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14 Cards in this Set

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Behavioral therapy

In this approach behavior and personality develop through learning processes or more correctly through the interaction of the environment with an individual genetic endowment. This approach is that problematic behaviors occur when there's been inadequate learning and therefore can be corrected through the provision of appropriate learning experiences

For example of Pavlov's dog. when the dog salivated every time the bell ring that is a conditioned response.


A stimulus that follows a behavior or response is called a reinforcing stimulus. when the reinforcing stimulus increases the probability that the behavior will recur it is called a positive reinforcer and it's called positive reinforcement. negative reinforcement increases the probability that a behavior will recur by removal of an undesirable reinforcing stimulus.

Discriminative stimuli or under the individuals control they're able to discriminate between stimuli and she's according to the type of reinforcement they have come to associate. For example two different nurses in call light story

Examples of reinforcing stimuli

Positive... Messy room... Child cleans messy room... Child gets allowance

Negative reinforcement... Messy room... Child cleans messy room... Child does not receive scolding from the mom

Aversive... Messy room... Child does not clean messy room... Child receives scolding from the mother

Techniques for modifying client behavior

Shaping... In shaping the behavior of another, reinforcements are given for increasingly closer approximation to the desired response. For example, eliciting speech monopolistic child that teacher May 1st reward the child for a watching the teachers lips... And then b making any sound and imitation of the teacher... And then c forming sound similar to the word uttered by the teacher. shaping has been shown to be an effective way of modifying behavior for tasks that a child has not mastered on command or not in the child's repertoire

Technics continued

Modeling refers to the learning of new behaviors by imitating the behavior of others. Children imitate the behavior patterns of their parents, teachers, friends, and others. Adults and children model many of their behaviors after individuals observe on TV and in movies. Unfortunately modeling can result in maladaptive behaviors as well as adaptive ones. This is used and practiced in role-playing four wanted behaviors

Technics continued

The premack principle

This encourages a particular behavior that an individual is not doing very often, the situation is created in which the person must perform that behavior before being permitted to do the fun stuff that he or she prefers to do. The person's preferred behavior becomes a reinforcement for accomplishing the desired behavior change. for example 13 year-old has been neglecting homework for the past few weeks. She spends a lot of time on her cell phone talking to their friends. Applying the premack principle, being allowed to talk on the cellphone to her friends could serve as a positive reinforcement for completing her homework

Technics continued


the gradual decrease in frequency or disappearance of a response when the positive reinforcement is withheld. For example a child that has a temper tantrum. The tantrum behaviors continue as long as the parent gives attention to them but decreasing often disappear when the parents simply walks away from the child ignores the behavior.

Technics continued

Contingency contracting is where contract is drawn up among all parties involved. The desired behavior change and specified reinforcement for performing this behavior are stated explicitly in writing. the negative consequences are punishers that will be rendered for not fulfilling the terms of the contractor also made. Is important to be flexible so that renegotiations can occur if necessary

Technics continued

token economy is a type of contracting and which the reinforcers for desired behaviors are presented in the form of tokens. what does therapy tokens are awarded when desired behaviors are performed it may be exchanged for a designated privileges. for example a patient may want to buy a snack or cigarettes for two tokens, a trip to the coffee shop or library for five tokens, or a trip outside the hospital.

Technics continued

Time out is an aversive stimulus or punishment during which the client is removed from the environment where the unacceptable behavior is being exhibited.

Technics continued

Reciprocal inhibition also known as counterconditioning decreases or eliminates the behavior by introducing the more adaptive behavior, the one that is incompatible with unacceptable behavior. An example is relaxation exercises to an individual who is phobic. Relaxation is practicing the presence of anxiety so that in time that individuals able to manage things it in the presence of the phobic stimulus

Overt sensitization

Is a type of aversion therapy that produces unpleasant consequences for undesirable behavior. For example disulfiram the drug given to individuals who wish to stop drinking alcohol. If an individual consumes alcohol while on antabuse therapy, symptoms of severe nausea and vomiting, dyspnea, palpitations, occurred. instead of the euroic feeling normally experience from alcohol.

Covert sensitization

Relies on the individual's imagination rather than a medication to produce unpleasant symptoms. The technique is under the patient's control and can be used whenever and wherever it is required. The patient learns to visualize nauseating scenes and even to and do some mild feeling of nausea through mental imagery. This mental image of the visualized when the individual is about to succumb to an attractive but undesirable behavior.


Systematic desensitization is used to help overcome fear of phobic stimulus. It is slow and steady such as discussing the phobic stimulus than looking at it and then walking into a place that has it then pushing or touching it ect.

Flooding also called implosive therapy is used to desensitize individuals fullbacks Timmy line instead of working up a hierarchy of anxiety-producing stimuli like systematic desensitization the individual is flooded with A continuous presentation of the phobic stimulus until it no longer lets its anxiety. It is to produce results faster flooding is contraindicated with clients with intense anxiety would be hazardous such as individuals with heart disease or fragile psychological adaptation