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85 Cards in this Set

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1st gen cephalosporins
cefadroxil, cefazolin, cephalexin
2nd gen cephalosporins
cefaclor, cefotetan, cefoxitin, cefprozol, cefuroxime, cefaamandole
3rd generation cephalosporins
cefdinir, cefixime, cefotaxime, ceftaxidime, ceftibuten, ceftriaxone, ceftizoxime
alternate for chlamydia
for CMV retinits in AIDs, nephrotox, seizures, granuloctopenia, anemia
Meds for Parkinson's
anticholinergics (benzotropine, biperiden, procyclidine and trihexyphenidyl)

COMT inhibitors, dopaminergics, MAOIs
Typical antipasychotics
block dopamine receptors in the brain, chlorpromazine, flpehaazine, haloperidol, loxapine, thioridazine

extrapytamidal side effects and neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Atypical antipsychotics
block serotonin receptors, apiprazole, clozapine, quetiapine, risperidone
MOA of carbamazepine
Na channel blocker, DOC for focal seizures, same MOA as lamotrigine, can cause CNS problems, liver tox and aplastic anemia

most antisieaure drugs increase GABA in some way
antiemetic, psot-op nasusea, dopaminerfic antagonist, therefore extrapyramidal side effects, dopamine blockate at CTZ and M3 receptors in I tract
anti-emetic, 5HT-3 inhibitors
Stool softeners
hydrophillic colloids attract water and softens the stool
Frank Starling Law
increased quantity of blood into heart increases stretch and force of contraction

contractility increased by SNS, decreased by CHF, MI, BBs, CCBS
Ventricles, atria and Purkinje sstem have ..... duration action potentials
long duration

spread of signal in heart is through intercalated discs from cell to cell
Phases of cardiac action potential
phase 0- rapid influx of Na causes upstroke

Phase 1- slight repolarizaiton caused by K leaving and decreased sodium entry

Phase 2- plateua d/t calcium

phase 3 repolarization from K outward current

phase 4 resting membrane potential
Phases of SA node action potential
upstroke d/t calcium entry into cell that causes depolariztion, repolarizes d/t K, slow depolarization of cell d/t slow sodium entry
Etiologies of AV block
ischemia of the AV node, compresion of node by scar tissue, inlammation in acute rheumatic fever, myocarditis, diptheria, hyperparasympathetic stimulation
Stokes-Adams syndrome
coming and going of 3rd degree heart block
causes of premature contracitons in heart
local ischemia, compresison of tissue d/t atherosclerotic plaque, tox d/t substances (nicotine, caffeine, other drugs)
Conditions leading to V fib
shortened refractory period in muscle, increased distance between impulses (occurs with enlargemnt of heart), decreased speed of impulse conduction
Pulse pressure =
systolic - diastolic
pulmonary wedge pressure
is 8 mm Hg, typical blood pressure in pulmonary vasculatture is 25/8 with MAP of 16
Compliance of vessels =
cpacitance = amount of blood in particular vessel, veins more compliant
Aortic valve stenosis
decreased blood flow, little blood pressure during systole, decreased pulse pressure
aortic regurge
allows blood pumped into aorta during systole to flow back during diastole, decreases diastolic, increases pulse pressure
Ejection fraction =
SC/EDV x 100%
Most oncotic pressure in vessels is...
d/t albumin
Vasodilation of vessles
heart- K/H ions in blood locally, CO2 elevation, bradykinin elecation, adenosine elevation locally, B2 recepotrs

vasodilataion of skeletal muscle- B2 activation, K/H ions, lactic acid, CO2, and adenosine
Causes of high cardiac output failure
berieri, anemia hyperthyroidism, arteriovenous shunt (capillaries bypassed to reach veins direct from arteries)
Causes of right shift of Hb dissociation curve
increased 23DPG, CO2, temp, low pH

Note: CO poisoning causes a left shift
Ion channels in TAL and DCT
TAL -NKCC blocked by loops

