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85 Cards in this Set

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-Ability to do work
-Potential energy
-Energy housed in a body (any level of organization)
- Energy stored within a system
-‘potential’ energy because it has the potential to be harvested and/or transformed into other types of energy


-Harvesting, making and using energy
-All chemical reactions that occur in an organism

-A rate (Basal Metabolic Rate) generally measured as mL O2/hr)
-Made up of processes
- Anabolism = building up

- Catabolism = breaking down


-Building complex molecules from simpler ones
-Building up tissue types and organs
-Cell growth and repair
-Development of body
- Monomers (subunits) into macromolecules


-Breaking down complex molecules into simpler ones
- Makes materials available for anabolism
-monomer recycling, digestion example… Makes energy available for work
-further breakdown of monomers yields chemical energy (adenosine triphosphate or ATP)

Laws of Thermodynamics

All organisms exchange energy with their

1st Law of Thermodynamics

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can
be converted from one form to another--eating

2nd Law of Thermodynamics

- Energy transformations are never 100% efficient (eg, jogging, automobile)
-Some energy is “lost” or becomes unusable (heat) 60%)
-Need constant input/supply of energy

Aerobic Cellular Respiration

+ 6O2 = ATP + 6CO2 + 6H2O
glucose (food) + oxygen = energy (ATP
40% and Heat 60%)

- Carbon dioxide and water are waste products
-Heat is also considered a “waste” product

Reduced = gain e-

 Oxidized = lose e
 Coenzymes
 NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide)
 NAD vs NADH (oxidized vs reduced forms)
 FAD (Flavin Adenin Dinucleotide)
 FAD vs FADH and FADH2 (oxidized vs reduced forms)
 Acetyl CoA



In cytosol
-Splits glucose (6 C sugar) into two 3 C sugars
- Each 3 C sugar is oxidized to form 2 pyruvate

-Energy gain:
2 Pyruvate

Citric Acid Cycle

- In mitochondria
- Enzymes transform 2 pyruvate
from Glycolysis into 2 Acetyl CoA
- Only 1 Acetyl CoA needed for
CAC so must cycle twice to yield
total products

-Energy gain:

Electron Transport Train

- In mitochondria 
- NADH and FADH2
 from CAC and Glycolysis travel 
along membrane donating electrons (ie, oxidized)
*Electrons can be 
separated from Hydrogen 
ions so think of its as e- 
and H+

- In mitochondria
- NADH and FADH2
from CAC and Glycolysis travel
along membrane donating electrons (ie, oxidized)

*Electrons can be
separated from Hydrogen
ions so think of its as e-
and H+

ATP Synthase

-Protein embedded in mitochondria membrane
- Move H+down concentration gradient creating ATP

- Oxidative phosphorylation
- 32-34 ATP per glucose molecule

Final total of our running tab…
- Net energy gain per glucose molecule:
- Approx 32-38 ATP
- Mitochondria are “powerhouse” of cell
- Generate energy needed to power our body



Anaerobic Cellular Respiration

Generates ATP in absence of O2
= anaerobic
- 2 ATP per glucose molecule, much less efficient
- Normal Glycolysis but without oxygen no ETC
-NADH build up


Ability to maintain equilibrium within internal
-Cope with changes by anatomical, behavioral and/or physiological compensation
-Temperature affects homeostasis
- Constant bombardment of temperature fluctuation


-Maintaining body temperature in some optimal range
-Enables all levels of the physiology hierarchy to function efficiently and effectively
-To regulate temperature of the body, we rely on:
- Physiology
- Behavior

Temperature is a measure of heat...and heat is energy


Heat Exchange

-Successful thermoregulation must
consider ways in which we exchange
heat with our environment


-Direct transfer of heat between a body and the
- Heat will always be conducted from the warmer to the colder


-Transfer of heat between objects that are not in
direct contact
- Absorb heat from sun


- Transfer of heat by the movement of air past
the surface of the body
-Wind chill
- Fan


- Loss of heat from a wet surface
- Water molecules evaporate into a gas, heat is lost during this change in state
- Sweating, panting, etc.


