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48 Cards in this Set

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What is ATP?
Adenosine Triphosphate
What is aerobic respiration?
Needs oxygen
What is anerobic respiration?
Without oxygen
What is anaphase?
It is the 3rd step in mitosis. The chromosomes move away or apart
What is an autotroph?
Make their own food from inorganic compounds (ie plants and algae). Also known as a producer
What is a carbohydrate?
Compound made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. ex. sugars, starches
What is a cell?
It is the basic unit of all living things
What is a cell membrane?
A thin flexible barrier that surrounds all cells. It regulates what enters or leaves the cell
What is the lock and key theory?
Each enzyme is specific for only one and only one substrate
What is an enzyme?
Organic catalysts made of protein
Is the major way the energy of the Sun is converted to sugars which provide for the energy needs of living systems
Changes light energy into chemical energy
What is a substrate?
Molecules upon which an enzyme acts
What is ph?
scales with values from 0 to 14 used to measure the concentration of H+ ions in a solution
What is a lipid?
It is made up of glycerols and fatty acids (Oils, waxes, steroids, cholestrol)
What are daughter cells?
In cytokinesis, two new cells are created each with its own nucleus with identical chromosomes
What is telophase?
Two new nuclei are formed
What are chromatids?
Pairs of chromosomes
What are centrioles?
Poles, appear and begin to move to opposite end of the cell
What is cytokeneis?
Two new identical rings are formed. Their own cell - cyto
What is meiosis?
Meiosis - a special type of cell division (chromosome) that has 1 replication, then 2 divisions. Cell division that produes gametes
What is a zygote?
Fertilized egg
What is a sperm cell?
It has a head (nucleus) and a tail and a middle piece. Male sex cell
What is an egg cell?
Ova - contains a nucleus. They made be large. Female sex cell
What is a cell wall?
A strong supporting layer around the cell membrane
What are chromosomes?
A threadlike structure of DNA and protein that contain genetic information
What is cytoplasm?
In Eukaryotic cells, all cellular contents outside the nucleus
In Prokaryotic cells, all of the cells
Organism whose cells contain a nucleus
What is glucose?
A sugar
What is a herbivore?
Animals that obtain energy and nutrients by eating plant leaves, roots, seeds or fruits
What is a hypothesis?
An educated guess. A possible explanation for a set of observations
What is interphase?
It occurs before mitosis where chromosomes are copied (# doubles)
Plants have life cycles with
Two phases - 1. diploid and 2. haploid
What is a lyosome?
A cell organelle that breaks down lipids
What is metabolism?
The combination of chemical reactions through which an organism builds up or breaks down material
What is mitosis?
Part of eukaryotic cell division during which the cell nucleus divides
What is a nucleus?
The center of an atom which contains the protons and the neutrons
Contains both carbon and hydrogen
What is osmosis?
Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane
What is a protein?
Macromolecule that contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Needed by the body for growth and repair
What is selectively permeable?
property of biological membranes that allows some substances to pass across while others can not
What is telophase?
4th step in mitosis where 2 new nulei are formed
What is the sun?
The source of energy for living things
What is active transport?
The movement of material from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration (requires energy)
What is passive transport?
The movement of materials across the cell membrane without using energy
Don't have a nucleus
What are amino acids?
Building blocks of proteins
What is a heterotroph?
Organisms that obtains food by consuming other living things also known as a consumer
What are the levels of consumers?
Herbivore - eats plants and nuts
Carnivore - eats meats
Omnivore - eats both plants and meat