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18 Cards in this Set

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What is the study of Animal Behavior?


What is the Stimulus-Response theory?

The theory that all complex forms of behavior are the responses of muscles and glands

What is Classical Conditioning?

The association of stimuli that happens at the same time or same area

What is Operant Conditioning?

The association of an activity with punishment or reward

What is the study of social organization in animals?


Define: Positive Reinforcement

Rewarding good behavior

Define: Negative Reinforcement

An unpleasant occurrence used to create a desired behavior, ie a shock collar

Define: Punishment

An unpleasant occurrence used to eliminate a undesirable behavior

When does imprinting occur?

During the Sensitive Period (2-12 weeks for cats and dogs)

Define: Aggression

A behavior bred from an impulse to harm another being

What are the critical Socialization periods for puppies and kittens?

Puppies: 4-14 weeks

Kittens: 2-8 weeks

When does a puppy experience his first fear period?

8-10 weeks

What is defined as the time when baby animals learn to interact with others of their own species?

The Critical Period

What is Conflict Related Aggression?

Aggression that occurs when an animal is exposed to an uncomfortable or unfamiliar situation

What is Avoidance Conditioning?

The term for when an animal learns that aggression will avoid a conflict

What is Fear-induced aggression?

Aggression that occurs whenever an animal is in a position from which it can't escape

What is Predatory Aggression?

Aggression that occurs without any warning signs

What is Post-parturition Aggression?

Aggression a mother displays after giving birth