DCT- NCl- blocked by thiazides
Proximal convuluted tubule
site for resopriton of glucose, aas, phsphate, resorbtion of bicarb secretion of acid, sodium uptake
Alodsterone acts on...
principal cells. decreases Na absorption and K secretion

intercalated cells trade K (in)for H (out)
Glomerular filtration
filtration of fluid from glomerular cappilaries into renal tubule
Things that affect GFR
decreased GFR with decreased glomerular capillar filtration (DM, HTN thicknes endothelium), increased capillary oncotic pressure, Bowman's capsule pressures urinary obstruction, increased glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure, dilated efferent arterioles, or constricted efferent and afferent
Ang II
constricts afferent and efferent vessels, affects efferent more, increases GFR
Functions of proimal convuluted tubule, loop of henle and DCT
PCT- 65% water and elecroylte reabsorbtion and aas

loop= descending water permeable, then ascending impermeable with NKCC

DCT- early juxtaglomerular, NaCL resorbtion, late- principal cells absorb N anad water, Na/K exchange, collecting tubulte acted upon by ADH, w/o ADH no water uptake
hypotnic dehydration
increased ICV, decreased ECV, increased Hct, dereased Na with increased Na loss relative to water, osmotic diarrhea, vomiting, Addison's
Pituitary regulation in male
LH -> Leydig cells to produce testosterone, tesosterone activates sertoli cels to maintain spermatogenesis and feedsback to hypothalamus and anterior pituitary

sertolis also release inhibin which feeds back to the hypothalamus, activated by FSH
Pituitary regulation in female
FSH-> granulosa cells leading to estrogen causing folica cells maturation, LH causes luteinization and follical swellin, stimulates collagenase and theca prolgeration, formation of porpus luteum

corpus luteum produces prgesterone whcih relaxs smooth msucel and stimualtes glandular production in the endometrium
LH and FSH in female repro system
LH development and maintanenace of corpus luteum

FSH development of the follicle in ovary
granulosa cells vs. theca cells
granulosa cells produce progesterone, theca cells produce androsenedione and testosterone whcih are converted to estrogne by the granulosa cells
Hormone levels at puberty, menopause and PCOS
puberty- FSH and LH high

Menopause both high but FSH is moreso

PCOS lo FSH and Hi LH
High levels of iodine
inhibit hormone synthesis, results in dereased hormone production (Wolff-Chaikoff effect)
Difference between epilepsy and other seizure disordres
epilepsy as no identifiable cause, others do, either pathology, tumors, infection, CVAs, aneurysms etc
complex seizures vs. simple
complex has a LOC, somple does not, will have hallucinations in simple partial, complex partial will have repetive movements, spikes on EEG
Absence seizrures
3/sec spike and dome on EEG, generalized complex seizure lasts a few seconds, tx is ethosuxomide or valproic acid
Jacksonian seizures
start focally and then spread to rest of brain
Sleep stages and characteristic waves
Stage 1- alpha and theta waves
Stage 2- K complexes and spindles
Stage 3 delta waves also stage 4, night terrors and sleep walking/talking

REM- beta waves like when awake
NTs and patholgies
increased dopamine- psychosis and schizo

depression- decreasted NE, Dop, 5HT

alzehimers decreased ACh

Anziety increase GABA
schizoid vs. schizotypal
schizoid- wants no close relationships

shizotypal- bizarre behavior, abnormal pereption of reality
Somatization disorder
lasts many years, involves pain and involves 4 comlaints, 2 GI, 1 sezual, 1 pseudoneurologic (no identifiable cause)
Conversion disorder
lasts weeks, not malingering, No pain but has blidnness, symptoms occur with psych factors
Panic disorder
recurrnt panic attacks(sweating, palpitations, paresthesias, trembling, SOB, chocking sensation, nausea, dizziness)

genearlized with excessive worry and apprehension over evnts, plans, objects
Major depressive disorder
5 criteria, lasts more than 2 eeks, recurrent thoughts of suicide, dperessed mod, loss of interest, decreased ficysm body weight chnages, fatigue, worthlesness, psthcomtor agitation
Dsthymic disorder
symptms of depressed mood over 2 years, appetiivte changes, insomina, low eeergy/self esteem, does not meet criteria for depressive disorder
Bipolar I vs. Bipolar II
I- is mania followed by dperssion

