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29 Cards in this Set

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A group of independent organism living in one ecosystem


The interaction of organisms with the non-living (abiotic) parts of the environment


Where all the species in a community are affected by one another. For example if one species dies or decreases in population it will effect others.

What do organisms need to do to survive and reproduce

They need to use the materials surrounding them and the organisms surrounding them. They also need to adapt to their environment.


Organisms compete for many things within and with other species

What might organisms compete for?

Light - plants

Space - plants and animals

Water - Animals and plants

Food - Animals

Minerals - Plants

Mates - animals

Stable community

Where all the species in the community are in balance so that population sizes remain in balance.

Abiotic Factors

Non - living factors


Light Intensity , Temperature, Wind Intensity, Carbon Dioxide levels, Oxygen Levels, Soil pH, Moisture levels.

Biotic Factors

Living factors


Availability of Food, Predators, Decreasing of species, new pathogens

Quantitative data can be obtained by....

Random quantitative sampling using a quadrat or sampling along a transect

Qualitative data can be used to....

Describe how physical factors might be affecting where organisms live (distribution) and how many organisms live their (abundance)


Where organisms live in an environment


How many organisms live in an environment

Quadrat Sampling

Square frame which many be divided into a grid. Used it see how many plants or organisms are in each quadrat, randomly.

It must represent the whole field so sample size is important or you can give an estimate as a mean per square metre.

Transect Sampling

Not random sampling. Place a line from one area to another area (light to dark or steep to high) and measure the effect of the environment on the organisms in it. It is measured every 5 metres.

Animal territory

Large enough to find water and food and enough space for breeding

Animals compete for...

Water, food, space, a mate and breeding sites

Plants compete for...

Light, water, mineral ions and space.

How do plants have adaptations to help them compete?

Some plants have deeper roots than others so it is easier to get minerals and water.

Other plants live in the leaves of tall trees to they can get enough minerals, water, space and sunlight.

Some plants spread their seeds over a wide area so they don’t need to compete with themselves. This can be done via animals or wind


Allow organisms to survive in particular extreme habitats I.e extremely salty or extremely hot


Plant eaters


Eats other animals


Organisms, usually microorganisms, that are adapted to live in the conditions where enzymes do not work because they would denature. This is either extremely hot or extremely cold.

Structural adaptations

Changing the appearance or features of an organism that is favourable in their environment for example the shape or colour

Behavioural Adaptations

How animals act and where they go to avoid natural or unnatural hazards for example where plants migrate to

Functional adaptations

I.e antifreeze in cells to help in cold conditions. Help animals specifically in what environment they are in

Why is it harder for large animals to cool down?

Because they have a lower surface area: volume ratio so it is harder to conserve energy.

How does camouflage help predators and prey?

Prey - helps them not to be seen by predators I.e moths on trees

Predators - helps them catch more prey because they don’t see it coming i.e Arctic foxes are white in winter and brown in summer

How are animals in hot, dry conditions adapted?

They need to be adapted to conserve water for long periods of time. Need to stay cold in daytime and stay warm in the night.