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41 Cards in this Set

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Epithelial Tissue
fuctions in absorbtion, secretion, protections, filtration, excretion, sensory reception; found: covering body surfaces, lining cavities, forming glands
apical surface(polarity)
free surface, exposed to exterior or cavity, contains cilia or microvilli
basal surface(polarity)
bottom of the tissue, contains the basal lamina- thin layer of glycoproteins that filter substances passing up the connective tissue from beneath
basement membrane(basal lamina+ reticular lamina)
together they resist tearing and stretching of epithelial sheet
no blood supply to ep. therefor nutrition has to diffuse up from capillaries underlying the connective tisse
ep tissue is mitotic( lots of cell diffusion) , highly regenerated
2 layers
simple- one layer( diffusion, filtration) found in capillaries , lungs; stratified-many layers (protection) high abrasion
3 major classes
squamous- flat, n is disk like; cuboidal- box like, n is round; columnar-column shaped n is enlongated
Simple ep
absobtion, secretion, filtration, diffusion
simple squamous
endothelium- lining the blood vessels, heart, lymph vessels; mesothelium- found in serous membrane in ventral body cavity
simple cuboidal
functions in secretion, absorbtion, nuclei are large stained dark, found in tubules of kidneys, glands and ducts
simple columnar
absorbtion, very dense microvili, secretion, lininhg the GI tract, goblet cells- secret mucous
pseudostratified ciliated columnar
all cells are attched to basement membrane but cells vary in hieght, function in secretion , absorbtion, found in resp tract and has goblet cells(secret mucous)
Stratified Ep
2 or more layers, tissue regenerates from basale layer, highly mitotic, protection
stratified squamous
apical surface is squamous in shape, basal surface is cubiodal, forms the epidermis of skin and lines cavities that open to the skin, the epidermis is keratinized, protein called kerotin
stratified cubiodal
basale part of epidermis,very rare tissue found in very large ducts and glands
stratified columnar
rare, found in some large ducts and glands
fuctions in distension, stretch, expansion, basal cells tend to be cubioal and columna, apical cells are found in appearance, found in urinary tract, kidneys, uterus, bladder, urethra
Glandular Ep
based on # of cells, unicellular or multicellular, or based on vagination or evagination of ep sheet
endocrine glands
ductless-secret by exocytosis, multicellular organs- thyroid, pancreas; unicellular-found in brain and GI tract, diffuse glands; secrete hormones, protiens, amino acids, steriods, glyco proteins
exocrine glands
have duct, secrete through duct to ep surface or surface of body; uni and multicellular glands
secrete by exocytosis continuously, includes salaberry glands, pancreas, and most sweat glands
whole thing rupture to secrete sebecaous glands (pimples)
parts of it will break off or pinch off then rupture, sweat glands found in axillary and genital glands
Connective Tissue
protection, binding, support, insulation, transportation, all derived from embroyonic mesenchyme
ct is made up of
ground substance, fibers, cells, extracellular matrix is non living
collagen,reticular, elastic
2 types of embryonic connective tissue
mesenchymal tissue- from germ layer mesoderm, some will stay in ct for regenerative processes; mucous ct- temporary tissue, whartons jelly-surround embylical cord for protection,dental pulp- pulp foundin cavity of tooth
2 subclasses of ct
loose- areolar, adipose, reticular; dense- regular, irregular, elastic
fuction to support other tissues, store nutreints, fights infection, hydrates w/ in matrix
adpiocytes make up 90% of tissues, cells filled with tryglceride, brown adpiose in babies, consumes nutrients to give them heat
has reticular cells and fibers, contain WBCs, forms framework for blood cells, found in lymph, bone marrow spleen
dense regular
aka fibrous ct, rows tightly packed parallel collagen fibers, found in ligaments and tendons
dense irregular
has thick irratic collagen fibers, withstand tension in more than one plane or direction, dermis of skin, some organs, makes join capsules and lines bones and cartilage
matrix is 80% water and prodoglycans makes it thick and sticky, avascular, flexible and strong, chondrocyes sit in lacune
"gristle" lot of collagen but not visiable, looks glassy, makes up less tha n 10% of matrix, supply support with plyabilty found in ribs nose branchi, embyonic skeleton
chondrocytes are more tightly packed more visible than elastic fibers found in ep places, ear
wedged b/w 2 other CT types, wavy rows of collagen and chondrocytes, found in inter disks, menisici of knee, pubic synthesis
Bone (osseous tissue)
function in support and protection, blood cell sythesis, fat storage, red and yellow marrow; collagen fiber + calcium salt, highly vascular
cell types
osteoblasts- build bone, osteocytes-sits in lacuna, reactivate to ostoblast, ostoclasts- tear down bone for growth and remodleing
Blood Vascular Tissue
consists of blood cells and plasma (non living matrix), and fibers (protien molecule)