II includes hpomania and depression, hypomania not socially impairing
Medical conditions that can cause psychosis
brain tumor, Wilson's, CVA, SLE< propyria, B12 deficit, pellagra, Korsakoffs, syhpyillsi, IV dementia, herpes encepthalitis

induced by LSD< meth, Mary J, cocaine, ketamine, salvia, ecstasy
Schizoaffective vs. shizophreniform vs. shizophrenia
shizoaffective- 2 weeks without mood smptoms, shizophrenia + mood disorder

shizophreniform- shizophrenia but less than 6 months

schizophrenia- 6 months +, delusions, halucinations, disorganized sppech and behaviro
Crititcal point in embryonic development
weeks 3-8 start of most organogenesis
cornea vs. sclera
cornea- transparent tissue over anterior eye, area through which you can see inner eye

sclera- white, opaque fibrous surrounds the entire eye (white part)
blind spot of eye
are of the optic disk, no photoreceptors here
oval yellow area lateral to optic disk, forms fovea centralis
increased aqueous humor causes increased intraoccular pressure may cause blindness
superior rectus vs. superior oblique
have opposite motions rectus makes look up and medial, oblique is lateral and down

inferior rectus is inferior and lateral, inferior blque is inferior and lateral
Branches of internal carotid artery in order
opthalmic, posterior comminicating, anterior choroidal, aterior cerebral (fronal and parieta lobes leg and foot areas for motr and sensory), anterior commonicating and middle cerberal- lateral fornal and parietla lobes, Borca's Wernickes and trunk and arm
vertebral arteris
branch off subclavian and merge together to form basilar after givin g off anterior spinal and PICA, basilar goes North
UMN vs. LMN damage of facial nerve
upper motor nueron causes only deficits in lower face, lower motor neuron causes entire side of face
damage by damage to posterior cerebral artery, either by hydrocephalus or ineal gland tumor, damage to dorsal portion can damage supperior ocolicuus an pretctal area causing aparaylsis of downward and upward gace plus damge to the aqueduct yielding hydrocephalus
Weber syndrome
damage to medial midbrain (occlsion of posterior cererbral artery), damage to CNII nerver roots, unopposed action of CN VI and IV leads to eye abduciton and depression, corticobulbar damage resulitng in ipsilateral lower face tongue and palate with contralateral hemiparesis below that
Damage to red nucleus and dentrarubrothalamic tract
causes intention tremor and contralateral cerebellar dystaxia, damage to medial leminiscus causes proprioception and vibration sense loss seen with paramedian midbrain infarction
Pons contains nucleus of...
AICA syndrome
damage to facial nerve nucleus, iispsalateraql paralysis of lower face, 2/3 tongue taste, cochlear nculess, deafness, damage to psinal trigeminal nerve, ipsalateral distxia, spinothalic tract (contralateral pain and temp) sympathetics (ipsalteal horner;s syndrome)
Lateral Miidpotine syndrome
damge from branches of basilar artery, damge to CN V nerver root, damage to middle cerebellar peduncle causing dystaxia
Obstruction of superior cerebellar artery
lateral superior pons, damage to cerebellar peduncles, medial lemniscus, symapthetic trunk, spinothalmic tract, (ispsalateral face and cntralateral body), damage to dentate nucleus causing dystaxia and intention tremor
Locked-in syndrome
central pontine mtelinosis, from infarction of entire base of pons, all motor function loss except ability to blink
medial medullary syndrome
damage to medial medulla causes ipsalateral paralysis of tongue, damage to CBSTT and medial lemniscus
Wallenberg syndrome
damage to lateral medulla, obstruction of PCA, cerebellar peduncles, nucleus ambigus (CN IX-XI), damage to sympathetics, ipsoilateral loss of facial pin, damage to vagus and CN IX nerve roots and spinothalmic tracts contralateral
CN foramens
CN III,IV, VI, and V superior orbital fissure, CN II is through optic canal

CN V3 is foramen ovale, V2 is foramen rotundrum
hemitransection of the spinal cord
paralysis at the level and then spastic paralysis below on the ispalateral side, decreased pain and temp sensation on the left
loss of proprioception, paralysis on left side except face, tongue weakness, deviates right, loss of proproception on left. Lesion?
medulla, if also had facial anesthesia of entire face with mastication muscle weakness = pons, more caudal would have adduction of eye
paralysis of entire side of body except face ptosis and pupil dilation, no sensory loss, lesion?
in the midbrain
Important dermatomes
C7 middle finger, T1o umbilicus, L1-3 anterior thigh, L4 is medial, L5 is lower leg lateral, S1 is posterior lateral

hemiplegia on te entire right side of body, location?
can't feel or move lower extremities?
anterior cerebral, upper extremities and toreso middle cerebral