg of an alligator are
homologus structure
belief that the fossil forms represented in each layer of the earth were destryoed by catastrophic events
list 5 darwin's belief
evolutionof species occurs gradually and evenly overtime

there is struggle forsurvival amnonga organism

individuals with fitter variant will survive and reproduce

driving force behind evolution was he fittness of organism for its particular environment
t or f

driving force behind evolutionwas the genetic mutation and recombination
it was fittness of organism for its particular environment
the proposed primodial soup composed of ?
blockage of lymph capillary in SI would affect the absorption of which type of molecule
in SI lipid are transported out of epithelical cell into lacteal the lipid joins the circulatory system via thoracic duct
ciliated nasal membrane worm, moisten and filter inspired air

mucus lining the respiratory trc coats particulate matter

air is forced into the lungs during inhalation
t/f the beatin of cillia that line the respiratory tract moves foreign particles toward pharynx for expulsion
in negative pressure breathing, air enters the lung b/c
of difference in pressure btw the interior f the lung and external environment

inc the volume of thoracic cavity by contracting the muscle of rib cate and th diaphragm creates the pressure difference

blood pressure influce the amt of oxygen delivered to body tissue
t/f surface are of RBC and alveoliand rate of respiration influence the amt of oxygen delivered to bod tissue
in negative pressure breathing inhalation results from
contracting the diaphragm
adrenal () secrete a.a derivetive
adrenal medula
adrenal () secrete steroid hormone
adrenal cortex
hypothalamic releasing hormone
stimulate anteriour pituary gland to secrete hormone
hypotalamic inhibiting hormone
inhibits anteriour pituary glandto secrete hormone
hypotalamic inhibiting releasing hormone secreated into?
circulatory pathway known as hypothalamic hypophyseal portal system
regulation whereby an end product inhibits one or more of eariler step that lead to its production/ secretion
negative feedback
aldoestone inc
water reabsorption which lead to blood volume
diease in which the ealstiity of the alveoli is dec
what is emphysema
person w/ emphysema
(the ealstiity of the alveoli is dec )
greater co2 andlow o2 in blood since alveoli do not complete deflate and air remains w/i alveoli
which type of immune cell remains dormant in the lymph nodes until activated by specific antigen
b cell
helper cell stimulate both
humoral andcell mediated immunity
breakdown bone, release Ca
build bone, absorp Ca
an intravenous infusion causing harp ris in the blood level of Ca will most likely result
in osteoblast activity, lowering the blood level of Ca

inc Ca= body will work to lower the Ca level in order to maintain homeostasis
the majority of MHC class 1 molecule on the surface of a cell infected w/ bacterium will have bound peptides that are derived from
when a pathogen is ingested by a macrophage the pathogen is broken down into polypeptide fragments these polypeptide fragments are then displayed by
MHC class 1 molecule on the surface of the cell
antibody composed of how many subunit?
4 protein subunit
both cellular and humoral response are ()immune response
specific immune response

cellular: against pathogen that have entered body cell

humoral: against pathogen hat have not entered body
passive immunity
transfer of antibody
active immunity (*naturally acquired)
making antibody
artificially acquired immunity
mother to infant transfer of antibody
naturally acquired immunity
the transfer of antibodies from one individual who is immune to a particular diease to another individual who is not immune to the dieases is ex of
artifically acquired passive immunity
lamba phage is
centrioles found only in
animal cells
ribosomes are assembled in ()from () and () imported from cytoplasm
from rRNA and protein
charged ion () pass through the nonpolar region of the plasma membrane
do not
mitochondria are inherited
(but not related to endosymbiotic theory)
what is primary consumer
feed on autotrophic producers
what is symbiotic relationship
longterm relationship btw two living organism
barnacles living on whales
ex of symbiotic relationship
bacteria residing in the gut of termites
ex of symbiotic relationship
fleas living on a dog
ex of symbiotic relationship
mushroom living on a dead tree trunk
not an ex of symbiotic relationship

must be btw two living organism
expect to see prominent nucleolus in a cell that is
active in protein syn
what is niche?
describes an organisms place in its enviornment. it includes the organism's habitat, food source, mating procedure, climate tolerance, parasite and predator and all other asapects that describe how an organism interacts w/ its enviornment.
primary difference btw ecosystem and community
community includes only the population of living organism while ecosystem also include non living , abiotic, environment
automatic response is cordinated by
reticular activating system
which region of the kidney has the lowest solute concentration?
cortex (place where all the solute reabsorped)

