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76 Cards in this Set

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What does:

A. V represent in V/Q

B. Q represent in V/Q

V = ventilation- the movement of gasses in an area

Q= Perfusion - the blood flow to a specific area of tissue

Describe shunting

(3 marks)

Provide an example

(2 marks)

Shunting occurs when an area (of the lungs) has adequate tissue perfusion but has a reduced capacity of ventilation.

An example would be where alveoli have filled with fluid (pulmonary Edema)

What is the 'shunt fraction'?

The percentage of blood pumped by the heart that is not completely oxygenated

If Q is normal and V is reduced, what is the condition described as?


What is pulmonary consolidation?

Where a region of the lung has filled with liquid.

If V is normal and Q is reduced, what is caused?


What is dead space?

Dead space is an internal area that has ventilation but no percussion.

In a normal pt, the trachea is an area of dead space

What are 3 roles of the respiratory system?

Extract O2 and transfer to lungs

Excrete water and co2 ( waste products)

Maintain normal acids-base balance of blood

What is caissons disease?

Decompression sickness

Kay's sons went diving

What is the percentage of nitrogen in inspired air?


What is the symbol for nitrogen?


What is the % of oxygen in inspired air?


What is the % of carbon dioxide in inspired air?

0.4% (0.0314%)

What inert gas has a greater percentage in inspired air than CO2?


What is the % of N2 in expired air?


What is the % of CO2 in expired air?


What is % of O2 in expired air?


Is there less water vapour in exhaled or inhaled air?

Exhaled as it evaporates from the surface in the alveoli

What is the temperature of exhaled air?

37 •C

Due to heat being lost to the air from the lung surface

What makes up the upper respiratory tract?




Adenoids are a form of:

A. Palate

B. Tonsils

C. Bone

B. Tonsils

How many cricoid rings are there?


How long is an adult trachea?

6 inch, 12 cm

In a paediatric, the risk ok kinking the trachea when hyper extending is due to?

Less rigidity of the tracheal rings

What shape are tracheal rings?

C-shaped with the opening posterior

What is the 'voice box'

The larynx

What anatomy makes up the lower respiratory tract?






Where does the bronchi bificate?

At the carina

Where does the bronchi enter the lungs?


What is the outer layer of the trachea composed of?

Fibrous and elastic tissue

What is the middle layer of the trachea composed of?

Hyaline cartilage and involuntary smooth muscle

What is the inner later of the trachea lined with?

Ciliated columnar epithelium that contain goblet cells

What do goblet cells within the bronchi produce?


What is found after a respiratory bronchiole?

Alveolar duct>alveolar sac>alveolar pores

Are Clara cells ciliated?


What is a Clara cell?

A non-ciliated secretory cell

What do Clara cells secrete?

CCSP (protein) and contribute surfactant

What cells produce surfactant within the alveoli?

Type 2 pneumocytes

What cells are found within the alveolar walls?

Type 1& 2 pneumocytes


What is the role of surfactant?

To keep surface moist and lower surface tension of alveolar fluid

What is the space between alveolar walls and capillary walls called?

Interstitial space

What fluid is found between the pleura?

Serous fluid

What are the two layers of the pleura?



What are the three phases of respiration?

Pulmonary ventilation

External ventilation

Internal ventilation

What is pulmonary ventilation?

The process of gases exchange between the lungs and the atmosphere

What is external ventilation?

diffusion -The exchange of gases at alveoli/pulmonary level

What is internal ventilation?

perfusion -The metabolic use of oxygen by a cell to produce energy, resulting in release ofCO2

What is Boyles law?

Volume of a fixed mass of gas at a constant temperature is inversely proportionate to the pressure of the gas

I.e when pressure increases, volume decreases

Visa versa

Boy(le) on the seesaw

What is air pressure measured in?

Millimetres of mercury -mmHg

What is the pressure of air at sea level?

760 mmGH

During inspiration, does the diaphragm contract or relax?

Contracts downwards

What makes up the respiratory accessory muscles?

Sternocleidomastoid ( sternum)

Scalenes -rib 1+2

Pectoral is minor- rib 3,4,5

What is Dalton's law?

Total pressure of a gas mixture is the sum of partial pressures of each gas

P total = p1+p2

D. All tons together

What is a partial pressure

The pressure of a specific gas

How would you work out partial pressure of N2?

Dalton's law

78%X760mmGh= 597

What is Henry's law?

The amount of a gas that dissolves in a liquid is proportional to the PP of the gas over the liquid

Providing no chemical reaction takes place

What is the Partial pressure of o2 in air?


What is the partial pressure of o2 in the alveoli

105 mmGh

ETCO2 monitoring reflects:

a. the amount of co2 in the blood

b.the amount of inspired air and ventilation

c. the amount of co2 in exhaled air and ventilation

c. the amount of co2 in exhaled air and ventilation

an increase in pCO2 shows?





b. hyper (high) capnia ( c02)

When intubating the Laryngoscope should be

a) Inserted to the right of midline andlifted along the axis of the handle

b) Inserted to the left of midline, andlifted along the axis of the handle

c) Inserted to the left of midline,sweep the tongue to the left, then lift the laryngoscope along the axis of thehandle

d) Inserted to the right of midline,sweep the tongue to the left, then lift the laryngoscope along the axis of thehandle


When intubating the tip of the laryngoscope must be placed in the

a) Uvula to expose the glottisb) Vallecula to expose the glottis

c) Arytenoids to expose the glottis

d) Superior cuneiform to expose theglottis


The most common cause of pulmonary oedema is

a) LVF

b) Pulmonary embolus

c) Emphysema

d) Asthma


Pulse oximetry measures the

a) Partial pressure of oxygenb) Capillary saturation of oxygen

c) Venous saturation of oxygend) Arterial saturation of oxygen


The term pulmonary embolism is defined as

a) Complete obstruction of thepulmonary vein by a blood clotb) Thrombus/fat particles in thepulmonary arterial circulation c) Complete or partial obstruction ofpulmonary venous blood flow by a blood clot

d) Partial obstruction of the aorta bya blood clot


What is the partial pressure of o2 within the systemic arteries?


What is the partial pressure of o2 in cells and systemic veins?

40 mmgh

What is inspiratory reserve volume?

The amount of air possible to inspire following a normal breath

What is the total lung capacity in litres?


What rib level has the most matched v/q?


what is atelectasis?

atelectasis is the collapse of closure of a lung resulting in reduced or absent gas exchange.

what can cause atelectasis?

mucous plug

foreign object


complication following chest or abdo surgery

where is the respiratory centre in the brain and what are its three parts?

located in brain stem (specifically medulla oblongata and pons

medullary rhythmicity centre

pneumnotaxic center (pons)

apneustic center (Pons)

what does the medullary rhythmicity centre control?

rhythm of respiration

what does the pneumotaxic centre control?

inhibits inspiration

what does the apneustic center control?

stimulates inspiration