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45 Cards in this Set

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Two joined copies of a replicated chromosome are called

Sister chromatids

Which of the following are primarily responsible for cytokinesis in animal cells but not in plant cells

Golgi derives vesicles

Before mitosis, sister chromatids are held together along their entire length by _________ proteins. Once mitosis begins, these proteins m are removed except at the ________ region

Cohesin; centromere

The second gap in the cell cycle (G2) corresponds to

The phase between DNA replication and the M phase

A medical diagnosis of a malignant tumor means that the tumor cells

Divide and spread to other parts of the body

Progression through the cell cycle is regulated by oscillations in the concentration of which type of molecule?


In the figure to the right G1 phase is represented by which numbered part(s) of the cycle? Be sure to look at the Y axis label


Dogs have 78 chromosomes in their diploid cells. If a diploid dog cell enters meiosis, joe many chromosomes and double helical molecules of DNA will be present in each daughter cell at the end of meiosis I?

39 chromosomes and 78 double helical DNA molecules

Which of these statements is INCORRECT concerning homologous chromosomes?

Homologous chromosomes undergo crossing over in metaphase 1 of meiosis

The cells at the end of meiosis I are not ready to function as gametes. Why not?

They are haploid, but the chromosomes are still in duplicated form

What is the result of recombination during meiosis?

It creates chromosomes that are a new combination of paternal and maternal material

A process which can produce diverse phenotypes that may enhance survival of a population in a changing environment is

Sexual reproduction

Independent assortment of chromosomes is a result of

The random way each tetrad lines up at the metaphase plate during meiosis I

What is the major difference between meiosis II and mitosis in a diploid animal?

Meiosis II occurs in a haploid cell, while mitosis occurs in diploid cells

The gametes is chimpanzees have 24 chromosomes. Therefore, there are _______ chromosomes in chimpanzee somatic cells and ________ chromosomes in chimpanzee sperm.


Medal postulated that individuals have genetic elements that exist in pairs, which determine a single phenotype what do we now know these pairs of elements to be?

Two alleles of a gene on homologous chromosomes

Mendel crosses true-breeding pea plants and found the recessive trait never appeared in the F1 generation, but it appeared in a ________ ratio of dominant to recessive in the F2 generation


The cleft chin trait is dominant to a smooth chin. If there exists a 50% chance that a child will have a cleft chin, the parental genotypes must be

Dd and dd

A true breeding plant that produces white flowers is crossed to a true breeding plant that produces red flowers. All the offspring produced pink flowers. What can you conclude?

This trait shows incomplete dominance

In humans “unattached” earlobes are dominant over “attached” earlobes. Widow’s peak hairline is dominant over non widow’s peak hairline. Use E and e for the earlobe phenotype alleles and W and w for the hairline phenotype alleles. A woman with unattached earlobes and non widow’s peak and a man with attached earlobes and a window’s peak have a child. The child has attached earlobes and a non widow’s peak hairline. What are the genotypes of the parents?

Eeww and eeWw

Let S = smooth pea and s = wrinkled pea; Y = yellow pea and y = green pea. What are the different possible genotypes of the gametes produced by a plant that is heterozygous for both characters?

SY, Sy, sY, sy

When Thomas Hunt Morgan crossed his red eyed F1 generation flies to each other, the F2 generation included both red and white eyed flies. Remarkably, all the white eyed flies were male. What was the explanation for this result?

The gene involved is on the X chromosome

From this pedigree, this trait is most likely inherited

As an autosomal recessive

Intelligence and skin color are examples of characters that displays continuous variation in humans. What is the reason for the range of expression in humans?

These traits are polygenic and determined by the interaction of many genes

Goltz syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that causes skin abnormalities. If a man with Goltz syndrome marries an unaffected woman, all of their daughters, but none of their sons, will have the disorder. Therefore, this disorder is ________

Dominant X linked

Hershey and Chase used T2, a virus that infects bacteria in their studies to determine if the genetic material is made of proteins or nucleic acids. What key characteristics of T2 virus was most important in this study?

It injects only it’s genetic material into the bacterial cell

What is the major difference between eukaryotic DNA replication and prokaryotic DNA replication?

Prokaryotic chromosomes have a single origin of replication, while eukaryotic chromosomes have multiple origins of replication

What is meant by saying one strand of DNA is the template for the synthesis of another strand of DNA?

The template strand specifies the order of bases of the new strand being made

What happens to the two original strands of a DNA molecule after the DNA has replicated?

Each original strand ends up paired with a newly synthesized strand

There are two alleles for each gene in a cell. If each gene encodes for a particular protein, what would make two alleles different from each other?

The sequence of bases in the DNA for each allele would be slightly different and would lead to the production of slightly different proteins

The average mutation rate for DNA replication is 1 mutation for every 10 billion nucleotides of DNA replicated. Yet DNA polymerase makes a mistake during replication at an average 1 in 100,000 nucleotides. What does this say about DNA replication?

Cells are proficient at repairing errors made during DNA replication

Cancer is a disease caused by mutations. Yet in most instances if one of your parents tragically died from cancer, this did not put you at greater risk than a person whose parents did not develop cancer. How can cancer be caused by mutations and yet not be heritable?

Most cancer arise from mutations in somatic cells

Which of the following is NOT a property of DNA polymerase?

It only functions to synthesize complementary DNA on the leading strand

How are Okazaki fragments synthesized and assembled into a continuous strand?

They are synthesized using the lagging strand template and they are joined by ligase

In humans, xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a disorder of the nucleotide excision repair mechanism. These individuals are unable to repair DNA damage caused by ultraviolet light. Which of the following are the most prominent types of DNA lesions in individuals form xeroderma pigmentosum?

Thymine dimers

What is a codon?

A three base sequence of mRNA that codes for a specific amino acid

The genetic code is essentially the same for all organisms. From this, one can logically assume which of the following?

A gene from an organism can theoretically be expressed by any other organism

In eukaryotes, where would you expect to find RNA polymerase?

In the nucleus

A mutation that results in premature termination of translation

Is a nonsense mutation

Translation ________

Uses RNA template to specify the amino acid sequence of a protein


Takes place in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells

A possible sequence of nucleotides in the coding (non-template) strand of DNA that would code for the polypeptide sequence


Would be


What amino acid sequence will be generated, based on the following mRNA codon sequence?



Which of the following types of mutation would most likely create this null allele?

A frame shift mutation

Investigators examined the expression of transporter mRNA and protein produced in zebra fish homozygous for each of the alleles and found the results summarized below. Does the allele associated with light color appear to be altering transcription or translation? Why?

Translation, transporter protein is produced in individuals homozygous for the dark-colored allele but absent in the individuals homozygous for the light color allele

A small portion of the transport protein amino acid sequence is shown below

The upper sequence is associated with darker skin and the lower sequence is associated with lighter skin. What DNA base pair change created the light skin form of the human protein from the the gene that cooled for the dark skin form?

The amino acid change from alanine to theronine resulted from a G to A change at the first nucleotide for the codon. This is an example of a missense mutation