in medulla, solute is reabsorpted but since water is reabsorpted make it high solute concentration)
the kidney of desert animal hae modified nephrn which help them survive long period without H2O.One would expect such a nephron to ??
have very long loop of henle
urine is hyper/hypotonic to the blood
monosachrides, cells, cell fragment, and protein which one filter thru glomerus
why do protozoans lack an organized excretory system
protozoan are single celled organism and lack any organs. all exchange occur through the cell mem
why do cnidarians lack an organized excretory system
cndarian also exchange material drectly across the cell membrane and get rid of indigested food through their single mouth/anus
the intestinal capillaries transport nutrients from the intestine to the?
liver where inital processing of many nutrients begin
define extracellular digestion
process in which molecule are broken down outside of the cell

stomach is specialized for extracellular digeston
which part of muscle dec during contractio

H (only thick)

I (think only)

Z (secromere)
which type of muscle has myogenic activity
smooth and cardiacc
six turns of calvin cycle will produce
12 PGAL are from 6 CO2 and 6RBP
during O2 debt
more basic

thus dec in Ph is least likely to occur
gas exchange and exhalation is () process
man trapped for 3 days underneath the ruin of a collapsed building wasrescued. He suffered from internal bleeding and was very dehydrate and high level of aldoestone was found why?
internal bleeding= dec blood

thus inc aldoestone=inc water absorption =inc blood volume
lymp sys collect excess interstitial fluid and return it to ??
circulatory system
lymp also absorbs chylomicrons from () and deliver them to ()
small intestine

to cardiovascular circulation
how does water travel upward in xylem
transpiration pull occur when water evaporates leave of plants

capillary action pulls any liquid up a thin tube

root pressure is caused water root hairs and pushing water up the stem
capillary action
root pressure
mood that water travel upward in xylem
which of the following events occur immidiately after ovulation?
sharp inc in LH secreton
reduction of intrapleural pressure in the thoracic cavity
contraction of diaphram occur
all portal system in the numn circulatory system bein and end in
contraction of diaphram=inc thoracic cavity
which dec intrapleural pressure causing the lung t expand and fill with air untill the pressure in the lung and the pressure in the intrapleural space have been equalized (inhalation)
dec intrapleural pressure causing the lung t expand and fill with air untill the pressure in the lung and the pressure in the intrapleural space have been equalized
steps in menstral cycle
follicular phase
luteal phase
follicular phase
FSH develop ovaran follicle

ovarian follical secrete estrogen (build up endometraium) which shuts of FSH thru negative feedback.

inc in estrogen cause surge in LH
FSH develop ovaran follicle

ovarian follical secrete estrogen (build up endometraium) which shuts of FSH thru negative feedback.

inc in estrogen cause surge in LH
follicular phase
luteal phase
LH develop ruptured follicle into corpus leutum

Corpus leutm secete estrogen and progestron

progestrn cause endometrium mature
arteries deliver blood to () in the SI in the (), blood absorb () and ().

from there nutrients rich blood collects into the ()vein
which drain into the ().

within the liver, hepatic portal vein branches into a widespread capillary bed where material transported by blood is modified and blood is detoxified. blood livg the liver retuns directly o te heart va inferior vena cava
villi capillary


carbohydrate and a.a

hepatic portal vein

stimulates both the secretion of pancreatic enzyme and the release of bile from gall bladder
cholescystokinin is secreceted into bloodstream by the () in response to the presence of () in S.I

fat are absorbed by () in the villi(S.I) while carbo and proteins are absorbed by the () in the vili
lacteal (lymph capillary)

blood capillary
in the proximal tubule of nephron, glucose is absorbed from the filterate back into the blood. what type of transport in the proximal tubules use?
active transport (L->H)

