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73 Cards in this Set

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What is nutrition?

Nutrition is the study of nutrients found in food and their functions in the body.

Name 5 nutrients we need in a balanced diet.




- starches

Vitamins and minerals


Water and fibre

What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet is a diet which contains all the nutrients needed for good health in the correct amounts to meet individual needs

What is malnutrition?

Malnutrition occurs when not enough food is eaten to meet dietary needs or too much which causes obesity.

What is under-nutrition?

Some people may not eat enough food to meet their dietary needs

What are nutrients?

Chemical compounds which form molecules in food.

What factors affect what you eat?


Excercise - PAL Physical Activity Level

Medical condition e.g. Diabetes

Personal Choice- Vegetarian



Babies who are weaned- begin eating solid food.

What type of balanced diet do babies need to have?

They need lots of protein for growth and calcium for bones and teeth.

What type of balanced diet do office workers need to have?

They needs less energy food due to relatively easy (non-active) job.

What type of balanced diet do old man need to have?

Needs less food as he's now not as active.

What type of balanced diet do pregnant woman need to have?

Needs extra protein, calcium and increased amount of food in general.

What type of balanced diet do athletes need to have?

Needs more energy food due to demands of his job.

How does age affect diet to aid nutritional health?

The diet needs more:



Vitamin D


Vitamin C

How does being pregnant affect diet to aid nutritional health?

Your diet needs more:


Vitamins B/C/D



Because you need to keep baby healthy/ not as much excercise. The metabolic rate will be lower so you don't need more food.

How does breastfeeding affect diet to aid nutritional health?

Your diet needs more:




Needs to increase their energy because more energy is given to baby through breast milk.

How does babies affect diet to aid nutritional health?

Your diet needs more:

Non solid foods e.g. calcium and milk.


Babies need to grow strong bones and are unable to cope with solid food for 9th or 6th month.

How does recovering from an illness affect diet to aid nutritional health?

Your diet needs more:



Extra iron

Vitamins and minerals in small amounts.

Why is carbohydrates important in the diet and give examples of foods they can be found in?

It gives you energy.

Can be found in:





Why is protein important in the diet and give example of foods it can be found in?

Helps build muscle and repair of tissue.

Can be found in:





Why are fats important in the diet and give examples of foods they can be found in?

Gives you energy and keeps you warm.

Can be found in:





Why are vitamins and minerals important important in the diet?

To grow and stay healthy.

Why is fibre important in the diet and give examples of foods it can be found in?

To help you go to the toilet and to excercise digestive system.

Can be found in:





Why is water important in the diet?

It helps our body function.

What are macronutrients?

Macronutrients are large amount of nutrients needed by the body e.g. proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Where is excess protein converted and stored and what can it be used as?

In the liver and can be used as secondary source of energy.

What are amino acids?

They are long chains that form protein molecules.

How many known amino acids are there?


What are indespensable amino acids?

They are essential amino acids 9 of the 20 amino acids that we know about are indespensable because we can't make them.

What does HBV stand for?

High Biological Value

What does High Biological Value proteins mean?

It means that these have indispensable amino acids.

Where can high biological value proteins be found?

Animal proteins e.g. fish and meats

What does LBV stand for?

Low Biological Value

What does Low Biological Value proteins mean?

It means that these lack 1 or more Indespensable Amino Acids.

Where can Low Biological Value proteins be found and give examples of foods.

Vegetable Proteins e.g. Cearels, pulses, nuts, and tofu.

What can happen if people do not eat enough proteins in their diet?

Retarded growth

Wasting of muscles and organs

How can vegetarians get all the IAAs in their diet if they do not eat meat and fish?

Complementary proteins i.e. combining vegetable proteins.

e.g. cheese and beans, chocolate soya milk.

What are some bad things about soya?

Take a very long time to cook and do not have much flavour.

What are fats needed for?

1.) Concentrated source of energy.

2.) Protective layer on internal organs.

3.) Supply fat soluble vitamins ADEK

What 3 elements are fat molecules made up of?




How many double bonds do saturated fats?

They have 0 double bonds because they have single bonds.

How many double bonds do unsaturated fatty acids?

