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47 Cards in this Set

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functions of skin

protection, sensation, temperature regulation, vitamin D production, excretion, immunity

what are the names for the deepest layers of the skin

hypodermis or the subcutaneous tissue

what is the deepest layer


what does the hypodermis consist of

loose connective tissue, collagen and elastic fibers

what layer contains about one half of the body's fat


functions of dermis

gives structural strength, sensory fns

what is contained within the dermis

nerves, blood vessels, hair follicles, smooth muscles, and glands

what are the two layers of the dermis

reticular and papillary

where are stretchmarks and what are they called

striae in the dermis

what are characteristics of the epidermis

avascular, composed of strata (layers), separated from dermis by a basement membrane

what is the layer of epithelium that covers the skin


what layer do fingerprints come from

papillary in the dermis

in what process do cells of deeper layers undergo mitosis and as they move toward the surface older cells slough off


in what process do cells fill with keratin, die, and serve as a layer that is permeable and resists abrasion as cells move outward


what are the two epidermal cell types

keratinocytes and melanocytes

what do melanocytes produce

melanin that contribute to skin color

what do keratinocytes produce

keratin for strength; these are most common

what are the five epidermal strata from deepest to most superficial

basale, spinosum, granuloum, lucidum, and corneum

characteristics of thick skin

has stratum lucidum, found in palms, fingertips, soles of feet

characteristics of thin skin

more flexible, does not have stratum lucidum, covers most of the body

what is albinism

deficiency or absence of pigment

what is skin color determined from

blood circulating through the skin, thickness of stratum corneum, pigments

what are the parts of hair

shaft, root, bulb, and follicle

what is the hair shaft

the part that protrudes above the skin surface

what is the hair root

the part of hair that is located below the surface

what is the base of the hair root

hair bulb

what is the hair follicle

internal part of the pulb that contains stratum basale

how does hair grow

in cycles (growth and resting stages)

what muscles cause goosebumps

arrector pilli-- a type of smooth muscle

subaceous glands characteristics

secrete oil, prevent drying and may inhibit bacteria

what are the two types of sudoriferous glands

merocrine and apocrine

merocrine characteristics

open directly onto surface of skin; have own pores; numerous in palms and soles; more common

apocrine characteristics

activate at puberty; may become odiferous; found under arms, genitalia, and anus

what are ceruminous glands

modified merocrine sweat glands; produce earwax; functions is to prevent dirt and insects from entry

what are mammary glands

modified apocrine sweat glands

how do nails grow


what are the parts of the nail

nail body, cuticle, nail matrix, nail bed, and nail root

what is the nail body

visible part of nail

what is the cuticle

the corneum that grows onto nail body

what is the nail matrix/ nail bed

cells that give rise to the nail

what is the nail root

extenders from under skin

nail function

protects ends of digits, self defense

vitamin d characteristics

increases blood calcium and phosphate levels

first-degree burns characteristics

only burns epidermis, redness/swelling, heals in a week, ex: sunburn

second-degree burn characteristics

burns epidermis and dermis, blisters, heals in 2 weeks

third-degree burn characteristics

destroys epidermis, dermis, and deep tisue

what are some of the effects of aging

skin more easily damaged, collagen decreases, wrinkling, drier skin, more skin infections, decrease in blood supply, melanocytes increase/ decrease, poor ability to regulate body temp