low glucose in nephron than the blood
high level of estrogen and progestron inhibit?
secretion of GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) from hypotalamus
back side of organsim
in human spina cord is dorsal to the liver
stomach surface of organim
direction of head
direction of hind end
sperms are produced in
seminiferous tubules in testes
seminiferous tubules
produce sperm located in testes
glands produce seminal fluid
seminal vesicles and prostae
where sperm acquire motility, mature and stored until ejeculation
mital (bicuspid) valve
btw left atrium and left ventricle
tricuspid valve
btw right atrium and right ventricle
pulmonary valve
btw right ventricle and pulmonary artery
aortic valve
btw left ventricle and aorta
pulmonary valve
btw right ventricle and pulmonary artery
aortic valve
btw left ventricle and aorta
in peripheral nerve sys myelin sheet made of ?
schwann cell
in central nerve sys myelin is produced by ?
inc rate of nerve impulse conduction
myelin sheet
lymphatic system involves w/ body's immunity lymph nodes, which are swelling along the lymp vesseles contain () that filter bacteria and other contaminants from the lymphatic fluid

nodes are also the site of formation of certain ()
phagocytic cell

white blood cell
lymph vessel have () to prevent back flow
lymph flow is regulated by contraction of () as well as rhythmic contraction ofthe vessel them selves
skeletal muscle
lymph system do not contain
the interstitial cells of testes produce () and other male androgen
prostate gland, seminal vesicle and bulbourethral glands
located alog reproductive track

produce seminal fluid
sertoli cell ?
nurish sperm cell
immature cell
in a pragnent woman, the blood with the higest concentration of O2 is found in?
pulmonary vein
pragnent woman is irrelevent

in all human, the highest level of blood oxygenation found in pulmonary vein
pulmonary vein is () oxygenated than aorta
what is induction?
initiation of cell differentiation in a developing embryo due to the influence of other cell
what is panting?
it is a cooling mechanism thatevaporates water from respiratory passage
subcutaneous vasodilation
cools the body down bymaximizing the amt of blood comes in contact with the skin where it loses heat rapidly
what is the primary neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nerve sys
salivary gland
secrete saliva, saliva amylase into mouth
mammary gland
secrete milk
salivary and mammary gland are?
excrine gland
by the time filterat exit nephron most of water has been reabsorbed, remaining fluid composed of urea, uric acid and other waste leaves the collecting tubules and exit te kidney via () leading to the bladder
ureter duck
a population of white wing butterflies developed black wing 20 years after an oil refinery had been constructed near by this is example of ?
directional selection
what kind of selection?

extreme new phenotye that will donminate?
directional selection
what kind of selection?

maintain well adapted unform character pop by eliminate
deviation from norm
stablizing select
what kind of selection?

favoring two pheotype
spliting the population

facors variants of both phenotypic extreme over the intermediate leading to the exist of two or more polymorphic form w/i population
disruptive population
blood is classified as?
connective tissue
bone, cartiage, tendon, ligaments, adipose tissue and blood
they are specialized connective tissue
during first trimester of pregnancy te corpus luteum is preserved by () which is a hormone produced by blastocyst and developing placenta
human choronic gnadotropin (HCG)
corpus lutum secretes?
estrogen and progestron
high level of estrogen and progestron inhibit?
release of FsH and LH
blood by pass the fetal liver by way of a shunt called?
ductus venosus
shunt blood away from fetal lungs to the aorta
ductus areriosus
shunt that allows blood to go directly from righ atrium to left atrium diverting blood away from pulmonary artery
foraman ovales
division of S.I
duodenum, jejumum, ileum
division of L.I
colon, caecum and rectum
epidermis of skin arise from?
dermis of skin arise from?
organ lining(dig track), digestive gland, pancreas, liver and lung
epidermis and nerve system
musulokeletal sys, cirulatory, excretory, reproductive, connective tissue
small cartilge that covers the glottis during swallowing.

it prevent fod particle going down the treachea
opening through which inhaled air enters the treachea
spinter btw stomach and S.I
pyloric spinter
spinter btw esophagus and stomach
esophagus spinter
a heart beat is initiated by the pacemaker which is
also known as the sinoatrial node
it is responsible for initiating and controlling cardiac contraction.

it is located in the wall of the right atrium
sinoatrial node aka pacemaker
pacemaker (sinoatrial node) is located?
in the wall of te right atrium
node that serve as an electrical bridge btw atria and ventricles
atriobentricular node
in the circulatory sys, () pressure act to drive fluid out of the capillary
hydrostatic pressure
circulatory sys, () pressure serve to cause move into the capillary
osmotic pressure
a solution contain sucrose, protein, lipids, DNA ad starch. An enzyme x is added to the mixture and left overnight next day all of the original matarials remain but glyceral is also found in the mixture what was the enzyme x?

