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89 Cards in this Set

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anxiety disorder
preocupation with and avoidance of thoughts or situations that provoke fear or anxiety
anticipation of future problems, out of proportion to the threat
caused by danger
childhoood adversity, attachment relationships and separation anxiety
can be learned through classical conditioning
in the face of a real danger, helps behavioral responses to threat
excessive worry
associate with anxiety, uncontrollable sequence of negative emotional thoughts that are concerned with possiblefuture threats
panic attacks
a sudden overwhelming experience or terror or fright,
cued: only in the presecence of particular stimuli
unexpected: without warning
persistent, irrational narrowly defined fears that are associated with a specific object or situation

irrational and unreasonable
unwanted anxiety provoking thought, may seemy crazy, rarely act upon impulse
cannot be resisted, reduce anxietybut dont produce pleasure,
panic disorder
recurrent, unexpected panic attack, followed by a period of 1 month or more with fear of attack
women 2x more likely
social phobia
afraid or avoid social sit,
performance anxiety
interpersonal interaction
fear of humiliation or embarassment
more common in women
generalized anxiety disorder
anxiety or worry, trouble controlling worries,lead to sig distress, most daus for 6 months or more, worry about dif events and activities
depression caused by
severe loss
Psychological factors
perception of controllability
catastrophic misinterpretation
attentional biases
thought suppression
per of control
lack of control, helpless,
catastrophic misinterpretation
bodily sensations, thoughts or images, negative thoughts followed by behav to increase safety when they are actually counterproductive,
attentional biases
sensitive to cues that signal the existence of future threats, when they see the cue that causes the anxiety it tirggers a maladaptive cycle
to treat anxiety
system desensitization
exposure treatment
relaxation skills training- tense relax
breathing retraining- practice slow breathing
cog therapythoughts >responses, iden cog,examine evidence,
antianxiety meds
gad and social phobia
not for specific or ocd
can relapse
sedation, motor and cog side effects, addiction
all forms of anxiety fewer side effects
weight gain
dry moith
over stim
jittery, nervous, lightheaded
for ocd if anything...
tramatic stress
event that involves actual or threatened death or serious injury to self or oters and creates intense feelings of fear helplessness or horror (6-8 months)

comorbidity with depression, anger,sub abuse
acute stress disorder
w/i 4 weeks after exposure of tramtic event, dissociative symptoms, reexperiencing, anxiety
reexperiencing avoidance or arousal delayed onset (6-8 mon)
cog behav exposure to trama most effective, imagery rehearsal therapy, cog restructuring
dissociative symptoms
dazed, spaced out, depersonalization, derealization, dissociative amnesia
trama caused by
risky behav, adverse environ, ppl who are anxious or have a faily history of mental disorders
contributions to trama
if have social support or less severe stressors
operant conditioning in trama
avoidance by reducing fear, avoidance prevents the extinction of anxiety through exposure
classical cond in trama
fear when terror is paired with cues
dissociative disorders
persistent, maladaptive disruption in the integration of memory, consciousness or iden, two or more personalities
four types
before you jump to this conclusion rule out the obvious: head trama, drug, alcohol, stroke, mem impairment
little biological cause
social cause: created by therapist?
depersonalization disorder
feelng of being detached
dis iden dis
mult per dis
dis fugue
sudden and unexpected travel away from home with inability to recall details about past with confusion about iden and assumptions of new iden
treatment of dis
integration of personalities, hypnosis,
somatoform disorders
physical symptoms that dont exist, real in mind not in body, worry about deadly disease
conversion disorder
mimic neuro dis, no bodily sense, psych conflict converted to bio
somatization disorder
mult complaints in absence of reality
more in women, low ses, aa and latinos
comor with depression, anxiety, and antisocial personality dis
bio cause: diag by exculsion
psych factors: primary and secondary gain, cog tendency to amplify
make themselves sick by taking pills etc
fear that is suffering from illness
pain dis
preocupation with pain, depen on pain med
body dysmorphic dis
imagined defect of appearance, plastic surgeon,
treatment of somotoform
operant approaches,
cog behav
antisocial personality disorders
have difficulty shifting their attention to consider neg consequences fo behav, less able to consider meaning of important signals and punishment
dependent personality
sumssive role in rel, need reassurance and support, cling to those that will take care of them, at risk of depression sociotrpohy- can become depressed if exper stress in interpersonal
1. pref for affiliation
2. fear of criticism
3. self-confidence lack
4. overlaps with borderline
can be caused by overprotective parents, insecurely attached children.
cog therapy
usually enter bc of something else!

