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41 Cards in this Set

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what are spirals?
what is the most common type?
- 20% of all galaxies, mostly dust and gas
- Normal spirals are most abundant
Elliptical galaxies?
80% of all galaxies, most are dwarfs, the super large ones "eat" or consume others
Irregular galaxies-
No shape, near collisions or collisions made them, our satellite galaxies are the Magellan clouds and are irregular
standard candles
each type of galaxy has certain absolute magnitude
galaxies are not alone but in clusters
super cluster
clustering of clusters
Hubble's Law
the farther the distance, the greater the speed
Hubble's Constant
50-100 km/sec/mpc
1 to 100 days -only yardsticks to other galaxies
Period Luminosity
how we use Cepheid's to measure distance
Cosmological principe
homogeneous and isotropic
cosmological red shift
all bodies are moving away, the further they get the faster
cosmological horizon
how far back we can see
look back time
time since the beginning of the universe
radio galaxies
colliding galaxies are the main reason behind their formation
quasar-quasar stellar objects
small energetic cores of early galaxies
dark matter
90% of the universe
dark energy
makes up 60% of dark matter
rotational curve
stars do slow down as they go around the galaxy because of dark matter
orbits in clusters
galaxies orbit each other faster because of dark matter
Gravitational lensing
light is bent by galaxies more than it should because of dark matter
massive compact halo objects-may be dark matter
Baryonic matter
is composed of normal matter about 10 percent only
weakly interacting particles- may be dark matter
large scale structures
clusters of galaxies and super clusters
critical density
matter needed to open or close anything in the universe
recollapsing universe
high critical density so universe stops expansion and re-collapses
critical universe
flat universe- this is what we think it is, dont know, barely expanding
coasting universe
expands forever
accelerating universe
expansion goes faster
that which dominates the baryonic materials in our universe
opposite to matter
big bang
universe expands out rapidly
grand unification of all forces
time at beginning that universe expanded quickly
Cosmic microwave background
left over of early hot universe
Oblers paradox
why is night sky dark? - cannot have infinite size and infinite number of stars
natural selection
darwin proposed survival of the fittestq
biology changes life
habitable zone
area around a star that life can exist
drake equation
probabilities of life that communicates in universe