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Early Christian




Title: Ajax and Achilles playing a game

artist: Exekias

Culture: Greek

it is a moment during the trojan war

there is a lull in fighting

them playing a game shows there friendship

Achilles is in the hat and he is dominate

Ajax is bigger but slower

they are playing a board game and calling out numbers.

the focal point is dead space between the two

there curved backs lead to the dead space and friendship

the spears do this as well

the shields act like a barrier to keep your eye on them playing a game

this is considered a black figured

human consciousness

friendship and sociology.

Title: Spear Bearer

Artist: Polykelitios

Culture: Greek

contrapposto: the twisted pose resulting from parts of the body set in oppositon to each other around a central axis

bent leg to a straight arm

straight leg to a bent arm

perfect image of body

canon: established rules or standard

canon of proportions: a set of ideal mathematical ratios in art based on measurements of the human body.

arete: visual rep. of excellence, beauty of excellence, beauty of mind body and spirit.

Essay: Hermes and the Ifant Dionysous

Culture: Greek

he was one of the gods that started as a baby.

they send Dionisyis into woods to live with a satyar.

hermes is going to feed the baby

he would have an arm with grapes for baby

dionyisis is the God of wine

cloth is to stabilize the sculpture

"s" curve is in the body

the body is thinner

greek culture.

Lacoon and his son

Lacoon is the guy in the center, he is a trojan priest of Apollo.

he has the abillity to see into the future

he sees the trojan horse

the send snakes to kill Lacoon

athena and psydedone on the greek side

he is going to warn the greeks not to take the trojan horse

he is trying to break free from the snakes

muscles flexed to show his muscles to break free

twisted controposto in the body

very detail feel

he is in pain, you can see this in his face, it is phscology pain.

he is not going to save his son and he is not going to be able to warn them about the trojan horse

his god apollo has abandoned him

he is in pathos

Augustus of Primaporta

culture: Roman

red hair because he is a god

bare feet because he is on holy ground

his body i sin controposto.

he has his hand out because he is one with the people.

one the bottom cupid is riding a dolphin

cupids mother is venus, which came from the foam the foam of the sea.

true world and real world support him

clean shaven means roman

he has a dog which shows loyalty

the other guy is a barbarian

sky god = peace all year around

at the bottom is mother earth

Flavian Amphitheatre

culture: Roman

they would build it on the side of a heel so they would have a slope

concrete: the most important technicigiacal advancements invented by the Romans

you can have an arch: a curved structure structural element that spans an open space

barrel vault

roman culture

groin vault:

the collums are engaged colloms because they are only for looks

Commodus as Hercules

he believed he is the recarnation of Hercules

he wears a head dress of a lion

he carried a club like hercules

the sculpture is a bust

the shield has to eagles to represent

at the bottom are amazon women which shows he keeps things in order

he had a beard like a barbareian

Roman culture

the crossing of the red sea

culture: Jewish

it has nitch

the nitch would have scripts from the bible

they would teach young boys how to read and write

the different panels would tell stories

the room is a private place of worship

moses is placed in a basket

pharohs daughter finds him

it is a continious narration

there is more than one part to the story

it is very flat

fresco style

army on the right

drowing on the left

God parts the sea just for mosses

it is frontal

it has black outline like a coloring book

they did a certain part every day

mosses and aaron are the center of the painting

the key concept is religion

Good Shepard, Orants, and story of jonah

done very quick

by amature

christ is the good shepard

the subjects are reused

this is a new religion at the time

it is an early christian work

comes from Islam 23:1

it refers to the new and old testaments

it is a mix pegan, christianity, and jewish

its symbols go for all relgions

there is a nitch at the bottom


4 parts of the story

jonah was ate by the whale and spit out three days later

the reason for the jonahs story is the three day symblism for the crucefexion of jesus

has sketch quality

Emperor of Justinian and his attendents church of san vital

culture: Byzantine

it is a centralized church plan

had marble in the room

was filled with mosaics

series of grape vines on the coloums

birds on a bowl with grapes = christ

christ is dressed in purple which means royalty

christ is clean shaven in this image

techquie is mosiac

has glass cubes and gold cubes

he is wearing mother pearl

subject is justinain

beside him the clergy

in the corner there are six members of the state, like the 12 diciplies

the member so of the state are hold a shield with an x for christ

this is frontal and flat

heavy outline

made with gold

big eyes

virgin and child with saints and angles

culture: Byzantine

used the term icon

in the center is mary with christ on her lap

mary is the throne of wisdom

the purpose is to mediate to the image

the two men beside her are saints

they are know for slaying dragons

there names are theador and george

examples on how to be more like god

behind them are angels

flat, frontal, heavy outline, big eyes, made of gold.