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20 Cards in this Set

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Nervous System (2 parts)
Central nervous system (CNS) – brain and nerve cord
Spinal cord in vertebrates
Peripheral nervous system (PNS) – all neurons and projections of their plasma membranes that are outside of the CNS
In certain invertebrates with a simple nervous system, the distinction is less clear or not present
Cells that send and receive electrical and chemical signals to and from other neurons or other cells throughout the body
All animals except sponges have neurons
Number varies widely as a function of size and behavioral complexity
Neuron Structure
Cell body or soma
Contains nucleus and organelles
Extensions of plasma membrane
May be single or branching
Incoming signals
Extension of plasma membrane
Typically single
Sending signals
Axon hillock near cell body
Axon terminals convey electrical or chemical message to other cells
Perform various functions
Many times more numerous than neurons
Astrocytes – metabolic support
Microglia – remove cellular debris
Glia may function as stem cells to produce more glial cells and neurons
Myelin sheath interrupted by nodes of Ranvier
Produced by oligodendrocytes (CNS) and Schwann cells (PNS)
3 Main Types of Neurons
Sensory neurons
Detect information from the outside world or internal body conditions
Afferent neurons – transmit to CNS
Motor neurons
Send signals away from CNS (efferent neurons) to elicit response
Interneurons or association neurons
Form interconnections between other neurons in the CNS
Reflex Arc
Stimulus from sensory neurons sent to CNS, little or no interpretation (few to no interneurons), signal transmitted to motor neurons to elicit response
Quick and automatic response
Electrical Properties
Membrane potential
Difference in charge inside and outside the cell
Plasma membrane barrier separating charges
Ion concentrations differ between the inside and outside of the cell
Resting membrane potential
When neurons not sending signals
3 Factors Contributing to Resting Potential
1) Na+/K+ -ATPase (sodium-potassium pump
Transports 3 Na+ out for every 2 K+ moved in
2) Ion specific channels allow passive movement of ions
More ungated K+ channels than ungated Na+ channels
Membrane more permeable to K+ at rest
3) Negatively charged molecules such as proteins more abundant
Communicating Between Neurons
Changes in membrane potential are changes in the degree of polarization
Depolarization – cell membrane less polarized, less negative relative to surrounding solution
Gated channels open allowing Na+ to flow in and membrane potential becomes more positive (less negative)
Hyperpolarization – cell membrane more polarized, more negative
K+ moves out of the cell making the cell membrane less positive (more negative)
Gated Ion Channels
Changes in membrane potential are changes in the degree of polarization
Depolarization – cell membrane less polarized, less negative relative to surrounding solution
Gated channels open allowing Na+ to flow in and membrane potential becomes more positive (less negative)
Hyperpolarization – cell membrane more polarized, more negative
K+ moves out of the cell making the cell membrane less positive (more negative)
2 Types of Changes
1) Graded potentials
Depolarization or hyperpolarization
Varies depending on strength of stimulus
Occur locally on dendrites or cell body
2) Action potentials
Carry electrical signal along an axon
Always the large same amplitude depolarization
All-or-none – cannot be graded
Actively propagated – regenerates itself as it travels

Spreads a short distance and dies out
Act as triggers for action potential
Evolution Of K channels
Evolution of K+ channels with a slightly slower opening time than Na+ channels was a key event that led to the formation of nervous systems
Absolute Refractory Period
While inactivation gate of Na+ closed, cell is unresponsive to another stimulus
Places limits on the frequency of action potentials
Also ensures action potential does not move backward toward cell body
Graded potentials reach threshold potential at axon hillock
Triggers opening of voltage-gated Na+ channels just beyond hillock region
Depolarizes area farther along axon
Sequential opening of Na+ channels conducts a wave of depolarization from axon hillock to axon terminal
Inactivation gate of Na+ channels prevents backward movement toward cell body
Speed Varies Based on
Axon diameter
Broad axons provide less resistance and action potential moves faster
Myelinated faster then unmyelinated
Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells make myelin sheath
Not continuous – gaps at nodes of Ranvier
Saltatory conduction – action potential seems to “jump” from node to node
Junction where nerve terminal meets a neuron, muscle cell, or gland
Presynaptic cell (sends signal), synaptic cleft and postsynaptic cell (receives signal)
2 types
Electrical – electric charge freely flows through gap junctions from cell to cell
Chemical – neurotransmitter acts as signal from presynaptic to postsynaptic cell
Chemical Synapse
Presynaptic nerve cell contains vesicles of neurotransmitter
Exocytosis releases neurotransmitter into synaptic cleft
Diffuses across cleft
Binds to channels or receptors in postsynaptic cell membrane
More than 100 different ones in animals
Categorized by size or structure
Excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters
Like brake and accelerator on a car
All nervous systems operate in this way, with combined excitatory and inhibitory actions of neurotransmitters
5 Classes of Neurotransmitters
One of most widespread neurotransmitters
Released at neuromuscular junctions
Excitatory in brain and skeletal muscles but inhibitory in cardiac muscles
Biogenic amines
Widespread physiological effects and psychoactive
Abnormally high or low levels associated with a variety of mental illnesses (schizophrenia, depression)
Amino acids
Glutamate most widespread excitatory neurotransmitter
GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) most common inhibitory neurotransmitter
Often called neuromodulators – can alter response of postsynaptic neuron to other neurotransmitters
Opiate peptides
Gaseous neurotransmitters
Not sequestered into vesicles
Produced locally as required
Short-acting - influence other cells by diffusion
Several drugs for male sexual dysfunction enhance erections by increasing or mimicking action of NO on smooth muscle
Function of CO uncertain
Postsynaptic Receptors
In some cases, same neurotransmitter can have excitatory or inhibitory effects
Response of postsynaptic cell depends on receptor type
Ionotropic receptors – ligand-gated ion channels open in response to neurotransmitter
Metabotropic receptors – G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) initiate changes in postsynaptic cell