They have 2 or more double bonds.

Which fats are healthier fats with or without double bonds?

WIth double bonds are healthier

What type of fatty acid are animal fats made from?

Saturated fatty acids.

What type of fatty acids are vegetable fats made up of?

Unsaturated fatty acids.

What happens to the animal fats in the body and give examples of foods.

Converted to cholesterol in liver.

Food examples: Meats, paté, egg, milk, cream, and butter.

What happens to vegetable fats in the body and give examples of foods.

Not converted too cholesterol.

Food examples: Corn, olive and sunflower oils, margarine, nuts.

What does monosaturated mean?

1 double bond

What does polyunsaturated mean?

Many double bonds

How do you reduce the risk Coronary heart disease?

Less fatty food

More fibre rich

More starchy

More fruit and vegetables

More excercise

What is hidden fat and what food products might you find them in?

Fat that you cannot see in a food product. Foods high in hidden fats include chocolate bars, cheese, fried snack foods, and pizzas.

What are trans fats?

Are chemically altered vegetable oils.

What is the danger of too many


What do vitamins and minerals do within the body?

- Protect the body from infection.

- Regulate body processes such as clotting of the blood and release of energy from food.

What is a good way to make sure we eat a balanced diet?

- Wide variety of foods.

- Eat at least five a day portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

- Not too many sugary or fatty foods and drinks.

Why do diets become unbalanced?

- Eating too much of one type of food and too little of others.

- Some countries not enough food available. (Diet is often defiecient in certain nutrients.)

- Some people may not eat enough food to meet their dietary needs.

What is a problem with eating too much of one type of food and too little of others?

If we eat more energy rich foods than we use up in activity the extra energy will be stored as body fat and we may become obese. And a lack of vitamins and minerals in our diets can result in poor resistance to infections.

What can happen if a country does not have enough food available?

Their diet is deficient in certain nutrients. This can cause poor growth in children and deficiency disseases e.g. beri-beri and pellagra.

Why do some people not eat enough food to meet their dietary needs?

This is called under-nutrition.

Can be caused by not liking certrain foods e.g. fruit and vegetables.

Or by intolerances to foods e.g. dairy products.

Food intake may also be resticted because of a condition called anorexia nervosa which causes severe weight loss and under-nutrition.

Why can elderly people suffer from under-nutrition?

They may lose interest in food

Or they may not be able to cook for themselves.

What can under-nutrition cause?



Weak bones and teeth.

Growth is most rapid from birth to five and during the teenage years. What should their diet provide adequate amounts of?

Protein for growth

Calcium and Vitamin D for the formation of healthy bones and teeth.

Iron and Vitamin C for red blood cells and to prevent anamia in girls.

As we grow older, and less active, energy requirements decrease, but what do we still need a good supply of?

Protein to repair body cells

Calcium and Vitamin D to prevent brittle bones

Vitamin C to help resist infections.

Why do males generally need more energy from foods than females?

Higher metabolic rate

More muscle tissue.

What do pregnant women need to increase in their diet?


Vitamin B (paticuarly folic acid)

Vitamins D and C


Why do pregnant women not need to increase their energy intake?

Less active

Metabolic rate is slower

Why do breastfeeding motehers need to increase their energy intake?

They need to supply their babies energy needs through breastmilk as well as their own needs.

Why should babies be fed only breast or formula milk from birth to six months old?

Their digestive systems can't cope with solid foods.

What will someone who has suffered a bone fracture need more of?

Calcium and protein

What will someone who has suffered a bone fracture need more of?

Calcium and protein

A person who is ill may only have a small appetite so what should the food served contain?


Vitamins and minerals

Only a SMALL amount of:



E.G. Chicken and vegetable soup.

Why is dietary analysis such as food tables in books or computer programs useful?

Highlights deficiencies or excesses in person's nutrient intake.

Useful tool for carrying out primary research for investigations into special dietary needs or food related diseases.

How can you find out if your diet provides an adequate amount of all the nutrients required?

By keeping a dietary diary for at least three days, including one weekend day because we often eat different foods or meals at the weekend.

What is very important when writing a dietary diary?

You need to record the amount you eat or the size of the portion.