dont have core sense of self.
borderline personality
instablity in mood and rel, find it dif to be alone, rapid mood shifts, anger, identity disturbance
treatment: dialectical behav ther: learning to be comfortable with strong emotions, therapist acceptance of patients behav

splitting: entirely good/ bad

dont know how to get their needs met, fear abandonment but usually get it due to temperament, based on chaotic parenting, go to extremes to get atttention, self loathing, cant see an end to feelings (help them realize they are temporary)
antisocial per dis
prior to age 15
3/7 symptoms after 15
psychopathology checklist
genetic factors and adverse enviornment
irrepsonsible and antisocial behav in childhood, impulsive and reckless, lack conscience
paranoid per dis
tendnecy to be inappropriately suspicious of others, expectation of being harmed, inflexible of views or expectations
schizoid per dis
per patterns of indifference to to other ppl couple with a diminshed rage of emotional exper and expression
cluster A
paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal
often appear odd or eccentric
Clus B
ppl who often appear dramatic emotional or erratic
Clus C
ppl who often appear anxious or fearful
obessive compulsive
discomfort with close rel cog and percep distortions
weird behav, not psychotic!
overlap with borderline and avoidant
gen related to schizophren
excessive emotionality and attention seeking center of attention needed
grandiosity need for admiration and lack of empathy, all knowing, expect submissiveness,
social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy and hypersensitvity to neg eval
obsessive compulsive personality
preoccpuation with orderliness and perfectionsim at the expense of flexibility
dot realize its odd but it is dysfunctional
egosyntonic nature
doesnt care or understnad their prob and doesnt seek help
if rel schizophrenic, (paranoid and avoidant)
per dis
duration of the pattern and the social impairment associated with the traits in question
socal dysfunction
interfer with persons ability to get along and perform social roles
every human has a desire for
affiliation- close rel
and power- impact
cog perceptions
how they view themselves- dependnet on external
distortion of affilation and power
how a person relates to the world, temperament, consistent, thinking and behav
onset of schizo
3 phases
prodromal: becomes isolated/odd, build up
active: psychotic appear disturbed
residual: return to baseline, pos symptoms decrease, some are maintained
positive symptoms of schizo
hallucinations and delusions
perceptual disturbances, can occur in any sense, persistent, psychotic symptoms

idiosyncratic beliefs that are rigidly held in spite of their preposterous nature
neg symptoms of schizo
lack of intitative, social withdrawl, deficits in emotional responding
affective disturbances: blunt affect
inabiliity to experience pleasure
socially withdarwn
lack of will
impoverished thinking and speech
all neg symptoms
thinking disturbances: say things that dont make sense, irrevalent responses, use words in weird ways
Shifting topic abruptly
part of thinking disturbances in disorganization
persistently repeating the same word or phrase over and over
bizzare behavior
catatonia and inappropriate affect
immobility and marked muscular rigidity, excitement and overactivity, reduced responsiveness
inappropriate affect
incongruity and lack of adaptability in emotional expression
for schizophrenia needs 2 or more symptoms
for more than 1 month
neg symptoms
social/occupational disturbance
persist at least 6 months
acute psychotic episode
if symptoms of schizo only present for 6 months or less
schizoaffective disorder
between schizo and mood disorders
delusional disorder
preocupied for at least 1 month with delusions that are not bizzarre
brief psychotic disorder
psychotic symptoms for one day -one month
genetic factors in schizo
play a role, more likely to have been exposed to problems during mothers pregnancy
social factors of schizophrenia
social class, poverity, stress and social isolation, poor nutrition play a causal role
family environ in schizo
negative relationships have an effect
negative effects of antipsychotic for schizo
muscular rigidity, involuntary postures, motor inertia
treatment for schizo
family-oriented aftercare
social skills training
cognitive therapy- cog enhancement therapy (those who have recovered from active symptoms)
assertive community treatment
25-30% loss of normal weight
cognitive disturbance in evaluating weight loss
intense fear of gaining weight, lack of menstration, lanugo-fuzzy arms, anemic, kidney function effect, dental erosion, electrolyte embalance, struggle for control
eating disorders comorbid with
ocd, ocp, depression
over eat, purging, self esteem issues, depression,
purging and non purging type (exersise or fasting)
social factors of eating disorders
troubled fam relationships, rejection in bulimia, anorexic fam cohesive and non confrontational
psych factors of eating disroders
perfection and control
biological factors
treatment of eating disorders
gain weight!
family therapy
cog behav: dysfunctional beliefs, prepare to expect relapse
broaden perspective of freinds, fam and feelings to take attention away from weight loss.