-Metabolism requires specific
body temperatures
- However, also creates a lot of
heat so need
- Radiation
- Evaporation
- Convection

Fat Soluble Vitamins

Water Soluble

Central Nervous System

consists of the brain and spinal cord

-it is responsible for integrating, processing, and coordinating sensory data and motor commands

Peripheral Nervous System

Includes all neural tissue outside the CNS


Are sensory Structures that detect changes in the internal or external environment

Sensory Division

The sensory division of the PNS brings information from receptors to the CNS

Motor Division

Of the PNS carries motor command from the CNS to the effectors or target organs


Are Nerve cells specialized for intercellular communication

-Neurons have three general regions:

-Dendrites that receive stimuli

-A cell body that contains the nucleus and other organelles

-an axon thats carries information to other cells


A main axon trunk end in a series of extensions--end at axon terminals

Axon Terminals

Or Synaptic terminals where the neuron communicates with other cells---Synapse


Communication between a Presynaptic cell and a Postsynaptic cell most commonly involves the release of this chemical

-Released to effect the membrane potential of another neuron

 More than 100 different neurotransmitters
 Hormones may act as neurotransmitters
 Chemical communication between and among
 Most Common:
 Acetylcholine
 Norepinephrine/Epinephrine

Anaxonic Neurons

Are small and lack anatomical features that distinguish dendrites from axons--all cell processes look alike-are located in the brain and special sense organs

Bipolar Neurons

Have two distinct processes
-One dendritic process that branches extensively at its distal tip and one axon-with the cell body  between the two 
-Rare but appear in special sense organs-sight, smell and hearing
-Are small

Have two distinct processes

-One dendritic process that branches extensively at its distal tip and one axon-with the cell body between the two

-Rare but appear in special sense organs-sight, smell and hearing

-Are small

Unipolar Neuron

The dendrites and axon are continuous-basically fused and the cell body lies off to one side
-Most sensory neurons in the PNS are unipolar

The dendrites and axon are continuous-basically fused and the cell body lies off to one side

-Most sensory neurons in the PNS are unipolar

Multipolar Neurons

Have two or more dendrites and a single axon

-These are the most common neurons in the CNS

-All motor neuron that control skeletal muscles for example are multipolar neurons

Sensory Neuron

Are unipolar neurons whose bodies are in the PNS, form the afferent division of the PNS and deliver the information from sensory receptors to the CNS


Usually lie between sensory and motor neurons

-Receive sensory information from the PNS as well as input from other interneurons in the CNS

-Responsible for higher functions such as memory, planning and learning

Motor Neurons

Innervate the effector organ

-Somatic-skeletal muscle fibers

-Visceral-Smooth muscle, glands, cardiac muscle and adipose tissue

Neuroglia or Glial Cells

Support and protect neurons

Ependymal Cells

Are associated with cerebrospinal fluid production and circulation


Remove cellular debris and pathogens


Maintain the blood brain barrier that isolates the CNS from the chemicals and hormones circulating in the blood


Provide a structural framework within the CNS by stabilizing the positions of the axons

-Produce myelin

Myelin Sheath

Surround axons making up white matter in CNS

-Membraneous wrapping increases speed of nerve impulse transmission

 Myelin sheath is incomplete
 Myelin-wrapped area are called internodes
 Gaps between internodes called nodes (or nodes of Ranvier)
 Axons that have myelin sheath are myelinated
 Appear white due to lipid content
 Areas with lots of myelinated axons make up white matter of the CNS

Grey Matter

Unmyelinated neuron cell bodies, dendrites and unmyelinated cell axons in CNS

Schwann Cells

form a myelin sheath around of enclose segments of axons in the PNS

Satellite Cells

surround cell bodies in ganglia in PNS

Sensory Ganglia

Or ganglion is a collection of Neuron cell bodies in PNS-

Wallerian Degeneration

Process that often fails to restore full function in repairs of nerves in PNS

Membrane Potential

Is the unequal charge distribution between the inner and outer surfaces of the plasma membrane where there is a slight negative charge inside the plasma membrane with respect to the outside.

-Electrical potential
- Difference in charges between inside and outside cell
due to difference in ion concentrations
- “Potential energy” aka polarized
- Potential to create electrical current
-Neurons are not unlike batteries…

Resting Potential

The membrane potential of an undisturbed cell

-All neural activities begin with a change in the resting potential of a neuron

- Many ions present
- Interested mainly in:
- Sodium (Na+)
-Potassium (K+)--allowed in by leak channels

Graded Potential

A localized change, caused by a stimulus, in the resting potential.

-This change, which decreases with distance away from the stimulus is the graded potential

Action Potential

If a graded potential is large, it will trigger an action potential in the excitable membrane of the axon.

-it is an electrical event that involves one location on the membrane.

-Once it develops in one location, it spreads along the surface of an axon toward the axon terminals

Action potential
 All or none law
 Costs a lot of ATP! (energetically costly)
 Feed the brain

 Refractory period
 Time to re-polarize
 Time to relax and rejuvenate!

