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32 Cards in this Set

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Conditions that are important for the growth of bacteria


-osmotic pressure



Not a physical factor that affects bacterial growth

nutrient concentration

nutrient concentration

growth rate depends on amounts of nutrients in the environment

-one key nutrient(in lowest amount) will determine how much growth can occur over time)

limiting factor in nutrient concetration

lowest amount nutrient that determines how much growth over time

physical factors and bacterial growth



-hydrostatic pressure

-osmotic pressure


temperature responses of microbes: psychrophile and types

grows at: 5dC

facultative: max at 20dC or above

obligate: max below 20dG

Mesophile temp response

grows at 37

Thermophile temp growth and types

-grows at 50-70dC

eurythermophile-broad range of temp; can grow at 37dC

-stenothermophile-narrow range of temp; cannot grow at 37dC



human pathogens and type

optimum temp varies for 20-45dC


Phys factor:hydrostatic pressure and barophiles

barophiles grow faster at pressure over 1 atm

- some grow at bottom of the ocean, at extremely high pressure

Phys factor: osmotic pressure

-some extremeophiles can grow at [salt]>5M NaCL

hypotonic solution

net water gain

-low salt concentration

-water moves into cell

-causes cell to swell

-cell wall will lyse

hypertonic solution

net water loss

-high [salt]

-water moves out of cell, cell will shrink

isotonic solution

extracellular and intracellular salinities(indicated by blue spheres) are similar, there is no net movement of water across the membrane



ex. lactobacillus acidophilus



-most of disease causing bacteria



vibrio cholera, alcaligenes faecalis

-bacteria can compensate somewhat for external pH by pumping protons out of the cell

what most pathogens are


helicobacter pylori

-can cause gastric ulcers

-acid tolerant

-secretes bicarbonate and urease

vibrio cholerae

can thrive at ph=9

Oxygen and bacterial growth

metabolism of oxygen forms 2 highly toxic compounds, H202 and superoxide(o2-), which are broken down by catalase and superoxide dismutase


breaks down h202

superoxide dismutase

breaks down O2-

table 6.7 aerobe

synonyn: strict aerobe

growth in air:yes

growth w/o O:no

possession of catalase and superoxide dismutase:Yes

description: requires O; cannot ferment

Ex. mycobacterium tuberculosis, pseudomonas aeruginosa, bacillus subtilis


syn:strict anaeroble

grow in air:no

grow without O: yes


description:killed by O, ferments in abs of O2

Ex: clostridium botulinum, bacteroides melaninogenicus


grow in air:yes

grow without O: yes


description: respires with O2, ferments or uses anaerobic respiration in absence of O2

Ex. e.coli, shigella dysenteriae, staph aureus


syn: aerotolerant anaerobe

grow in air: yes

w/o O: yes

enzyme: yes

description: ferments in presence or absence of O2

ex: steptococcus pneumoniae, strep pyogenes


grow in air: slight

grow without o: yes

enzyme: small amounts

description: grows best at low O2, can grow without O2

ex: campylobacter jejuni

how they are in tubes

anaerobic culture system

a simple sealed container, an anaerobic jar, can be used for cultivating anaerobic microorganisms on agar plates. chemical reactions within the jar conusme virtually all of the O2, creating an anoxic environment


prefers increased CO2(neisseria spp)