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47 Cards in this Set

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Sum of ALL chemical reactions that happen in a cell/living organism

Used to build or break down chemicals

Used to liberate stored energy

Metabolical pathways

Steps in which metabolism happens

(Each enzyme catalyzes one step)


Different molecules in a pathway

Advantages to multi step pathways

Changes metabolism through evolution

Ability to divert "pathway intermediates" to other pathways

Multi points allows for speed control

1 law of thermodynamics

Energy cna not be created or destroyed

2nd law of thermodynamics

Entroy increase in isolated system

every energy transfer increases the entroy in the universe.

(Energy transfer is never 100% efficient, some lost as heat)



Free energy

Amount of energy in "the system"

Exergonic reaction

Energy releasing

Happens spontaneously (but not instantaneously)

Endergonic reactions

Energy consuming

will NOT happen spontaneously

Energy must be put into system for it to go forward

Example of a stable type of bond


Why ATP?

The close negative charges on the phosphate destabilizes the P-O bonds

Phosphate has negative O that dont want to be close together (put stress on bonds & makes them easier to break)

Adding H/OH makes simple new bonds

Spontaneous reactions

Not instantaneous dust ti energy barriers in reactions (EA)

Activation energy (EA)

Energy needed in order for a reaction to happen. (The top of the "hill")

Typically reached by adding heat

How do Enzymes speed up reactions?

By lowering EA

Add stress to specific bonds

They do NOT change ◇G (delta G)

Active site

Spot were enzymes bind to (lock and key, sorta)

Induced fit model

Is the theory maintains that the active site and the substrate are, initially, not perfect for each other.


Reactant molecule

Way for catalysis to speed up

Hold 2 substances close together

Add stress to specific bonds

Microenvironment of active site

Facilitating H transfer

Directly participate in a reaction

Competitive inhibition

Other molecules blocks activation sites by bonding to it.

E.g. substrate inhibition

Non competitive binding

Inhibitor molecules bind elsewhere on enzyme and changes enzymes shape.

E.g. feedback inhibition

Allosteric regulation

For when enzymes work in complex (2+ enzymes)

Can rotate to make site unopened or open

Allosteri Activator

A regulatory molecule that binds to a regulatory site which stabilizes the active form

Allosteric inhibitor

A regulatory molecule binds to a regulatory site which stabilizes inactive form


Substrate binds to one unit/enzyme which stabilizes the activation sit on all other units.

Feedback inhibitor

When you have so much of a substance the substance binds to enzyme and prevents you from making any more


Breaking something down into smaller molecules to realise energy

Aerobic respiration

The electrons stored in fuel molecule bonds are ultimately transferred to oxygen

Redox reaction

Transfer elections from one molecule to another (LEO goes GER)

Reducing agent loses election (and becomes oxidated)

Oxidizing agent receives elections (and become reduced)

Equal vrs unequal sharing of elections

Equal - easier to break

Unequal- harder to break


Caused by heat (hydrogen and sulfate bonds) or pH (affects ionic bonds)

Nicoyinamide adenine dinuceotide


Type of shuttle (e- acceptor)

Oxidizing agent


Enzymes that reduce NAD to NADH

Substrate level phosphorylation

Direction transfer of phosphate from a substate to ADP forming ATP

Only 10% made this way

Occurs in cytosol and mitochondria

Oxidative phosphorylation

H gradient used to drive ATP synthase

Mitochondria only


Starts - 1 glucose & 2 ATP, ADP

Ends - 2 pyruvate, 2 ATP, 2 NADH, 2 H2O

Happens in cytosol

Step 1.5 Acetyl CoA production

Start - 2 pyruvate, 2 NAD, coenzyme A

Enter mitochondria

End - release CO2, 2 NADH, 2 Acetyl CoA

Citric acid cycle

Krebs cyle/ the trixarboxylic acid cycle

Start - Acetyl CoA, NAD, ADP

End (x2)

- 2 CO2,

- 3 NADH,

- ATP,

- FADH2,

- Free coenzyme A

Electron transport chain

Energy created pumped protons (H) out of the matrix and into the cytosol

Happens in inner membrane

Electrons are moved to O2, which later is reduced to H2O

Start- O2, ADP, NADH

End - ATP, NAD, H2O

Number of H created per susbtance in cellular respiration

NADH - 10

FADH2 - 6

ATP - 4

Proton motive force

Electrochemical gradient of protons

Stored energy


Osmosis of H ions

ATP synthase

Protein channel that spins a turbine to make ATP

Anaerobic respiration

Ferric iron, nitrite, or sulphate instead of O

(less electronegative therefore produce less energy)

Produces 12-26 ATP instead of 32

Fermentation pathways

Help recycle NADH back to NAD

Ethanol fermentation

Start - glucose


- 2 pyruvate decarboxylated into 2 acetaldehyde (use electrons from NADH)

- regenerating NAD which can now be reused to make ATP


- 2 ATP

- 2 NADH

- 2 pyruvate (turned into 2 acetaldehyde)

- 2 ethonol

Lactic acid fermentation

2 pyruvate make lactate when reduced by electrons instead of ethanol