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27 Cards in this Set

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Creating a computer model of a real life scenario and putting it into action.

Logical Reasoning

Using a set of facts to determine if new fact are true or false.


A sequence of steps that can be followed to solve a problem

Representational Abstraction

Removing unnecessary details so that only information required to solve the problem remain.

Abstraction by generalisation/categorisation

Putting similar aspects of a problem into hierarchical categories.

(like class inheritance)

Procedural Abstraction

The concept that all solutions can be broken down into a series of procedures and subroutines.

Top-Down Design

The programmer works out what each procedure must do without defining how it will do it. The procedure may call other procedures that are not yet defined.

Functional Abstraction

Breaking down the problem into a series of reusable functions.

Data Abstraction

Hiding how data is represented so that it is easier to build a new kind of data object.

Problem abstraction

Removing unnecessary details in a problem until the underlying processing requirements that solve the problem are identified.

Information hiding

The process of hiding all details of an object that do not contribute to its essential characteristics.


Breaking down a large task into a series of subtasks.


Building a whole system from smaller units.

Turing Machine

A finite state machine with the ability to read and write data to an unlimited tape.


The acceptable symbols for a given Turing machine.

Read/Write head

Can read what is in a cell or write to a cell.

Start State

The state of the machine at the start of the program.

Halting State

The state that terminates the program.

Transition Function

Indicates what should be written at each cell and which direction to move based on the input read.

Universal Machine

A Turing machine that can simulate the behaviour of any other Turing machine. It processes the other machines transition functions on a tape along side a tape of the data to be processed.

How does the Turing machine produce a model of what is computable.

Because the Turing machine is able to carry out any algorithm.

Brackus-Naur Form

A notation for describing the syntax of programming languages.

Context Free Language

A method of describing the syntax of a language.

When would you use brackus-naur form over regex?

When the matching is infinite, for example when trying to describe/identify palindrome.

Regex only work when counting or matching symbols in a string when there is a finite limit.

Tractable Problem

A problem that can be solved in an acceptable amount of time.

Intractable Time

A problem that cannot be solved within an acceptable amount of time.

Halting Problem

An unsolvable problem where it is impossible to write a program that can work out whether another program will halt given a particular output.