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41 Cards in this Set

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Definition of photosynthesis

Process that converts solar energy in chemical energy of carbohydrates

What are autotrophs?

Organisms that do photosynthesis

What are heterotrophs?

Organisms that eat other organisms

What kingdom are all autotrophs?


What kingdom are all heterotrophs?


What kingdom besides animalia are heterotrophs?


What allows photosynthetic organisms to capture solar energy?


What pigment do most photosynthetic organisms possess that makes them appear green?


What common pigment appears orange/yellow?


Where does photosynthesis occur in plants, unspecifically?

Green parts, leaves

Where does photosynthesis occur in plants, unspecifically?

Green parts, leaves

What are the raw materials of photosynthesis

Water and CO2

What are the openings in leaves where CO2 passes called?


How does water get into plants?

Taken up by roots and transported by veins

How is light energy absorbed in plants?

By chlorophyll and other pigments in the thylakoids

Where in plants, specifically, does photosynthesis happen?


What membrane do chloroplasts have?

Double membrane

What are stroma and where are they found?

Fluid-filled sacs in chloroplasts

What is grana?

Stacks of thylakoids

What are the 2 sets of photosynthesis reactions?

1) light reaction (light dependent)

2) Calvin cycle (light independent)

What happens in the light reaction and where does it occur?

Solar energy is captured, in thylakoid membrane

What does Calvin cycle reaction do and where does it occur?

Converts carbon dioxide to a carbohydrate, in the stroma

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum do plants use?

White or visible light

Why do leaves appear green?

Plants absorb blue violet and red light, not green. Green is reflected

What is the order of photo systems in photosynthesis?

1) photosystem II

2) photosystem I

What is split to make electrons that flow to form ATP & NADPH

H2O slips into H+ and O2

In PS II energy is concentrated in ____.

Reaction center

What happens to electrons in PS II?

Become energized and move to electron acceptor

What does PS I form?


Is any NADPH produced in PS I?

No, only PS II

What acts as a reservoir for hydrogen ions?

Thylakoid space

What fuels the Calvin cycle?

ATP and NADPH from light reactions

Definition of Calvin cycle

Series of reactions that use CO2 from the atmosphere to produce carbohydrates

What 3 things does the Calvin cycle include?

1) carbon dioxide fixation

2) carbon dioxide reduction

3) RuBP production (regeneration)

What is the most abundant enzyme on earth?

RuBP Carboxylase

What 3 things can G3P form?



-starch & cellulose

What is C3 photosynthesis for?

Wheat, rice, oats

What is C4 photosynthesis used for?

Sugarcane and corn

What is CAM photosynthesis for?

Cacti, succulents

Which photosynthesis is at night and why?

CAM, plants that grow in the dessert close stomata during the day to save water

What the differences between photosynthesis and cell respiration?

-both plant and animals carry out cell. Resp., but only plants carry out photosynthesis

-cell resp breaks down glucose, photosyn builds it

-cell resp uses O2 and gives off CO2, photosyn uses CO2 and gives of O2