it is the enzyme tat hydrolyze molecule of lipids into glycerol and fatty acids
breakdown the DNA into nucleotides
breakdown the starch into
simple sugar
breakdown the protein into a.a
t or f

during prokaryotic protein synthhesis serveral ribosomes may be translating the same mRNA strand at the same time
control viceral function such as hunger, thirst, sex drive, water balance, blood pressure, and temp regulation
control autonomic, homeostatic activities suh as breathing, heart rate, gastrointestinal activity
medula oblogata
involved wit sensory, motor, higher brain function
influence the body's circadian rhythems
pineal gland
the adreanal () produce the mineralocorticoid including aldoestrone whch regulate plasma levels of sodium and potassium and thus the toal extracelluar water volume
adreanal cortex
adreanal () produc epinephrin
adreanal medula
thick filament only
H zone
thin filment only
I band
thick filament and overlapping of thin filament
A band
during contraction, myosin pulls on the actin molecule drawing the thin filaments towards the center of ()
H zone and shortening sacromere (Z band)

I, H shorten and entire sacromere
during contraction, which band shortens?
H, I, Z (sacromere)
masculinization of genetic femal would most likely resul from a defect in her?
adrenal cortex
which secrets small quantities of androgens (male sex hormone) in both male and female.

overproduction androgen cause masculiizing effect
produced by juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney in response to low valume and low blood pressure
renin (polypeptde produced)
() is released from cell in the wall of the afferent arteriole that carries blood into glomerular capillaries at the bowman's capsule
membrae bound sac involved in the transport and storage of material
cardiac muscle is innervated by () which serves only to modulate the heart beat
automomic sys
inactive enzyme precursor that is converted into an activeenzyme at or near the site of enzyme activity
spermatogonium (2N)
differentiate into spermatocyte (2N)
primary oocyte
immature ova and diploid cell
homologus pair line up along the
equatorial plane of cell division
terminal codeon
uaa uga uag
how many codons an aa
64 codons and 20 a.a
during oxidative phosphorlation e- are pass thru series of electron acceptor an ATP is synthesized by the energy released from these rxn.

all the ep acceptor are ()
except for first e- acceptor () and last e- acceptor () as result H2O is formed

1st- flavoprotein (FMN)

last- O2
what is by product of phosphorylation
adreanal cortex, kidney, blood vessle, heart form from?
enzyme that catalyzes the phospholyation of organic molecule
enzyme that break down protein
polysaccharide found in exoskeletons of insects, crustaceans and other invertebrates
which of mendal's law descibe the behavior of genes on nonhomologus chromosome?
law of independent assortment
the allele on nonhomologus chromosoe seperate independently during meisis(gamtogenesis)
the allele on nonhomologus chromosoe seperate independently during meiosis
law of independent assortment
there are two allele per trait (one from each parent) and this allele seperate during meiosis
law of segregation
one mole of glucose is how many mole of pyruvate and acetyl coa?
2 mole
neuron and epidermis?
adrenal cortex form from?
one can distinguish btw bacterium and virus by?
presence of ribosome in the bacteria.
virus do not contain ribosome or any other orgnelle
whifch tissue involved w/ the perception processing and storage of information?
nervous tissue
which tissue involved in body support and other fuctio
connective tissue
which tissue found only in skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle
muscle tissue which has great contactile capability and is involved in body movement
which tissue covers the surface of the body and line the cavities, protecting them against injury, invasion, and desiccation
epithelial tissue

epidermis is classified as epithelial tissue

neither aerobic nor anaerobic respiration utilize CO2 as a raw material
which process use glucose and oxygen as raw material?
which process use glucose as raw material
which process utilize CO2 along with water and energy as a raw material in glucose catabolism?
mito possess their own ?
DNA and ribosome
mito believed to be early
prokaryotic cellthat evolved a symbiotic relaton with ancestors of eukaryotic cell
(endosymbiotc hypothesis)
the condition that contribute to genetic stability in population are ?
large pop
radom mating
no migration
no mutation
no genetic draft
what is plant's glycogen?
synthesize glycogen
repeating unit of glucose
in liver
highly branched
only in animal
the source of oxygen given off in photosymthesis is
water split up into H ion and O2 gas molecule which are then give off as waste

duing which rxn?
light exn
erythrobastosis fetalis btw?
Rh- mother
Rh+ fetus