Synaptic Activity

Produces graded potentials in the plasma membrane of the postsynaptic cell. Involves the release of neurotransmitters by the presynaptic cell and the compound bind to receptors on the postsynaptic plasma membrane changing is permability

Information Processing

The integration of stimuli at the level of the individual cell is the simplest form of info processing in the nervous system

Gated Channels

-change permeability in plasma membrane

Chemically Gated Channel

Open when specific chemicals such as ACh bind to them

Voltage Gated Channels

Open or Close in response to changes in the membrane potential and are characteristic of excitable membranes

Mechanically Gated Channels

Open in response to physical distortion of the membrane surface--they are found in sensory receptors that respond to touch, vibration or pressure


Any shift from resting potential toward a more positive value


return to resting potential


Shift in membrane potential more negative than negative potential

Generating Signals

 Stimulus = Disturbance in resting membrane
 Stimulated means excited thus no longer “resting”
 Chemical stimulus binds to cell membrane
 Triggers ion gates to open…

Transmitting Signals-short Distances

 Unmyelinated membranes
 Changes in voltage excite adjacent membrane
 Chain reaction
 Signal cannot travel “backwards” due to refractory
 Signal not traveling far so decreased probability of it being weakened or lost

Transmitting Long Distance Signals

 Myelinated membranes
 Insulative features help to contain signal
 Saltatory conduction

Saltatory Conduction

 Nodes of Ranvier
 Small sections of unmyelinated axon
 Abundance of voltage-dependent gates
 Generate new action potentials
 Ensures signal keeps original strength
Constant regeneration of signals + insulation =
higher accuracy and precision, very fast signals


 One neurotransmitter secreted/used by both
 Many effector cells/tissues
 Only motor division (muscle) neurotransmitter
 Can have varied effects depending on what organ it is working on
- Slows activity of cardiac muscle while also exciting smooth muscle of digestive system


 Epinephrine – slightly different makeup, but same effect
 Also known as “adrenaline”
 Secreted largely by sympathetic nervous system to increase heart rate, available glucose etc…
 “Fight or Flight”


 Largest part of brain
 Left and right hemispheres
 Highly folded to yield high surface
 Most “wrinkles” in humans
 Smarter?
 Regulation of body temperature, reproduction, eating, emotion
 Learning and memory


 Left and right hemispheres
 Houses most of brain’s neurons
 Regulates motor coordination
 Tactile

 Spatial perception
 Can you “imagine or recall objects in 3D”?
 How do you read maps?
 Temporal perception
 Can you estimate how much time has passed?
 Combining types of perception
 Hand/eye coordination


 Medulla oblongata
 Shared pathway
 Regulates rhythms
 Pons
 Midbrain
 Reticular formation
 States of consciousness
 Habituation

Spinal Cord

Cervical nerves--thoracic nerves--lumbar nerves--sacral nerves---coccygeal nerves in that order from brainstem

Somatic Nervous System

 Voluntary movement
 Involuntary movement
 Reflexes
 Not spontaneous, require stimuli
 Automatic, stereotyped
 Response is predictable

Autonomic Nervous System


 Sympathetic nervous division
 Thoracic and lumbar region of spinal cord
 Accelerates
 Fight or flight
 Parasympathetic nervous division
 Brain, cervical and sacral region of spinal cord
 Decelerates
 Rest and Digest

Difference between the Two

Somatic nervous system includes all of the neural pathways (neurons) that result in voluntary actions, basically anything that you can tell your brain to do like move your arm or stick out your tongue. The autonomic nervous system includes all of the neural pathways that result in involuntary actions, like your brain telling your eyes to blink or your intestines to contract, basically anything that you cannot control.


* The parasympathetic nervous system activates tranquil functions, such as stimulating the secretion of saliva or digestive enzymes into the stomach.


* The sympathetic nervous system is involved in the stimulation of activities that prepare the body for action, such as increasing the heart rate, increasing the release of sugar from the liver into the blood, and other generally considered as fight-or-flight responses (responses that serve to fight off or retreat from danger).

Sensory System

A sensory system consists of:
 sensory receptors
 neural pathways
 parts of the brain involved in sensory
A majority of the sensory systems are
conveyed to the brain through Cranial
Nerves (not spinal nerves).

Signal Reception

Range from single cells to complex sense
Types of receptors
 Chemoreceptors
 Mechanoreceptors
 Photoreceptors
 Nociceptors
 Thermoreceptors


 Use different types of chemoreceptors
 Smell (olfaction)
 Taste (gustation)

