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173 Cards in this Set

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what were we originally
hydrogen and some helium
6 elements essential for life
what created heavier elements necessary for life
star formation and supernova explosions nuclear fusion
origin of life
RNA world
metabolism world
extraterrestrial source
first cells
defines intracellular/extracellular space
darwinian evolution
physical constraints on protocells
-permeability of lipid bilayer
-internal calcium ions disrupt many cellular processes
what kind of membrane did the first cells have
leaky membrane, low Ca+2 concentration
less leaky membrane means what about the transporters
more transporters
what can u add on a solute to make it impermeable to lipid bilayer
hydrophillic group
what effects does internal calcium have
-aggregation of nucleic acids and proteins
-disrupt membrane structure
minimal cellular physiological properties
-regulate membrane permeability
-regulate internal calcium concen.
-regulate internal pH
-regulate cell volume-osmolarity
percent of total body weight that's water
percent of total number of molecules that's water
is pure water a conductor of electricity
water molecule properties
polar molecule
polar covalent bonds
what kind of bonding occurs between water molecules
hydrogen bonding
what is water an excellent solvent for
salts, acids and bases
what does table salt (NaCl) dissociate into in water
ions Na+ and Cl-
cell membrane
barrier to diffusion of charged and polar molecules
-lipid bilayers
phospholipid regions
polar (hydrophillic) interact with water molecules and nonpolar (hydrophobic) interact with other hydrophobic molecules
describe lipid bilayer
hydrophobic core like thin layer of oil
another name for cell membrane, why
fluid mosaic model- integral membrane proteins
membrane thickness
60A (6 nm) thick
hydrophobic core thickness
30A (3 nm) thick
membrane proteins
-peripheral membrane proteins
how do lipophilic (hydrophobic) molecules cross the cell membrane
simple diffusion
lipophilic molecules that diffuse through cell membrane
oxygen, carbon dioxide, fatty acids, steroid hormones
how polar and charged molecules cross the cell membrane
using membrane proteins
require energy in the form of ATP to move ions up concentration gradients
ion channels
facilitate diffusion of ions by creating pores in the cell membrane
don't directly require metabolic energy, often linked to ion gradients that indirectly provide the energy
example of active transport
pumps= expend energy in the form of ATP
examples of membrane pumps
what does phosphorylation/ dephosphorylation produce
conformational changes
intracellular and extracellular K+
125, 5
intracellular and extracellular Na+
12, 120
intracellular and extracellular Cl-
5, 125
intracellular and extracellular Ca+2
1E-4, 2
intracellular and extracellular A-
108, 0
what is A-
the fixed anions, sum of all the proteins, amino acids, inorganic ions, nucleotides, DNA, RNA that are located inside the cell
purpose of H-ATPase
maintains intracellular pH (H+ ion concentration)
purpose of H,K-ATPase
acid secretion in stomach and kidneys
ion gradients as sources of cellular energy
-source of chemical energy (secondary active transport)
-source of electrical energy membrane potential
direction of net solute flux crossing in diffusion
high concentration to low concentration
direction of net solute flux crossing in facilitated diffusion
high concentration to low concentration
direction of net solute flux crossing in active transport
low concentration to high concentration
describe glucose transporter
facilitated diffusion, movement of glucose from blood stream into cells
what do Ca+2 ions function as
second messengers; modulate the function of a large # of different proteins, neurotransmitter release, muscle contraction
what does prolonged increase in Ca+2 ion concentration trigger
cell death
-blockade of blood flow-ischemic tissue damage
-metabolically active tissue, heart (heart attack), brain (stroke)
-tissues poor at regenerating new cells
what does decreased O2 lead to
decreased ATP->increased Ca+2
->cell death
what is the primary determinant of changes in cell volume
the flow of water into and out of the cell across the cell membrane
what is osmolarity
a measure of the concentration of osmotically active particles in a solution
how is osmolarity expressed
osmoles of solute per liter of solution
what is a 1 molar solution for molecules like glucose, sucrose and urea
1osmole/liter solution
for NaCl, a 1M NaCl solution is what
2 osmole/1 solution
for CaCl2, a 1M CaCl2 solution is what
3 osmole/1 solution
what is the osmolarity of extracellular solution kept in
the range 275-295 mosmole/l
concentration of H2O molecules in pure water
in a 1M glucose solution, what is the water concentration
what do water molecules flow down their concentration gradient like
like membrane permeable solutes
what direction will water flow from when there is pure water and water in solute
from pure water to water in solute
what do aquaporin channels allow for
water to flow down concentration gradient
what are electrochemical phenomena
brain and muscle function
what are voltages in cells less than
100 millivolts
what range are currents in
nA (nanoamps) =TINY
what is the main mediator of small currents
ion channels
ion permeation
how ions move through channels
ion selectivity
how we distinguish the different sorts of channels from eachother
what is more selective K+ or Na+
K+, by 1:10,000
K+ radius
1.33 A
Na+ radius
.95 A
what is throughput
how many ions flowing through every second
what is the throughput of K+
how is high selectivity achieved without compromising the high throughput of K ions?
