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50 Cards in this Set

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Why do artists use distortion in their works?

By showing moods or feelings

Emphasis is the principle of art that makes on part of a work _____ over the other parts


In A.D. 1100, what became the focus of Chinese art?


the focal point is the first part of a work to _____ the attention of the viewer


Which group of Native Americans was especially skilled at creating painted pottery?


How did the flying buttress allow architects to build taller buildings?

They redistributed the weight of the roof from the walls

One way to create a focal point is to place an element that ____ with the rest of the work


What did India export to the rest of Asia that would change the other countries' art and cultures?


A work that is too much the same can become _________


What are the two major types of emphasis?

Element and area

How is visual rhythm different than auditory rhythm?

One you can see the other you can hear

Whom do businesses hire to create visual images that complement written text?


Which type of rhythm has a gradual change in motiff?


The amount of difference between the elements depends on the artist' _____


How is foreshortening used in a work of art?

To purposely distort proportion to make a piece of art look more realistic

What was the purpose of art, according to the Expressionists?

To show scenes from real life in order to evoke strong feelings

Graphic design became a career after what invention?

Printing press

What is the difference between motiff and module?

A motiff is flat and a module is a 3-D motiff

Which is an area that modern architects do NOT have to be knowledgeable in?

Web page design

Which word best describes the Roman sculptures of human form?


Harmony is based on?

Unity of separate but related parts

A large shape or form appears to be _____ a small shape

Heavier than

A central axis is?

A dividing line for symmetry

What is radial balance?

The design starts in the middle and radiates outward

A small, rough textured area can balance a ______ smooth surface


Name 5 types of rhythm

Progressive, regular, alternating, random, and flowing

_________ is a principle that enhances variety


_____ and _____ are two ways emphasis is used in a work of art

Convergence, location

Which is NOT a purpose of cartoons?

To convey deep emotion

What is the Golden Mean?

1 to 1.6 or 1:1.6 ratio

For what purpose were many African artworks originally used?

To celebrate ceremonies and rituals

In visual harmony

Related art elements are combined

Variety is the principle of art which deals with

Difference or contrast

What is the difference between proportion and scale?

Proportion refers to the relationship of one part to another, and scale refers to size as measured against

Informal balance is another name for _________


Which pre-Columbian group ruled its people without a written language?


A high intensity color has ______ visual weight than a low intensity color


Formal balance gives a piece of artwork a feeling of ______


Which type of rhythm can refer to moving water?


What is the most important element a web page designer must consider?

The pages' ease of use

Patter is concerned with decorative __________ design


Contrast is best defined by adding something different to a design to provide

A break in the repetition

Why do artists need variety in a work of art?

To add visual interest, to avoid being boring, to add contrast

What is hierarchal proportion? When scale indicates _______


Who were the first environmental designers?

Pre-historic cave dwellers

What is special about the painting style yamato-e?

It is pure Japanese art

Which career in art education involves teaching people to make asthetic judgements?

Art teacher

Which type of artist would NOT work for the newspaper?


What is the most important thing industrial designers and fashion designers must consider?

Meeting human needs

Which subjects were often depicted in the art of the Neoclassical period?

Heroic events