require resolution of crystal structure
K channel structure
2 membrane spanning domains (amino and carboxy terminal) and they assemble as a tetramer
selectivity filter
string on amino acids in straight line parallel to the pore
2 components of space-filling model of K channel
rigid pores & flexible sparse region (opens, closes, and gates channel)
how do ions get across cell membranes
can maintain inner hydration shell and can go 75% through the water
selectivity filter
what atoms function as molecular mimic of water
oxygen atoms (like in carbonyl)
what does long channel mean about ion selectivity
increasing selectivity of the channel
what happens to the pore so that K can flow through
the pore flips between 2 conformations
what does energy barrier signify about ion flow
no energy barrier=max flow
what direction is net flux always through
the channel
how do K+ ions move in and out of the channel without encountering any large energy barriers
because the 4-fold symmetry of the channel mimics the inner hydration shell of the ion
what substitutes for similar rings within the hydration shell
rings of 4 carbonyl oxygen atoms above and below the ion
how do ions move through the pore
due to constant flipping between 2 stable channel states
why is it energetically less favorable when Na comes into the pore
Na cant pop along the 4 sides (fit perfectly between the oxygen atom)
what does a change in aa effect
pore function
how is electrical flow produced
by movement of ions (diffusion)
what are the primary electrical current carriers in the body
dissociated ions
cations-positive charge
anions-negative charge
what is a solution of sodium and chloride ions considered as
hydration shell
solid NaCl+water forms what
a hydration shell (solution of sodium and chloride ions)
direction of electric current
positive to negative (opposite of electron flow)
what is a bulk solution with ions compared to
a resistor
ohm's law
what does chemical energy allow
secondary active transport
what does electrical energy allow
membrane potential
resting membrane potential
-60 to -90 mV
what is the intracellular potential relative to extracellular potential
what does the non-equilibrium distribution of ions provide?
a source of energy that can be converted to electrical potential energy
what are the 2 structural components that are necessary for the conversion of ions to electrical potential energy
-ion-impermeant lipid bilayer which can produce a separation of charge
-ion channels, which provide a pathway for ions to carry electric charge across the membrane
which charges are highly reactive
unshielded charges
cell membrane
thin non-conducting sheet separating 2 conducting surfaces (intracellular and extracellular)
what makes the cell membrane a better capacitor
the thinner it is
principle of electroneutrality
separation of charge capacitance
what direction of K ions flow
out of the cell, so there's excess positive charge outside of the cell (voltage difference)
chemical potential difference
concentration gradient
electrical potential difference
charged ion will be affected by electric field
electrochemical equilibrium
combine 2 forces (chemical and electrical potential difference)
Nernst equation
Ei=61.2/Z log 61.5 log ([C]o/[C]i) mV

equilibrium potential of ion i
valence of the ion (+1 for Na and K, -1 for Cl)
log to the base of 10
ion concentration outside the cell
ion concentration inside the cell
what temperature does the nernst equation apply to
37 degrees
log (1/10)
what is the equilibrium potential for K+ ions
another name for Nernst potential
equilibrium potential
what is equilibrium potential meaning
potential at which electrical driving force=chemical driving force
how does the system maintain a constant net flux of energy
ATP is used up by the Na/K pump to maintain gradients
typical membrane potential
what is the equilibrium potential drawn towards
Na potential
what does the goldman equation give
the relationship between Vm ion concentrations and ion permeabilities
what is the goldman equation
Vm=61.5 log([K+]o+b[Na+]o/[K+]i+b[Na+]i)mV
what is b equal to in the goldman equation
permeability of Na/K
(permeability of K is higher)
factors that determine Vm: membrane potential
1.ion concentrations-determine the equilibrium for each ion
2.relative ion permeabilities- determine the relative importance of each ion's contribution to the membrane potential
what does the cell become during depolarization
more positive
what does the cell become during hyperpolarization
less positive
how do u get a net flux of Na ions
when the ion movement due to concentration gradient is different from the ion movement due to electrical gradient
for a typical cell, are most ions at equilibrium
what will happen to the ionic gradients without influx of energy
it will eventually run down
what prevents run down of ionic gradients
Na,K-ATPase pump must expend energy to maintain the ion gradients
what existed before the big bang
what must've happened before life formed
meteorite bombardment
is there a gap between when life could've existed and when life actually came to existence?
what does the center mean in the archaea, bacteria and eukaryote circle
that is where the core cell functionality is established
what was established in the early phase (prior to multicellular organisms)
all protein motifs
what must've occurred before eukaryotes arrived(2000 mya)? why
photosynthesizing bacteria occurred (3000 mya), it oxygenated the atmosphere
what is RNA
source of genetic information and ribozyme
what is responsible for surface tension
strong interactions between water molecules
is dissociation of ions favorable
what is the cell membrane a barrier to
diffusion of charged molecules
mixed chemical properties in the same molecule
how is the lipid bilayer structured
hydrophobic heads stick out and the tails interact with eachother
what gives the cell structural integrity
what are most of the integral membrane proteins
glycoproteins (sugar group on protein)
enzyme that breaks down protein
are pumps efficient
what do ion channels do
open or close to let ions move up or down the gradient
what is a common thread between all cells
high concentration of internal K+
why do cells have high concentration of extracellular Na+
cuz we all came from marine environment so extracellular fluid mimics that
what occurs when ATPase phosphorylates proteins
a conformation changes allowing 3 Na+ to move out and 2 K+ to move in
what drives the conformational changes
what is the Na,K-ATPase pump also called
electrogenic pump, cuz there's constant current flowing out of the cell
purpose of Ca ATPase
creates a pore to get Ca+ out of the cell
what is the main way cell stores energy
what must the molecule be to cross the membrane
what does the molecule need if it cant cross the membrane due to charge
protein intermediate (no energy requires)
what does facilitated diffusion and active transport rely on
can glucose easily cross the membrane? why or why not
NO, because its POLAR
Na-glucose symporter
2 binding sites-one for Na and one for glucose, and they both bind and cross the membrane.
net overall movement is Na & glucose into the cell.
what kind of transport is involved to bring glucose into the cell
secondary active transport or facilitated transport
both ions move in the same direction
both ions move in opposite directions
what produces the energy in the Na-Glucose symporter
Na+ gradient
where can Ca-ATPase pump Ca+2 into
mitochondria, ER, cytoplasmic reticulum
when does Ca+2 become a great second messenger
when there's a slight increase in Ca+2